Lucky Unluckiest

30 Chapter Thirty


Waking up and the first thing I felt was regret.

Why the hell would I walk into her neighbourhood rather than my own!? I must have gone crazy with all that overthinking! I wonder what she'd be thinking about it. I feel like my head is going to burst. I need to relax my mind and free it from all those dumb thoughts.

I got up and went to the bathroom, I stared at myself in the mirror and regretted what happened yesterday. How lost in thoughts must I be that I mistook the path to her place and not mine. I couldn't just forget it. I got ready for college and took out my phone to text Liam but then stopped and thought if he's alright by now. I put my phone in my pocket and made my way to the college but ended up at Liam's place. The moment I got there, I saw him getting out of his place.

\"Logan.\" He called out as soon as he saw me.

\"I was planning to pick you up.\" He laughingly added.

I smiled back. He asked me if I had breakfast and I said yes even though all I had was a glass of water. He nodded and we walked to college, Talking about the usual stuff. That's what I like about Liam. He doesn't talk about what happened in the past again and again. He doesn't highlights it nor let the aura between us get uncomfortable. When he knows I don't like talking about something, he doesn't touches that topic but he never lets me know about his curiosity like a person has millions of questions regarding  a situation but he seems calm about everything. I want to thank him for everything but I don't seem to get a chance to do so.

We walked to college and we went separate ways since we had different classes. Walking to my class I saw Emma excitedly making her way to me. What's gotten into her? \"Heyy, are you ready??\" She couldn't hold her excitement in.

\"For what?\" I asked as I had no idea what she was talking about.

Disappointment took all over her face, \"It's our presentation day, Logan.\"


I am not even prepared for it! I rubbed my temples as anxiety took all over me. I've always been anxious about performing in front of audience. Anxiety was my middle name. I had no idea what to do. \"Well you don't need to worry, Jacob, Sophia and Noah will be performing pretty much of everything.\"

I was frustrated at the thing that she took Sophia's name with Jacob. \"Then what about us?\" I asked.

\"Well...\" She giggled.

\"We suggested you change the slides... Sorry.\" She continued.

That's the easiest thing! I was secretly relieved.

\"What about you?\" I asked her. \"Well, I talked to Miss Melanie. I have some business to take care of related to my family so I cannot stay.\" How lucky she is.

\"Good luck!\" She patted on my shoulder, giving me one of her happiest smiles. \"We worked really hard for this.\" She added, her face showed how proud she was. I smiled.

I made my way into the class as I saw Sophia anxious waiting for someone, it turned out to be me when I saw the relief she had on her face the second she saw me. Jacob was too. \"The- there's just three of us?\" Sophia asked, tensed.

\"What do you mean by three? Where's Noah?\" I asked as she was getting me tensed up as well.

\"Noah hasn't showed up yet.\" Jacob told me.

The clock struck and Miss Melanie came in. She looked happy today comparatively to other days. I was more anxious now that Noah didn't show up and the first group Miss Melanie chose was ours.

Sophia looked like she's about to faint any moment now. \"Umm..mmm..... Noah hasn't shown up yet.\" She managed to tell Melanie.

She lifted her eyes to the surprise, \"What are you going to do now? I can deduct marks.\" Melanie said.

\"We'll still perform though.\" I said it out loud, without giving it a thought because I cant afford to lose marks and I didn't want to disappoint Sophia.

Jacob and Sophia's, both pair of eyes widened at me. \"Umm..\" I hesitated. \"I'll do Noah's part.\" I instantly regretted.


We couldn't believe what Logan said and stood there, staring at him as he took the piece of paper from my hands. I worked all night and sorted out what should be said by whom while representing our research work. \"So I've to say Noah's parts, right?\" He asked, not taking his eyes off the sheets. \"Yeah.\" Jacob replied.

\"Come on, we don't have the whole day.\" Melanie grabbed our attention and we made our way in front of the class.

We introduced ourselves and then Logan did the opening as he introduced the concept of the work we were presenting. He spoke confidently yet I saw his hands shaking a bit. I didn't miss this chance to stare at his captivating features which I find devastatingly attractive. I looked at him as he spoke, staring at his eyes, nose, lips and his neck which dumbfounded me for a moment. Next, Jacob spoke his part well and telling in details along with the slides. The presentation went well.

The students rushed outside as soon as the class was over. I was just relieved that everything went well.

\"Sophia!\" Emma came running. \"I ran all the way here from my place to see how you presented but I guess it's over already. How did it go?\" She asked, a bit panting.

\"Noah didn't show up.\" I sighed as I kept walking.


\"Yeah. But Logan got us covered. He did the part.\" I was thankful to him.

\"Ohh\" she let out a sigh of relief. \"Why don't we celebrate it, let's have lunch together. It's on me.\" Jacob joined us.

\"Why not?\" Emma smiled ear to ear.

\"Where's Logan?\" Jacob asked as he looked here and there for him. We all did.

Emma spotted him walking away with someone, probably Liam. We all ran to him to stop him. We were successful as we caught their attention and they both turned around to see what was happening. Logan looked at me, confused, his eyes asking for what's the matter but I looked at Jacob and waited for him to speak.

\"We...\" He panted a bit. \"We are going to celebrate the teamwork. Let's go have lunch together.\" We all moved our gaze to Logan, desperately waiting for his answer. But he turned to Liam. \"it's okay, you can go.\" He told Logan.

\"Why don't you join us?\" I asked Liam.

\"I can't. I have other plans. \" He smiled at me.

\"Have fun.\" He patted Logan's shoulder as he walked away.

\" Let's go then!\" Emma said like a little kid who is about to get her ice cream.

We all walked, chatting and laughing to the restaurant and found a table with an outside view. Jacob went to order while we settled. \"Heard you were amazing.\" Emma said to Logan. Logan lifted his eyebrows in disbelief. \"Me?\" He asked pointing his index finger to himself. \"Not really.\" I only did what Noah was supposed to do.

\"And the fact that you weren't prepared for the part makes you amazing.\" She dragged on, not ready to lose against him.

\"Well thank you.\" He thanked her sensing that she'd keep on doing that until he agrees with her.

I giggled. To my surprise, they both looked at me. I felt an instant regret. \"You did great too, Sophia.\" Logan complimented me. And I didn't know what to do with that compliment.

I smiled, \"thank you.\" He smiled back and now he seemed a lot like a normal guy.

Waiting for Jacob, Emma kept talking to Logan about random stuff. Which made me a little frustrated at the fact that it wasn't me he was talking to. After a while Jacob appeared with the order, I got up and helped him setting it on the table. I felt Logan's gaze on me but it's probably just my imagination and nothing more.

After enjoying our meal we got outside, once again, Jacob said that he'd walk me home but this time, to my surprise, Logan told him that he'd do that since he has to go to the same way. And they both looked at me for their respond.

\"Ummm...\" I hesitated seeing them all looking at me.

\"I think it's better if Logan does.\" I avoided contact with either of them.

Logan got by my side like a happy puppy and we walked towards my place.

It wasn't even 5 minutes when we reached home, I was both, sad and not ready to go home. We said our farewells and he waited till I got in. I waved him and he waved back. He's giving me hope again.

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