Loving You Is Hurtful

Chapter 265: He is not worthy

At the door of the operating room, there was anxious circle.

"If En Xi has something short and long, what can we do!" Old lady Fu kept tapping her walking stick on the ground, and Aunt Qin beside her was trying her best to comfort her.

The light in the operating room is always on, like a permanent light leading to the other side.

Mrs. Fu walked back and forth twice, and finally found out what made her feel weird.

"Where is Haochen?" The old lady Fu asked immediately when she found that Fu Haochen was not there.

Almost the moment he heard Fu Haochen's name, Fu Yucheng immediately clenched his fists.

Yes, Luo Enxi is lying in the operating room unpredictable now. Where is Fu Haochen? Where is Fu Haochen?

Luo Enxi is his wife, he is still pregnant. The reason why he took a step back to bless Luo Enxi is because he wants to believe that Fu Haochen has the ability to take good care of Enxi!

But now? The facts tell Fu Yucheng that Fu Haochen did not do it!

If he can do it, why is Luo Enxi lying in the rescue room now?

If Fu Haochen really cares about Luo Enxi, then why didn't he come back right after the meeting, but now he is missing!

Fu Yucheng remembered Luo Enxi's weakness when he saw Luo Enxi in the warehouse. He could hardly restrain his hatred towards Fu Haochen.

Why not stay with Luo Enxi when she needs it most!

At the same time, Fu Yucheng hated himself.

In this way, he entrusted his most beloved woman to a man who was not worthy of his trust, so that Luo Enxi was hurt so much.

"Speak, Yucheng, what about Haochen? What happened to him?" The old lady Fu became anxious when she saw that Fu Yucheng had not spoken all the time.

Now that Luo Enxi has fallen, what should happen if Fu Haochen has any problems!

But what Old Lady Fu did not expect was that Fu Yucheng did not give her any bad news, but nodded coldly.

"Fu Haochen is not at home, I can't contact him."

Even if he didn't accompany his wife when she needed it most, Luo Enxi had already had such a big incident, and Fu Haochen still couldn't get in touch. This was beyond Fu Yucheng's acceptance.

Mrs. Fu was obviously taken aback too, how could this happen!

Mrs. Fu quickly took out her cell phone and called Fu Haochen.

This time Fu Haochen was quickly connected.

Although it was late at night, Fu Haochen did not drink alcohol, and he was ready to return to China. Even if he is still angry with Luo Enxi, it is impossible to stay in the United States forever and avoid this incident.

After all, there is no need to not even return home for this matter.

Although Fu Haochen was very unhappy about being woken up in the middle of the night, but seeing that the caller ID was Mrs. Fu, Fu Haochen did not delay, and quickly answered the phone.

"Hey, grandma, what's the matter?" Fu Haochen had just woke up with a noticeable sleepiness in his voice.

"Haochen, where are you?" Old lady Fu's voice was full of anxiety.

Fu Haochen was half awakened by Mrs. Fu's tone, and his brain started to work quickly. Could something be wrong?

"Grandma, I have stayed in the United States for two more days. I plan to go back tomorrow. What's the matter?" Fu Haochen's tone became clearer.

"You come back soon! Something happened to En Xi!" Old lady Fu's tone was very hasty.

"What! What's going on!" Fu Haochen was completely awake now, and he even sat up from the bed.

Old Mrs. Fu was about to say more, but Fu Yucheng beside her suddenly stood up and grabbed the phone in Mrs. Fu's hand.

"Fu Haochen, listen." Fu Yucheng was extremely angry, he tried to suppress the anger in his tone, not let his voice sound trembling, "If you can't take care of En Xi, let her come to me. , I can take care of her!"

"What do you mean!" Fu Haochen frowned immediately and asked Fu Yucheng, "What you said...Hey, hey! Damn!"

Fu Yucheng hung up the phone as soon as he finished speaking. He didn't even want to hear Fu Haochen's voice again.

Fu Haochen threw the phone bitterly, but for a moment he became flustered.

Old lady Fu said that Luo Enxi had an accident, and what Fu Yucheng said was obviously abnormal, so what happened to Luo Enxi now?

Don’t you want to shut down and answer your phone? Why did something happen suddenly!

Fu Haochen thought, but couldn't sit still anymore, got up immediately and started getting dressed, and quickly called his accompanying secretary.

When the little secretary received Fu Haochen's call, there was a noticeable sleepiness in her tone, but Fu Haochen awakened her with a few words, "Hurry up and prepare the earliest return ticket for me. It's just myself. Hurry up!"

The little secretary immediately lost sleep, turned on the computer, and instinctively began to carry out Fu Haochen's will.

Fu Haochen put down the phone and got dressed. He simply washed his face and immediately started rushing to the airport.

No matter what happened to Luo Enxi, he is now in Country M, and he certainly can't help a little bit, so instead of asking, it's better to go back to the country and see it by yourself.

Fu Haochen took the bodyguard and quickly boarded the plane returning home by himself.

Fu Haochen stared at the scenery outside the window, but he was absent-minded.

He hopes the plane can fly faster, and he doesn't want anything to happen to Luo Enxi.

Even if they just quarreled.

After Fu Yucheng hung up the phone, he handed it back to Mrs. Fu, hanging his head and stopped speaking.

He was extremely angry, but there was nowhere to vent it.

There was extreme fear in his heart, but there was nowhere to tell.

Two feelings tormented Fu Yucheng, making him almost crazy.

Old Mrs. Fu took her mobile phone in a daze, but she didn't respond for a while, but she found it hard to ask more when she saw Fu Yucheng's extremely terrifying expression.

The waiting time is always exceptionally long.

At first, Fu Yucheng stood by the wall, then squatted down, and was later pulled into a chair by Mrs. Fu.

"Don't worry, En Xi will be fine, she will be fine, God bless..." The old lady Fu looked at Fu Yucheng, originally trying to comfort Fu Yucheng, but after speaking, she started to pray for herself.

But Fu Yucheng couldn't listen to the comfort of Mrs. Fu.

He has only one thought in his mind now.

If Luo Enxi had any shortcomings, he would definitely and never let Fu Haochen go.

When the lights in the operating room are turned off, this period of time always makes people feel like a lifetime.

When the lights in the operating room finally went out, Fu Yucheng rushed up first.

The nurse pushed Luo Enxi out, and Fu Yucheng's heart almost touched his throat.

——Luo Enxi's face is not white.

When he saw all this clearly, Fu Yucheng's heartbeat slowed down for an instant, and he could even feel the cold sweat that drenched his clothes instantly.

"Doctor, how is my grandson-in-law, how is she!" Old lady Fu was helped by Aunt Qin and quickly walked up.

"Your life is no longer in danger, and the situation has stabilized." The doctor pulled down the mask and said with a sigh of relief.

Mrs. Fu was relieved at first when she heard this sentence, but then she realized that there was something wrong with it.

"The adults are okay, what does it mean that the adults are okay?" Old lady Fu's eyes widened slightly, and bad thoughts flashed in her heart.

"We are very sorry about this." The doctor said, but there was no sign of guilty conscience, and he still looked directly at Mrs. Fu. "The injured has already given birth, and the child has not been saved."

The doctor said calmly that the child had died when Luo Enxi was sent, and they were unable to recover.

"What...what..." Old lady Fu took two steps back in shock, Aunt Qin anxiously supported her, "How could this be..."

Her great-grandson, is that gone? She could not digest the news for a while.

"Doctor, aren't you lying to me..." Mrs. Fu was almost a little unstable on her feet, she looked at the doctor in disbelief.

"I'm sorry." The doctor's face remained unchanged, repeating what he had just said.

Fu Yucheng also couldn't react for a while.

Luo Enxi's child is gone. This news must be a fatal blow to her, right?

After all, it can be seen from Luo Enxi's behavior that Luo Enxi still treasures this child very much.

Fu Yucheng's ecstasy just knowing that Luo Enxi was okay was diluted by the news, he pursed his lips, and couldn't say what it was like in his heart.

He looked at Luo Enxi's pale face, and the doctor continued to talk about Luo Enxi's examination and treatment.

"The injured have not eaten, and the drinking water is not clean, which has caused some stomach diseases; the injuries on the face should be caused by beatings, and there were serious wounds in the oral cavity; the injuries to the fingers were extremely serious, which should be a pinch. Fortunately, the bones were not injured; due to the long-term exposure to strong light, the eyes will enter a short period of invisible objects. The specific time to recover depends on the recovery of the injured."

"As for the child's problem," the doctor continued, "the injuries I just mentioned must have had a significant impact on the child, but in the end the cause of the fetus's death was a heavy blow to the abdomen, which caused the child to die directly."

Mrs. Fu gasped, and then started crying.

The doctor did not delay more, but went on to say, "Moreover, the wounded has developed a high fever due to wound infection and needs to be relieved urgently. Now we must take more care."

Looking at Luo Enxi who was pale and weak on the hospital bed, Fu Yucheng couldn't help feeling distressed.

She suffered so much and lost her child.

She played the piano so nicely, but now she hurt her finger.

Her eyes are bright and moving, but now they are wrapped in circles of white gauze.

Fu Yucheng felt that the corners of his eyes were hot, and Mrs. Fu's sobbing sound was close to his ears. He didn't know what expression he should make.

Go to comfort Mrs. Fu?

But now, he wants to cry like this too.

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