Lucky Unluckiest

6 Chapter Six


The alarm woke me up at exactly 5:30 am.

My head felt so heavy and I didn't feel like moving a single muscle in my body. I didn't want to go anywhere today and just continue my sleep and I was even about to turn the alarm clock off, but then I remembered about the group assignment.

Oh god.

Suddenly, Sophia popped in my mind out of nowhere. Why am I still thinking of her?

I quickly got up and went to take a shower and then I got ready.

I opened the fridge and it was almost empty.

\"Ahh, I forgot to go to grocery store yesterday.\" I mumbled.

So without having breakfast I left my home but grabbed some snacks along from the convenience store nearby.

While I was walking and lost in my thoughts about random things, someone came rushing behind me and grabbed my shoulders.

I was startled at first but then I realized it was Liam. I knew it.

\"Morning!\" He exclaimed. He's always excited for no reason.

\"Morning.\" I replied.

And so we walked to college together.

It was cold and I was wearing my hoodie.

I noticed that Liam was wearing my red jacket which he borrowed 2 months ago and said that he'd return it to me day after tomorrow.

\"Logan! You know what?\" He said enthusiastically.

\"What?\" I responded looking unamused as usual.

\"Yesterday I was walking my way home, I passed by a restaurant and saw a paper stick to its door saying that the owner needs some workers and guess what?\"

\"What?\" I said expecting something good.

\"I got the job!\" He exclaimed, full of enthusiasm.

\"Really? That's fantastic.\" I tried to use to same enthusiasm but it wasn't as enthusiastic as his.

Finally he's got a job. I am actually happy for him because he has been jobless since last 6 months. This is his 4th job while I am on my first one. He never sticks for long maybe because of his not-so-serious attitude towards everything, he gets fired. Liam can never be serious that's what I don't like about him, sometimes. He takes everything as a joke which leads others to their anger. Sometimes even me. He still thinks he's at the stage of life where he'd be forgiven every time he'd make mistakes. But that helps him calm down in bad situations.

He does take responsibility of his actions; he does things which he feels is right. Maybe that's why he's always happy and satisfied.

While I take the blame whether it's my fault or other's.

I just don't want people to get hurt, maybe because I know how it feels when heart breaks, literally hurts. Sometimes I feel like it's a curse to feel everything so deeply. I know what it feels when someone breaks one's heart. I always take the blame and tell others that I was wrong even if I weren't. I feel guilty even if someone I know has done something wrong. That's how I am.

That's where he and I differ.

Feeling is not always the reason for me to take the blame for something I haven't done; I also sometimes take blames when I don't feel like explaining what happened. I mean I am so used to it now that I don't actually care what people think of me, as a good person or a bad, I just let them think whatever they want to. I just say that, 'yeah maybe you're right, maybe it is my fault. I was wrong.' Because sometimes no matter how hard you try to explain the right thing to the person who wants to accept what he believes is right is useless.

\"And the salary is also good\" He suddenly said shaking me off my thoughts.

\"That's great Liam.\" I smiled at him.

\"It's great to see you smile.\" He said

\"What do you mean?\" I asked

\"Dude, it's a once in a blue moon opportunity to see you smile\" He giggled.

I rolled my eyes and sighed. He laughed.

Everyone says I don't smile often. What do they mean?

I smile when I feel like it.

But ever since I was little all I hear from people is 'smile often.'

The reason People don't get too close to me is because they think I am no fun and that I am always serious. Or maybe I'd be rude. That's the image a person has of me because that's my face expression tells.

But I wonder what's wrong with Liam that he overlooked it.

He was the first one to approach me in the college and we have been friends since 1st year.

Actually he's the one who's always by my side no matter what. He knows my bright side and my dark side too. He just knows that my father lives in London but he has no idea that he abandoned me.


Today, on my way to college, I saw Logan and his friend walking on the sidewalk and talking to one another, as I walked behind them. I rubbed my hands together and blew warm air into them, trying to feel warmer. It was cold today, I felt it and Logan probably did too since he was wearing a hoodie.

I don't think he even noticed me walking behind him all the way to college.

Someone came rushing behind me calling, \"Sophiaaa.\"

I turned back to see that it was Emma.

\"Hey!\" Emma said, giving me a broad smile.

\"Hi!\" I replied with the same smile.

She seemed to have been running for quite a while because of how heavily she was breathing, \"It's about the group assignment.\" She said when she calmed down.

\"The due date is not too far. Can we start now?\" She added.

\"Yeah sure just call the other members of our group and we'll continue in the break.\" I replied. She agreed asking for my number as we walked towards our destination.

Ten minutes before our class was over, I got a message. I opened it, only to see that it was a group chat. It said, \"Let's meet in front of the library at break.\" It was from Emma.

'Kk' I replied.

The bell rang. I picked up my books and every thing which was needed for the assignment and made my way to the library.

I saw couple of people having a conversation outside of the library, since Emma was with them, they might be in the group too, they were probably waiting for the rest of the group. Or should I say, waiting for me and maybe also Logan since I can't see him here.

I went to where they were standing and waved to then,\"Hey.\"

Each of them replied with the same word and each had a smile on their face. We made our way inside the library and settled down on one of the farther tables. We took our stuff out and began discussing the project.

Noah stood up and walked over to the bookshelves, searching for the book we asked him.

\"I found it.\" Noah exclaimed with a smile on his face, suddenly realizing that people were looking at him weird. We all ended up giggling.

Another ten minutes had passed and there was no sign of Logan. Everyone got busy with they're work and that's when Logan finally showed up.

\"Sorry, I'm late,\" He said apologetically. \"I was with Liam sorting out some problems.\" He added.

\"It's fine, just get to work.\" Jacob replied.

\"It's a class presentation so we have to divide our work evenly.\" Noah said and Logan was listening attentively.

\"Yeah, we have to. Let's start with the book Noah brought.\" I said

Everyone agreed and we gave each other some work to do and what to present in front of the class.

Bell rang and we made our way to the class. Everyone took their seats and in came Ms. Melanie. She began class discussion and so on our day went.

Finally, the bell rung and everyone gathered their stuff, making their way out of the class. I packed my stuff and noticed Logan leaving. I wanted to talk to him so I followed him but this time I didn't run, I walked quietly behind him.

I was so close to him, about to call out his name, when someone yelled \"Logan!\" From the back and came running to him.

Logan turned back to see his friend. Probably noticing me from the corner of his eye as our eyes met and he turned to me and looked at me like he's waiting for me to say something. His friend also got quiet as waiting for me to say something when he noticed me.

I just smiled at him awkwardly and walked away.

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