Lucky Unluckiest

16 Chapter Sixteen


It was hard deciding whether to catch up with Sophia or not but in the end I saw myself ending up calling her name. She was walking with someone from our class. I know her. Her name is Isabelle and she tries to grab my attention a lot. I don't know why but she does. Liam says she's interested in me but I don't know about that because I don't really pay attention to women here as I am busy putting all my effort in studying and also I am not social at all.

As soon as she turned around her smile disappeared when she saw me.

\"Hi.\" She said to me while Isabelle whispered something in her ear.

\"He is....\" She paused for a moment and stared at me.

\"He's my friend.\" She spoke after a moment of silence and passed me one of her sweetest smile.

\"Hi! I am Isabelle.\" Isabelle took out her hand indicating me to shake it. I didn't have a choice so I did while greeting her back.

Being honest I wanted to ask Sophia whether she wants to walk home with me but now seeing her walking home with someone else I don't want to disturb. And now it feels awkward since I don't have anything else to say.

\"Uh...\" I began.

I was making an awkward face while trying to think fast what to say.

\"Uh... Congratulations.\"I smiled brightly, putting my hands at the back of my neck trying to hide the awkwardness.

\"Congratulations on what?\"She asked and was totally confused.

\"On...n...On your test.\" I completed my sentence. I shouldn't have said that. Of course she'd pass the test. Well I didn't expect her to fail and it was a normal class test. Who would have failed? I regret saying that. I should've said something else. Like anything but this.

Never mind.

I can't undo what have already been done so there's no point regretting it.

\"Oh thank you! Actually its all because of you I passed or else I had no hope at all. Thanks for being there for me.\" She said and ended it with a smile and again I couldn't help but stare. I hate myself for looking at her like that but I just go blank inside whenever she smiles and I know I look like a total idiot standing blank in front of her. What's unbelievable is that she is telling me she that passed her test because of me, because I helped her. I was the reason.

I quickly move my eyes from her to Isabelle.

\"It was nice to meet you.\" I told her and turned my face to Sophia to give her a little smile and went turned back and start walking before it gets more awkward.

I took out my phone to message Liam and ask him where is he and he replied that he went home early as he had to go to his part time job.

Thinking of that I haven't been to my working place but there isn't anything to worry about since that place isn't that popular and also we have shifts so I am pretty sure it was Alex's shift this week. Yes for the whole week we two people work. Tomorrow is Friday and from Monday I will be going there to work for a week.

Anyways, I made my way home and this doesn't happen very much since Liam is always with me and we walk home together since we became friends.

But its okay he needs to go there and work and I hope he stays there because he can't stick to one place for a long time. I hope he works hard and supports his family, like I ever wanted to.

I still remember this one thing that once when I was small, my mother was watching a show and I were sitting beside her and I remember that in that show when the son got his first salary, he took his mother out for dinner and bought many gifts and other things for his mother to thank her that she has always loved him, since then I planned that when I grow up and do my own work I'll go shopping with her and later we'll have a fancy dinner at a fancy restaurant and make her a proud mummy but, but I guess God planned something else for me. My all dreams were crushed, shattered right before my eyes, even before I had a chance to make them come true. I was a little child when my mother died and my father, I couldn't believe he did that! He promised he'll call me there once he's settled there but he only called once after a month when he went to reassure me that he'll come take me.

My past is full of darkness, miseries and sorrow. That's why I don't like telling people about myself and they think I am closed off and cold hearted... But trust me I am not. I've got so much heat inside of me and I tend to hide my real self. I am probably one of those people who are the most emotional and caring but I just don't like to express my feelings and it kills me inside.


I turned around and made my way home with Isabelle. First she was quietly walking with me and then right after when we left the building she burst out. Asking me so many questions at once. She asked me so many questions and before I get a chance to answer them she asked me another one. About where I used to live, my family, if I have ever been in a relationship.

I told her I have a very happy family but I didn't tell her about my brother. But when she asked me whether I am the only child, it broke me inside a little. It still hurts my heart when someone mentions my brother. There was no point in hiding so I told her that I had a brother but he passed away while avoiding eye contact with her and tried my best stopping the tears to roll down my cheeks.

\"I am sorry.\" She said

\"No no, it's okay.\" I hid it with a plastic smile.

\"It's been a while now; he passed away when I was fourteen.\" I added.

She nodded her head and kicked a stone.

Walking silently after then it was time to separate paths as we wanted to go different ways; waving each other we separated ways. She's okay. I mean she sounds like a good person and talks very much unlike Logan. Wait? Why Log- Why did I compare her with Logan? Why did Logan come in my head? I shook my head hardly. When I reached home I rang the doorbell, my dad opened. My dad is home early today. Wow. I hugged him and he kissed my forehead. I smiled at him and made my way in the kitchen to look for something to eat but there was nothing. 'That's unusual.' I thought to myself.

\"Mom\" I called out her name. But there was no answer.

\"Dad, where is mom?\" I turned to my father who was looking at me smiling.

\"Your mother is getting ready, go get ready. We're going out for dinner.\" He stated.

Although I am nineteen, my parents still treats me like I am a little child and the good part is that I like it. They care for me a lot that shows that they truly love me and I love them back equally. They do it more since my brother passed away. I guess that's because they are afraid to lose me too.

\"Really!?\" I said in enthusiasm.

\"I'll be back.\" I said and made my way upstairs to my room.

I opened my wardrobe to decide what to wear. Of course this is the hardest task for any girl alive here on this planet. Of course. People say we have a lot of clothes but trust me. No. choosing what to wear is the most difficult task I've ever come across in my life, not because I have a lot dresses. It's because I've wore them all a lot of times and I don't want to wear them again.

Ahh I wish I had a dress for every time we go outside. Well since we're not going somewhere fancy, I guess. But what if my father decides to go somewhere fancy? Aahh I don't know.

I took out my white skinny jeans and a peach top with open shoulders. I guess this will be good. I went in the bathroom, took a quick shower and got changed. I did a little make up, of course and made my way downstairs. When I got downstairs, my parents were already ready waiting for me.

\"Come on girl, let's go.\"My mother said and opened the front door.

I nodded and made my way to my car.

When we got in the car my father asked me sitting in driving seat.\" Where do you want to go Sophia?\" \"I don't know dad, it's totally up to you. \"

\"We'll just go wherever you want darling.\"

\"Surprise me.\" I quickly said right after his answer.

My mother looked at me in a surprise and she told dad that we'll just go there and I have no idea what she's talking about. My father started the car and we made our way to a place I have no idea about.

Turned out it was a place we often go to. It was somewhat fancy. It was my mum's favourite place and mine too. It serves the best food with good quality staff. I wish to take Logan someday with me.


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