Lucky Unluckiest

29 Chapter Twenty Nine

The following day


We walked to college together, not uttering a single word. I'll definitely tell him some other time. When it's the right time to.

I saw Sophia but chose to ignore and go right to my class since I don't want to meddle with her anymore because I don't see anything between us in the future. She doesn't even like me. She's just being nice to me. I'm thinking too much.

I looked at Liam, I think I should tell him after class when we go and have our lunch together. I can't delay it. I have a little time here and I don't want him to know the last moment. I will tell him. I definitely will. We headed to our class and settled down. I looked for Sophia and found her sitting right behind me and that sudden eye contact surprised me. I quickly looked in the front.

After the class, I asked Liam for lunch and he agreed. I made couple of eye contacts with Sophia but decided to ignore even though I couldn't control my heart.

I took Liam to the restaurant Sophia and I often visit. The whole aura reminded me of nothing but her. We both ordered what we wanted to have and settled down.

I took a deep breath and looked at Liam, \" Liam?\" I softly spoke trying to make up the next sentence in my head.

\"Huh?\" He replied rubbing his both hands as it was cold today, looking here and there but not at me. \"I got the acceptance letter from the university I kept trying for.\" This grabbed his attention as his face turned to me and his eyes were wide open and it took him a few seconds to adapt in the situation.

\"Th- that means you-\"

\"You're going away?\" He asked, expecting me to say no.

\"Yes. They want me to join from Jan 1st\" I explained calmly.

\"This soon!?\" His eyes were once again popped out.

I nodded.

There was a silence for a few seconds since we both were out of words. \"Man, I'm happy for you. \" His face didn't show any happiness. \"I really am! Congratulations!\" He faked a laugh and a smile.

Our order arrived, we both ate quietly. I didn't like this silence. It was too loud for me to bear.

After eating, he went his way and I went mine.

I don't blame him honestly. I would've been this shocked too if I ever heard he'd go away since he's the only one I got. He's the only one I trust. He's the only one I can rely on. He's important to me. I've never told him that nor I ever intend to but I hope he knows how much he means to me and how grateful I'll always be to him.

I really wish to see myself through his eyes. I want to know what he sees me as. I want to know what he thinks about me. If he likes me or not. If I'm a burden to him or a friend. If I'm as important to him as he is to me. I'd also like to see myself through Sophia's eyes too. I really want to know how she feels about me. If our feelings are mutual or not. Only if I could google her feelings for me. Life would be so much easier.

I walked my way to home silently, alone like what I've mostly felt. It all came back. The loneliness. I haven't felt that in a while since I was always around Liam or Sophia or the group I recently worked with.

This feeling was like an old uninvited visitor. Familiar yet unappealing to me.


What has gotten into Logan?

I take one step forward, he takes two steps back.

He really does know how to make one feel like a Cinderella. A night so dreamy and the next day, WHOOSH!  it's all gone. He pulls me in and pushes me out. I'm so confused. I don't know how to deal with him anymore. The more I wanted to be with him today, the more he made me feel like a stranger to him.

He better make up his mind about what he wants.

I kept walking, lost in my thoughts. Soon when I was almost home I spotted someone in front of me.

\"Logan?\" I softly asked since I wasn't sure if it's him, what would he be here?

He turned around, his eyes widened when he looked at me. He looked around to see where he was. Later his eyes widened again from the realization that it was my neighborhood and not his. He was just as surprised as I was when he realized he was in my neighborhood.

I was confused and so was he.

\"What happened?\" I barely heard him since we were a little far away from each other.

He walked fast towards me, apologized and passed by me.

I felt the breeze as it hit my face with his cologne.

He stopped again, as he realized something again, he scratched his head, turned around and walked towards me.

\"H-how was your day?\" He's asked as he stood right in front of me scratching his neck, staring right at me.

\"Uh- it-it was\" I nodded, \"fine.\" I tried to sound as less awkward as I could but it took all over me.

\"Ahh- I see.\" He nodded and faked a laugh as he was trying to cover up the embarrassment.

There was a brief moment of silence between us and then he spoke again, \"I should go home now, it's late.\" It wasn't late.

I nodded and we said our farewells. I watched as he walked in the other direction. It felt a bit weird watching him here. And of course plenty of questions came to my mind related to it. When I could no longer see his figure, I started walking towards my house.

He's cute.

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