Loving You Is Hurtful

Chapter 218: Who is it

When Xia Xiaoxi thought about this, she couldn't help but hit a spirit.

How is this going?

Why... Why is the face different?

Lin Yu couldn't help pale when hearing Xia Xiaoxi's words.

Luo Enxi didn't even feel a chill.

Fu Haochen was surprised that Xia Xiaoxi would say this, but immediately reacted.

Xia Xiaoxi once said that the person who robbed her had a very obvious scar on his face.

But there is absolutely no person who wants to kill him today. Fu Haochen saw it clearly.

Sure enough, as soon as Fu Haochen thought about this, Xia Xiaoxi continued to speak, "The face of the person who robbed me, here." Xia Xiaoxi said, making gestures to the position of her eyes, and then said, "Here is his A scar is very obvious, so I will remember correctly."

The scar on the corner of that person’s eye became Xia Xiaoxi’s worst nightmare during the two days when Xia Xiaoxi encountered the robbery. Even though Xia Xiaoxi never mentioned it, she did wake up many times in her sleep because of it. .

After waking up, there were scars on the corners of that person's eyes.

So Xia Xiaoxi will never forget.

"How could this be..." Luo Enxi murmured.

Fu Haochen also became suspicious for a while. Because he had indeed seen it once, although it was only a slight glance, but the person who shot himself at one time did indeed have scars in the corner of his eye.

Although he was hiding under the sunglasses, he still saw a little bit.

This is a bit strange. Fu Haochen frowned. The reason that helped him determine that these two people were the same person was the breath on that person. Moreover, I have to say that there may be voices.

Although his car windows were closed at the time, he could still hear the phrase "fortune-telling" clearly. Although there may be a little change in the voice due to the glass barrier and the flustered voice, the voice is really low. it's the same.

Fu Haochen lowered his head, carefully recalling that voice.

"I think it must be a person who can't be wrong." Fu Haochen thought for a while, and said in a low voice, and said some of his own speculations, "Maybe, it will be a special disguise technique."

"For example... a human skin mask?" Luo Enxi suddenly raised her head and said at this time.

She has indeed seen relevant descriptions in some literary works. After the protagonist puts on the mask, he completely becomes another person, to complete some tasks that could not be accomplished by his own identity.

"It's possible." Fu Haochen pondered for a while, then said.

Luo Enxi's speculation was reasonable, because Song Kai's pretending doctor was relatively close to him after entering the ward, so he clearly saw that Song Kai's face was a bit uneven and rough.

Maybe it really is like Luo Enxi said, this is just a human skin mask.

Use this mask to cover the scars on your face to ensure that you will not be exposed.

Although this is just a guess, Fu Haochen very much hopes that this kind of guess is true.

Fu Haochen and the others went down relatively late. I didn't know that Qi Yun had already called Song Kai's name in the hall, and the other party didn't respond. So it is inevitable to think more.

There was a trace of fear in Fu Haochen's heart. If once his judgment was wrong, the person who was going to kill him these two times was not alone, then it can only show that the other party might send more people to do it.

Although Song Kai was injured this time, there should never be any more movements, but if there are others...

Fu Haochen rubbed his eyebrows vigorously.

He, or perhaps he and the people around him, are still in a terrible danger.

This kind of frightening day is really impossible.

Fu Haochen suddenly became very upset.

It can't go on like this.

It is indeed useful to catch this person, but if you can’t ask who the envoy is in the end, or if they didn’t disclose information to each other in the process of contacting, then you won’t be able to catch the person who instigated Song Kai to kill Fu Haochen. People, even if they really catch Song Kai, maybe there will be a second Song Kai and a third Song Kai?

The immediate task now is not to catch this person who came to kill him, but to catch this person who wants to kill him.

Who is it that wants to kill him so much?

Fu Haochen felt a terrible headache.

He sent to follow Jason's people, and no news has been returned so far.

Is it really not the Four Emperors this time, but because his judgment is wrong?

Who would it be? Fu Haochen had to start from his mind to check what he had done bit by bit.

He even thought of his school days, but never thought of doing anything that might make others hate him so much.

In fact, Fu Haochen has never done anything outrageous. But this time it was the Four Emperors who acted first, and Luo Enxi was moved.

Luo Enxi, that's the one who Fu Haochen hated for so many years, and he didn't really want to hurt him.

At that time, when Luo Enxi was lying in the rescue room with a knife for Fu Haochen, Fu Haochen, who was standing outside the operating room with a cold body, vowed that the Four Emperors would pay the price.

Therefore, Fu Haochen finally took the pain that the Four Emperors brought to Luo Enxi and returned to Jason, the younger brother of the Four Emperors president Sam.

People who should not be moved should have such awareness.

Fu Haochen never regretted doing this.

Sometimes even looking at Luo Enxi's soft hair on the temples, Fu Haochen would secretly wonder if he had acted lightly.

Fu Haochen had never done anything extraordinary, except this time for Luo Enxi.

……and many more.

Suddenly something flashed in Fu Haochen's mind. When he grasped this flash of light, even a faint chill appeared in his heart.

For Luo Enxi. More than this time for the Four Emperors.

One more time.

Fu Haochen suddenly remembered.

And the time he did it on Luo Beichen.

Since the cooperation meeting with Smith is close, most of Fu Haochen's thinking is on his own market competitors. Fu Haochen felt that maybe it was because the other party wanted to destroy his cooperation, so he would do it.

But Fu Haochen never thought that it was possible by his own side.

Thinking of what he had done for Luo Enxi, Fu Haochen suddenly thought of Luo Beichen.

Could it be him? Fu Haochen's eyebrows were screwed together deeply.

This is hard to say now. Because Fu Haochen didn't know much about Luo Beichen, and he was not sure to what extent Luo Beichen would do it.

Could it be that the things he had done to him kept Luo Beichen in a grudge, and could not let go of it for a long time, so he waited for an opportunity to retaliate?

if it is like this……

"Haochen, what's the matter with you?" Luo Enxi asked with some worry when he saw Fu Haochen's eyebrows twisted tightly, fearing that Fu Haochen would be uncomfortable.

"...I'm fine." Fu Haochen bit her lower lip lightly, and then said, "I just can't figure out who the mastermind is, so I feel a little irritable."

Fu Haochen thought for a while, but did not tell Luo Enxi about his guess.

Even if Luo Enxi and Luo Beichen are half-parents, Luo Beichen has always been bad to Luo Enxi, but in any case, there is a blood relationship.

Even though he had put down the cruel words in front of Luo Enxi's family, saying that Luo Enxi would be taken care of by him in the future, but still had to admit that if Luo Enxi wanted to go home, he could not stop her.

Anyway, they are connected by blood after all.

Therefore, Fu Haochen didn't want to tell Luo Enxi this kind of guess before he was sure.

That would only increase Luo Enxi's psychological burden, and make Luo Enxi could not help thinking about it, and the others would not be of any help.

If Luo Enxi did something irrational for this kind of speculation, it would be even harder to say.

So Fu Haochen simply hid the matter temporarily.

Luo Enxi heard Fu Haochen say this, without the slightest doubt, and then said, "Haochen, this is impatient, we can only investigate slowly."

"Well, I know. It's okay, don't worry." Fu Haochen tried his best to smile a little, but instead consoled Luo Enxi.

This caused a warm current to surge in Luo Enxi's heart.

"Hurry up and take a rest. Don't think about it. The most urgent task is to recover from the injury, otherwise there is no way to fly." Luo Enxi said, stood up, and put the bed down for Fu Haochen.

"Well, you're right." Fu Haochen lay down obediently, and Ren Luo Enxi put a quilt on herself, "You also have a rest."

Luo Enxi nodded. Lin Yu also pushed Xia Xiaoxi back to the ward.

Fu Haochen lay down and closed his eyes gently, but the thinking in his mind did not stop.

Fu Haochen was never a person who was waiting to die.

He is more inclined to take the initiative than waiting for the result.

Maybe someone should go to check Luo Beichen.

Fu Haochen thought, fell asleep slowly, and his breathing soon calmed down.

His injury did not heal at all, and today he was tired and frightened. No matter how well he recuperated, he might get infected and feverish.

Luo Enxi looked at Fu Haochen's quiet side face after falling asleep, and sighed softly.

It is already the end of June and early July, S City will usher in its summer.

The window in the ward opened slightly, the gauze curtain was blown by the breeze, and the afternoon sun fell on the bed, wrapping Fu Haochen in.

The time at this moment seemed to stand still.

After so many days, Luo Enxi rarely had such a peaceful afternoon.

Quietly in the ward, Luo Enxi slowed her breathing and quietly looked at Fu Haochen's sleeping face.

This man, her husband.

Her dependence.

Luo Enxi blinked gently.

There have been too many things recently, one after another, so that she no longer even has time to think about her relationship with Fu Haochen and their feelings.

Luo Enxi was awakened suddenly when he saw He Xia Nuan again and saw the anxiety on Fu Haochen's face again for He Xia Nuan.

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