Lucky Unluckiest

14 Chapter Fourteen


I woke up when Liam called me.

\"Are you awake?\" He seemed excited. \"I am, now.\" I was half asleep.

\"Okay good, now get ready.\"

I checked my alarm clock and it was only 6:00, \"Why? It's only 6am. I need to sleep.\" I whined.

\"I am taking you out for a date, come on! I am waiting outside and it's cold here.\"

God! He's standing outside!?

\"Are you crazy!??\" I tried to sound angry but yawned instead.

He always does that when he wants to treat me.

I stretched and got off my lovely bed and made my way to the door.

\"Logan!\" Liam smiled as I opened the door. I turned around without even saying hi. I went to my room and Liam followed me. He jumped on my bed and I made my way to the washroom. I brushed me teeth and got ready as I put my blue t shirt on with a black jacket.

\"Omg. My handsome boyfriend.\" Liam narrowed his eyes and smirked.

\"Shut up.\" I replied as I hung my bag and we both left home.

Liam took me to a local place but trust me, this place serves the best breakfast ever. We ate there while Liam was talking about something random and then he discussed about his part time job which reminded me that it's been almost a week I didn't go to my place. Oh no!

After having breakfast and talking for so long it was almost time for our class so we directly made our way there.

Talking, talking, talking we reached our destiny and made our way to our class. Miss Melanie came and we started with our usual course. Teaching and lecturing for hours and finally 5 minutes were left. She distributed some papers and when I saw what paper so it was the test paper.

Time passed and the bell rung and when I went outside, Liam was already waiting for me. He always is.

\"What is in your hand?\" He asked

before I could reply I heard someone yelling my name.


\"Logan!\" She came running and panting.

She came running towards me, her dark brown hair were open and swinging behind her shoulders with a huge smile on her face, she looked so pretty with happiness and sparkle in her eyes and what surprised me is that she wanted to share the reason for her happiness with me, I guess.

\"Look I got 78% marks on the paper.\" She looked so happy about it, it kind of relieved me because she was so worried since yesterday and I couldn't do anything about it because I don't know how to console anyone at all.

\"That's great!\"I said showing her my paper, being honest I, myself didn't see my marks.

Her smiled disappeared for a moment as she was reading the marks on the paper and then, after a moment, again her smile reached her eyes. \"Wow! 87%.\" She exclaimed.

\"Wait, what?\" I took a glance at my paper, surprised.

\"Wow!\" I was surprised myself.

\" What!? \"Liam snatched the paper from me and looked at the marks.

\"Wow Logan, you betrayed me.\" Liam said with a straight face.

\"I thought you're going to pass with poor grades.\" He frowned.

\"Why would I pass with poor grades Liam?\" I asked.

\"Don't know. Let's have lunch.\"

I turned to Sophia and she was waving me goodbye. I passed a smile and went to have lunch with Liam.


I was very calm because I had a feeling that Logan is going to score very well looking at how much he puts his effort in his studies. I was kind of happy for his marks. On my way to cafeteria I met Emma so I decided to have lunch with her since I don't know anyone else here, yet.

I think I need to make friends here.

Walking to the cafeteria I was searching for Logan, not to sit with him but just to see him and I don't know why. Emma was talking with someone on the phone and seems like she was having an argument with someone.

We sat at a table and someone came and sat with us. Apparently it was Emma's friend. Emma shuts her phone angrily and covers her face with a deep sigh.

Her friend stares at me, \"Is she alright?\" She asks me and then shifts her eyes to Emma and taps her hair, \"are you alright? What's wrong?\"

Emma shook her head, her face is still covered and hair all around her face.

\"And you are?\" Her friend asks me.

\"Umm... I am Sophia, new to this college.\"

\"Oh, hi Sophia! I am Natasha, Emma's friend.\"

\"Nice to meet you.\" As soon as I said that she smiled and turned back to Emma and tapped her head once again.

Emma removed her hands for her face and sighed deeply.

\"What's wrong?\" Natasha asked.

I decided to stay quiet as I don't really know Emma or Natasha.

\"Nothing Nat, just family problems.\"

\"What? Your mother is still asking for divorce?\"

\"No, it's dad.\" She frowned.

\"But I rather not care; it's their life, their decision. I don't want to meddle; but it's for Tony. He's still young. He needs support. He needs love.\" She added.

I wonder how family wants to part from each other. I can't live without either of them.

Why do I get an urge to make her feel better?

I tried saying something but I closed my mouth that what if I say something she minds. I don't really know her.

\"I'll bring you food.\" This is what my mouth could say and it did.

But trust me if it were me, it would make me feel a bit better because who doesn't want food?

I stand up and start walking near the line. The line was still very long. I stood at the last and was watching how many people there are when my eyes caught Logan's. He moved his hand in a way telling me to come to him and I did. He was way too near the stalls. He let me stand in front of him, first I did try to stop him and told that I was alright but he grabbed my hand and made me stand in front of him. I couldn't do anything and felt weird for a second but that didn't last long as the person in front of me went away and it was my turn to grab lunch.

I wasn't really hungry so I just picked lunch for Emma and went away to the table where Emma was sitting.

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