The boy's name is Dayou, he is a rich second generation, and his family has several factories, which is considered a small asset.

At this time, in front of him, there was a small fire dragon that he had bought from a person at a high price.

In fact, the alliance has banned the sale of elves, but the laws of the alliance are not very perfect, and some people can always find some loopholes.

For example, the alliance does not prohibit the exchange of elves, nor does it prohibit anyone from suddenly having a large amount of wealth in their hands.

So many people will capture some rare elves and sell them in the name of exchange.

This is how the little fire dragon in front of Daisuke came, and he spent one rada and 100,000 yuan to 'exchange' with another person.

The arrival of the little fire dragon makes Daisuke still happy, and his dream is also to become a powerful trainer, but his favorite is to collect elves.

He had the rest of the Magic Frog Seeds and Jani Turtles, and they were all bought with money, and in order to satisfy his desire to collect, he bought a small fire dragon in the hands of that person.

It's just that after this little fire dragon arrived, he was not very satisfied.

Because he was too weak, weak as a fire elf, he couldn't even beat the stinky flowers of the grass system so far.

In his opinion, being his elf should be very good.

But since this little fire dragon started, he has not won any battle, and he is stupid to death, and after a few days, he can't even learn to spray flames.

And the physical strength is still very poor, and I don't train for a long time every day and I am tired.

This is especially true when fighting, and it doesn't take long to use a few sparks to start panting.

The more he thought about it, the more angry he became, Dayou broke off a branch next to him, and hit the little fire dragon with his head and face.

"Whew..." the little fire dragon held his head in his hands in fear.

He did not dare to dodge at all, and after several days of contact, he already knew that if he dared to hide, he would face even more severe beatings.

The trainer who fought against Daisuke frowned, but after all, it was someone else's elf, and even if he couldn't stand it, he was not qualified to say anything.

And Dayou's reputation in this area is very large, because it is a rich second-generation relationship, there are many people who follow him, and he cannot afford to offend an ordinary person.

"Dayou, you lost, do you see this bet...?"

"Is my Daisuke the kind of person who loses and doesn't admit it? Isn't it money? What I have is! Dayou took an impatient sip, took out a small stack of banknotes from his arms, and if he counted it carefully, he took into account that there were about two thousand, and these money were directly thrown by Dayou.

The trainer didn't say much, just picked up the money and left.

"Waste! It's all to blame on you, you've already let me lose three games! How can such a poor elf continue to follow me, I tell you, I have already ordered another small fire dragon with that man, as for you waste, just wait to fend for yourself!" Daisuke sneered, and the branch in his hand whipped harder.

The little fire dragon had tears in his eyes, and the arm that protected his head was full of bright red marks from the whipping of branches.

Not only that, if you look closely, there is still a blue and black mark on the little fire dragon that has just faded, and it is obvious that it is not a matter of a day or two that he has been beaten.

Seeing this scene, Mina and the others couldn't bear it, it was originally someone else's family affair, they were not qualified to interfere, after all, everyone trained elves differently.

But seeing that Daisuke didn't stop at all, Ash and Mina couldn't help it.

"Bastard, you stop me!" Ash stepped forward and directly bumped into the defenseless Daisuke.

"How can you hit him like that! It's so hard to beat, it's pitiful..." Mina did not lag behind in the slightest, and directly protected the little fire dragon under her.

"Oops! Where did the dirt buns come from, they dared to contradict my Dayou! Don't you know what this place is! And how do I teach my elves to use you! Daisuke glared angrily at Ash and Mina, these two dirt buns, dared to disturb themselves to teach the elves, did they want to die.

"We can't care about the elf you taught you, but it's just losing the game, and it's too much for you to hit him like that!" Ash didn't know what it was called instigation.

He also often loses, but he never blames his elves, only that he is not good enough.

And Ash loves Pokémon very much, and he can't see Daisuke bullying elves like this.

Mina was distressed to protect the little fire dragon, and looking at the faint bloody scars on the little fire dragon's body, she was even more distressed.

"Don't be afraid, Mina protects you, it hurts so badly, it hurts a lot, Mina will give you some medicine." Saying that, Mina began to rummage through her backpack, looking for medicine for injuries.

"Just ..." the little fire dragon shrugged his eyes, the physical exertion, coupled with the injury, made him feel extremely tired.

Looking at Mina's worried look, the little fire dragon suddenly felt very warm, this feeling of being cared for was so good, but unfortunately, why would his trainer be Daisuke, instead of this kind girl in front of him?

With such a weak self, no one will like him, and the person who captured himself is like this, and the later Daisuke is also like this....

The thought flashed through his mind, and then the little fire dragon felt even more tired, this time the exhaustion was mental, not physical.

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