Lucky Unluckiest

9 Chapter Nine


I was so tired that I slept lying on the sofa.

The next day I woke up I was on the sofa and Liam was sleeping with his legs on my thighs. The pizza box was lying on the floor with one piece in it. When did he come back? I remember waving him goodbye last night.

I pushed Liam's legs away and put the pizza box away in the bin.

I turned around and saw Liam sleeping. He was so peacefully sleeping but unfortunately we have our classes today so I need to wake him up. Poor him. I wonder why he came back; He must be scared to face his father, coming back at midnight. Yes, his family is strict, His father is. He is a kind of father who has already planned out the future for Liam and as for Liam; he has no intentions to follow the given path. He wants to make his own path and his own future. This is the reason he and his father doesn't get along.

I threw a pillow on his face to wake him up but it was of no use.

I sighed and shook my head.

Waking him up is the most difficult thing you'll ever come across to.

\"Hey wake up! It's 7:30 already!\" I lied while it was only 6:15am but no use as I said it was very difficult to wake him up if he's deep sleeping.

I came near to his face and screamed, \"Liam! It's a call from your work!\"

\"When!? Where?\" He startled, getting up.

I chuckled and gave him a peace sign with my fingers.

\"Chill babe. It's nothing.\" I laughed.

\"It's not funny!\" He said hitting me with the same pillow I threw at him.

\"Woahh, calm down.\" I laughed while he sighed this time.

\"Come on, go home and get ready.\" I said sitting beside him.

\"I don't want to go home.\" He said pouting.

\"I'll go college from here only.\" He added.

\"As you wish.\" I said standing up for getting ready.

\"Really?\" He asked with his sparkling eyes.

I gave him a closed-lip smile and turned around.

He took a hoodie from my wardrobe and said, \"I am borrowing this.\"

\"Sure.\" I replied forcing a smile as I knew I weren't getting it back.

And then we walked outside the apartment.

We walked to college together, of course .

On our way, we stopped at a convenience store since we didn't have breakfast.

Liam was talking about random stuff. Like always and I was listening to him, like always.

On my way I saw someone walking ahead of me.

She seemed familiar until I realized it was Sophia with some guy. I ignored that fact and walked away with Liam.

When we reached the college, Liam and I parted our ways, I directly went to the classroom.

Noticing the fact that Sophia was walking behind me I, without looking behind, went to my place. I sat back, like always. I saw Sophia entering but she was alone. I removed my eyes from her and took out my stuff. Then the teacher walked in and started with her usual lectures. No one was literally paying attention to what she was saying. The time crawled until the bell rung for the break.

I sighed thanking God that the bell finally rung.

I gathered my stuff and put them in my bag and walked outside the room. There I saw Liam waiting for me. When he saw me he smiled waving his hands.

I smiled back and went to him.

While walking we were talking about some random stuff, like always.

We reached the cafeteria and bought our food and sat on our usual same old place. And continued talking.


Today after class when I walked out for lunch I saw Logan and when I tried to wave him he totally ignored me or maybe he didn't even see me.

Okayy so I came back to reality, after having a wonderful day yesterday now it's all gone.

I sighed heavily and went to the cafeteria. I saw Logan sitting with his friend Liam.

I think I should try talking to him.

But what if he ignores me?

That thought is stopping me from reaching him. I brushed off my thoughts and went to have my lunch.

After buying my lunch I sat on a table alone but I couldn't stop thinking about going to Logan so I grabbed my lunch and I went to the table where Logan was sitting with his friend.

\"Ummm... Can I have a seat here?\" I asked as politely as I could. Hoping for a positive answer.

And you have no idea how much courage it took. Seriously it shook my whole body and I was literally trembling. And I was so not taking a NO as an answer. So I closed my eyes as soon as those words left my mouth.

\"Sure!\" Liam replied with a huge smile on his face.

After his reply I looked at Logan and he was looking at me while having a spoonful of rice in his mouth with no facial expression at all.


It was so quiet there, like Liam was silently eating which was not usual and so was Logan.

Maybe I shouldn't have come here. Oh god, why did I even bother? I think it was better to eat my lunch alone than being in this awkward situation.

I couldn't bear it anymore so I hammered the wall of silence as always.

\"Logan, I really enjoyed yesterday.\" I smiled.

\"Yeah, I enjoyed too.\" He replied playing with his food.

\"Enjoyed what?\" Liam asked his eyes popped out looking full of curiosity.

I wanted to keep the conversation going on so I asked, \"Thank you for the doughnut.\"

\"What doughnut?\" Liam whined furrowed his eyebrows.

\"No no it's perfectly fine.\" He replied with a smile looking at me.

I was amazed like, ok, just a second before he wasn't even looking at me and now he's all smiling.

\"Why isn't anyone telling me anything?\" Liam whined again like a kid.

I burst laughing.

So did Logan.

\"It's nothing boy.\" Logan said laughing messing up his hair.

\"It's just that I took her out yesterday.\" He added with a smile on his face.

\"What! You did?\" He exclaimed.

\"It's thought you went to talk to her yesterday\" Liam added.

We both smiled at each other.

\"Logan, I'll be back.\" Liam said pointing out his pinky finger indicating he wanted to use the washroom.

So it was me and Logan.

I wanted to talk to him so I opened my mouth to say something but then Logan interrupted.

\"Want some?\" Logan offered his lunch.

\"No no \"I replied.

And we continued eating our lunch quietly.

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