Lucky Unluckiest

15 Chapter Fifteen


I have no idea why I did that but I felt a kind of pity that she had to wait for so long just to grab lunch so I helped her a little bit, well she tried to tell me that she was okay standing in the end of this never ending line but for some reason I grabbed her hand and pulled her in front of me. It was a little awkward that she suddenly became so quiet and still in front of me. I wanted to congratulate her on the test but I didn't get the chance to because as soon I pulled her in front of me, her turn came so she quickly grabbed her lunch and went away.

I couldn't see where she went because my turn came and I got busy picking up food for myself and Liam. After making my tray I made my way to Liam.

Liam was looking at me like the love of his life is approaching him, but wait he was not looking at me. He was looking at the tray full of food. Yes that's him.

He gave me a full smile once I was near the table. I put the tray on the table and sat down. He was looking at the food like it was his first time but it's okay, he's always like this. He loves food so much. Maybe more than he'll ever love humans.

I just grabbed a sandwich and began eating it. There is always silence between us while eating and we are comfortable with it so we ate quietly.

After finishing our lunch we decided to just roam around the college as we didn't had anything else to do so we started from the vending machine placed near the stairs. I inserted coins and waited for the cola to come out while Liam was busy with his phone.

I took out the cola and I hit Liam's head.

\"Stop using your phone when you're with me.\" I complained.

\"It hurts, you know.\" He said patting his head. And I passed him a simple smile and he knows the meaning behind his smile that if he uses his phone again I might hit him again. I don't like it when people are with me and they use their phone. It makes me feel like I am boring them and they are not interested talking to me.

He smiled back at me and we started roaming around the corridor drinking coke. I really like Liam now because he has stayed with me through thick and thins and always been there for me whenever I needed him, although he acts a bit immature but he really isn't what he shows people. He is actually a responsible person but he doesn't like watching people sad around him and he can do embarrassing things just to cheer up the people he loves and never shows his true side to people even not to me, but I've noticed a million of times.

I noticed whenever he stands up for me; I notice whenever he tries to cheer me up. I notice that whenever people say harsh things to him he does get hurt in fact a lot but he never shows. He just smiles and acts like nothing happened but I know what happens inside his heart. His heart beats so swiftly that it feels like it's going to explode any minute from now and it is so much worse than physical pain when you get hurt while riding a bicycle or you fall from a tree. I know his pain because I suffer from that too.

I tend to hide what I am feeling inside. Being honest I am pretty good at hiding feelings just like Liam. I guess that's why we kind of understand each other.

Talking nonsense for like 10 minutes the bell rung and we parted ways as we were in different class.

As soon as I were in the class and sat down I saw Sophia and a lot of people around her. Of course I got curious and tried to look why everyone was with her but it was useless.

As soon as Miss Melanie came in everyone rushed to their places and settled down.

And so she started our boring lecture again.


I was sitting with Emma and she is pretty popular here, I guess.

In the class when she sat right beside me 5 to 6 people gathered around her but it was usual as she was used to it. Since they all were talking to her they noticed me and started a conversation with me as well.

They asked me about my family and from where I was; I guess I am starting to make friends here. But as soon as Miss Melanie came in everyone flew to their original seats.

Then we continued with our usual boring lectures.

As soon as the class ended those people once again came to us and they talked to me. I replied every question with a smile on my face like I always do.

After a while I picked up my bag and made my way outside.

\"Sophia.\" Someone called out my name and I turned around to see Isabelle.

Isabelle is one of those people I made friends with. She is also from London. In fact her family lives in London and she's living here alone in an apartment.

Yeah that's what she told me.

Actually since we are from the same place we talked more than others. So she came to me calling out my name.

\"Hi!\" I waved my hand.

\"Hi, want to go home together?\" She asked.

\"Sure. Why not?\"I smiled at her.

She smiled back and we started walking and once again I heard someone calling out my name. I guess I am getting pretty famous here but when I turned around this time I saw Logan. I suddenly stopped walking and waited for him to reach us.

\"Hey.\" I said to him.

\"Who is he?\" Isabelle Asked.

\"He's my.... \"I stopped for a moment and made a confused face looking at Logan.

\"He's my friend.\" I finished my sentence and smiled at Logan.

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