Loving You Is Hurtful

Chapter 264: Distant dawn

Qi Yun's police car drove fast, running red lights along the way, and quickly reached the warehouse.

When getting off the car, Fu Yucheng felt his legs soft for the first time in his life.

However, he had already done a lot of mental construction for himself just now in the car, so although his face is still pale, he no longer hesitates in the pace, but quickly gets out of the car and walks forward.

No matter what, as long as there is a glimmer of hope, he can never give up.

He wants to see Luo Enxi, no matter what kind of Luo Enxi it is.

The location of the warehouse is very remote. It is a warehouse that has been abandoned for a long time. There are almost no people around and there are very few vehicles. It is indeed a good place to shut people.

It was almost noon when the police arrived at the warehouse.

Qi Yun waved his hand, and the heavily armed special police immediately surrounded him.

Qi Yun led Fu Yucheng and a small group of people to explore the abandoned warehouse upstairs cautiously.

In fact, at the beginning, Qi Yun meant to let Fu Yucheng. After all, Fu Yucheng has not received professional training. The risk factor is very high in such an operation. If the opponent is extremely vicious, then Fu Yucheng is likely to be injured in this rescue operation.

But Fu Yucheng insisted on going up together. Although he had not received professional training like a policeman, he still had the ability to protect himself. As Fu's eldest son, he could not have learned any self-defense skills.

Letting him sit in the car and wait, it was a great torment for Fu Yucheng, he could not sit still.

He wants to see Luo Enxi the first time, and now he wants to see Luo Enxi.

Qi Yun couldn't help Fu Yucheng, so he agreed to let Fu Yucheng go upstairs together.

A team of men and horses was cautious, inspecting one by one, and soon heard a sound near the innermost room on the third floor.

Everyone present immediately tensed up and approached the warehouse more carefully.

Without knowing the other party's situation, if he rashly appears, the other party is likely to be frightened, and then it will be disadvantageous to Luo Enxi.

So a group of people walked with extra care.

When Luo Beichen woke up in the hotel, He Xia Nuan was no longer there. Luo Beichen called He Xia Nuan, and after confirming that He Xia Nuan had gone home, he returned to the warehouse again, but just after Luo Beichen arrived in the warehouse, he found that Luo Enxi had passed out and still did not wake up.

The light was still on, and he patted Luo Enxi on the cheek, Luo Enxi showed no signs of waking up.

So Luo Beichen repeated the old tricks and poured water on Luo Enxi's face again, but Luo Enxi still didn't react at all.

Luo Beichen was shocked, and quickly raised his hand to try Luo Enxi's breath.

Being alive, Luo Beichen was relieved.

Although his breathing was weak, Luo Enxi was still alive, which made Luo Beichen a little relieved.

He hasn't played enough yet, how can he let Luo Enxi die like this?

Luo Beichen threw the soldering iron he had just brought to the ground, and then started to light a fire.

While the soldering iron was baking, Luo Beichen began to figure out a way to wake up Luo Enxi.

He smelled a faint smell of ether in the air.

Luo Beichen was a little surprised why there was such a smell. Could it be that it was on Luo Enxi's clothes when he was caught that day?

Luo Beichen smelled it carefully again, and the faint smell disappeared again.

So Luo Beichen stopped paying attention to this matter, and quickly shifted his mind.

Now, how do I wake up Luo Enxi?

If Luo Enxi is in this coma now, wouldn't he feel very unfulfilled when he gets hot for a while?

Can't hear this woman's screaming, can't see her desperate eyes because of the pain, what's the point of playing?

Luo Enxi now lowered her head, her bangs slid down, unable to see her expression clearly.

Luo Beichen felt that the light was very dazzling and wanted to turn it off, but after thinking about it, the hand that just wanted to move stopped again.

He can't just turn off the lights.

Let's drive it first, and take another photo after Luo Enxi wakes up.

When the soldering iron is ready, turn it off again.

Luo Beichen thought, and laughed coldly.

Luo Enxi, Luo Enxi, you are so miserable now, it is really pleasing to the eye.

The pale skin illuminated by the light and the abnormal blush on the face due to the high heat.

The wound on the body, the **** hands.

This feeling of destroying Luo Enxi personally made Luo Beichen's heart beat faster.

Luo Beichen felt that he had endured for so long and finally did it.

Let Luo Enxi suffer, let Luo Enxi suffer ten times more pain than he suffered.

Let Luo Enxi return what he owed He Xia Nuan and Luo Xirou.

Let Luo Enxi suffer and die in pain.

Luo Beichen's fingertips trembled with excitement.

He raised his hand and slapped Luo Enxi several times, but Luo Enxi still did not wake up.

This made Luo Beichen frowned slightly, how could he be so deeply unconscious, how can Luo Enxi wake up now?

The soldering iron in the brazier is ready.

Luo Beichen thought, or let Luo Enxi feel the pain first, and she would naturally wake up if it hurts too much.

So Luo Beichen no longer tried to wake up Luo Enxi, but went straight forward and picked up the soldering iron.

Luo Enxi, Luo Enxi, Luo Beichen gestured with the soldering iron, where should I burn it first?

Is it this beautiful face, back or legs?

Luo Beichen planned happily.

However, before he could implement it, the big iron gate of the warehouse was suddenly knocked open.

"Don't move!" Before Luo Beichen could react, countless black muzzles had been pointed at him.

Fu Yucheng rushed in with the special police in front.

But they didn't expect that the room would be so bright, it almost pierced people's eyes.

Even so, Fu Yucheng saw Luo Enxi, who was in a coma and unsure of his life and death under the cover of strong light.

"En Xi!" Fu Yucheng rushed forward almost without even thinking about it.

The SWAT police who came in quickly saw the situation in the house. When Luo Beichen was found alone, Qi Yun waved his hand immediately, and the SWAT police rushed forward to remove the soldering iron from Luo Beichen's hand. Luo Beichen was detained.

The whole process went extremely fast, and Luo Beichen was overwhelmed before he even reacted.

Fu Yucheng had rushed to Luo Enxi's face, calling her name loudly.

"Enxi, how are you doing with Enxi! Enxi, open your eyes and look at me!" Fu Yucheng yelled anxiously, but no matter what his name was Luo Enxi, Luo Enxi did not wake up.

Qi Yun had already stepped forward to turn off the searchlight, and the room went dark for an instant.

"Send to the hospital!" Qi Yun shouted.

Fu Yucheng hurriedly untied the rope on Luo Enxi's body, and the skin under the rope had turned blue.

Luo Enxi's hands and feet were cold, but her body was still hot.

Fu Yucheng picked up Luo Enxi and almost rushed out of the warehouse.

"Xiao Li, take the victim to the hospital, hurry up!" Qi Yun ordered immediately.

Xiao Li took the order and immediately ran after Fu Yucheng.

The police car turned on the alarm and drove fast all the way.

Fu Yucheng sat in the back seat, hugged Luo Enxi tightly, and kept talking to her.

"Enxi, hold on to Enxi, it's okay, it's okay..."

Fu Yucheng hugged Luo Enxi tightly, and then he had the opportunity to take a closer look at the person in his arms.

Luo Enxi was thin in front of him, and he was red, obviously having a fever, but no matter how he called it, Luo Enxi didn't react at all.

Luo Enxi's hands were full of blood, they were scabs and swollen in a swollen state, Fu Yucheng didn't even dare to reach out and touch them.

"En Xi, I'll be at the hospital soon, wait a minute, you will be there soon, and you will be fine..." Fu Yucheng pressed his face to Luo Enxi's and whispered, but didn't know it was To comfort Luo Enxi or to comfort himself.

"Hurry up, hurry up!" Fu Yucheng yelled at the policeman driving out of control.

The police car did not stop all the way and drove to the hospital at high speed.

When the car stopped in front of the central hospital, the doctors and nurses had already been notified, pushing the beds and waiting downstairs.

Fu Yucheng had just got out of the car holding Luo Enxi, and the doctors and nurses immediately greeted him. Luo Enxi was quickly sent to the operating room.

Fu Yucheng followed all the way to the door of the operating room, and then was locked outside the door of the operating room.

The lights in the operating room turned on, and Fu Yucheng slowly slid down the wall to the ground, his hands already stained with blood from Luo Enxi.

Fu Yucheng grabbed his hair hard, expressions of pain on his face.

He just hugged Luo Enxi and felt the weight of the whole world weighing on him.

If Luo Enxi had an accident, Fu Yucheng didn't know what to do.

How could you encounter such a thing, how could you encounter such a thing!

When we parted last time, Luo Enxi's smile was still vivid.

That smiling face overlapped with Luo Enxi's weakness today, and Fu Yucheng felt that he was going crazy.

Fu Yucheng suddenly remembered a word.

——Who knows which comes first tomorrow or the accident.

And now Fu Yucheng doesn't even know if Luo Enxi will have tomorrow.

As Fu Yucheng thought, his brain went blank.

All kinds of fragments of past getting along quickly flashed past, but Fu Yucheng couldn't catch anything.

Mrs. Fu soon heard the news and came to the hospital.

"What's wrong, what's wrong with En Xi!" Old lady Fu appeared at the door of the operating room trotting all the way, almost about to fall. Aunt Qin next to her closely followed Old Lady Fu and supported her.

As soon as Mrs. Fu arrived at the door, she immediately saw Fu Yucheng sitting on the ground.

"Yucheng! How is Enxi!" Old lady Fu anxiously knocked on the walking stick in her hand.

Mrs. Fu asked, but how could Fu Yucheng know? He shook his head and started to scratch his hair again.

When he sent Luo Enxi here, he had already discovered that Luo Enxi's condition was very bad.

But speaking of this, doesn't it make the old lady particularly anxious? So Fu Yucheng simply remained silent.

Old lady Fu was even more anxious when she saw that Fu Yucheng did not answer.

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