One after another, everyone met many trainers on the road, and Ash and Mina were challenged a lot.

Even Ash took the initiative to challenge several people, and in general, he won more and lost less, and let Ash earn a little pocket money.

And King Nido, because of his strength, did not lose a game, and the pocket money stored there in Mina was three thousand yuan.

Because they are all newcomers, the stakes in the field are not too big.

"Pikachu uses 100,000 volts!"

"Pickup... Chirp! In

a flash of golden light, a small purple Lada fell to the ground.

"Oh yes! Won again, this time five in a row! Ash compared his scissorhands and posed with Pikachu, who ran back.

The trainer of the little Lada opposite was a small boy, who thought he was not ten years old just by looking at the appearance, but it turned out that he was a year older than Mina, thirteen years old.

"You won, this is my bet of two hundred yuan, I didn't expect Pikachu to be so powerful, I didn't fight back when I hit it." The little trainer decisively took out two hundred pieces for Ash.

Ash arrogantly pulled open his coat and revealed two medals: "Of course, you must know that I have won two medals, and I have won five consecutive victories against you!" The

short boy was dumb, shaking his head a little helplessly, couldn't he understand such an obvious polite word?

And it's only two medals, one of which is still from the Hualan Taoist Hall, if memory serves, the trainers there sometimes use to fight, just send the medal directly.

"The smelly fart guy has only won five in a row, and Mina has won eight in a row, and she hasn't lost a single one." Xiao Xia couldn't stand Xiao Zhi's smelly fart look, and directly opened her mouth to mock.

The short boy was not angry, you must know that Little Rada who was defeated by Ash was his weakest elf, and the rest of his elves had lost their strength because of the field battle before, otherwise it would have allowed Ash to take advantage.

"Five wins in a row? It's already very good, but don't challenge easily if you go to the front, the people there are very powerful, the winning streak is basically above ten, if you don't want to lose, it's best not to challenge others, or accept the challenge of others. After that, the short boy waved his hand and walked towards the nearest Hualan City without taking a cloud.

It's been a few days in the field, and it's time to go back and rest.

Looking at the back of the little boy, Xiao Zhi's fighting spirit was high: "That means that the opponent in front will be more powerful?" Don't worry, I definitely won't lose! Your goal is to become the number one Pokémon trainer in the world!

Xiao Gang twisted his fingers and calculated Ash's gains: "It's already very good, Ash has earned more than a thousand yuan, it's better to be careful now, don't lose all at that time." "

Field combat is the easiest way for civilian trainers to earn travel expenses, but before the battle, you don't know exactly how strong your opponent is.

So mixed wins and losses are all based on luck, of course, there are many who have quietly watched other battles, and after knowing the strength of others, they are prepared to challenge.

Now there are more people who challenge Ash, and fewer people challenge Mina, because many people have seen the domineering figure of King Nido, and have self-consciously avoided Mina.

Stop-and-go, because there are battles from time to time, so the progress of several people is very slow.

Luo Xiaohei stretched his waist, lying on his stomach for so long, he felt that his body was a little soft, and decided to come down and take a walk.

Seeing that Xiaozhi over there accepted another person's challenge, Luo Xiaohei spoke: "Mina take the initiative to challenge, the atmosphere here is very good, just suitable for King Nido to exercise."

Mina nodded: "Good." For

Luo Xiaohei's proposal, she rarely refused, because she knew that sometimes Luo Xiaohei was more like an excellent trainer than him.

If Luo Xiaohei hadn't often taught her how to train, she wouldn't have the results she has now.

Maybe it will be worse than Ash now.

Xiao Gang looked at the map: "According to what the man said just now, the previous point is the central area of the field, and the trainers there will generally be a little stronger, so you should be careful."

"Just look for an opponent in front, because the people there should be able to fight King Nido." Luo Xiaohei only walked a few hundred meters and didn't want to leave, and I don't know when he fell on Picoxi's head again.

It didn't take long for everyone to meet several groups of people who were fighting, and the people in them had at least the elves in their hands in the second stage.

And the elves in most people's hands are the three families of the royal family, or elves that are not much different.

Mina even saw both men commanding the Nidolino battle.

There are also many people's elves who are Bibi Bird or Rada.

"Little fire dragon, what are you doing! Hurry up and use the jet flame! I've been teaching you for a long time, or not, and now I can't even beat a stinky flower of the grass system! I still spent 100,000 yuan to buy you back!

Mina and the others stopped, attracted by an angry voice.

The person who spoke was a teenager dressed like a cowboy, with blue hair and a dust goggles.

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