Mina trains new elves, usually after a lot of physical training, and then actual combat training.

Among them, except for King Nido, who is practicing familiarization skills, the other three elves are practicing physical fitness.

What the? Luo Xiaohei? Do you think he is a cat that can train?

The little fire dragon's physical strength is not even as good as Picosi and ugly fish.

Just after running five laps around the tree, I was panting and almost tired.

In this regard, Mina was very worried about whether this little fire dragon had some hidden diseases in his body.

If that's the case, you have to find a way to treat it.

Mina frowned a little in distress: "If the little fire dragon's physical strength is not good, it will be difficult." "

The body is the capital of the revolution, for elves, most elves need to exercise their bodies, and only strong bodies can support themselves to learn those powerful skills.

And the strength of the body is closely related to its own endurance, if the endurance is not enough, it is difficult to support a high-intensity battle.

Even if the body does not work, it will affect evolution.

Mina could see that the little fire dragon was also training hard, but the effect was not very good, and it would still be tiring.

Luo Xiaohei opened his eyes, he was sleepy during the day, but he was a little energetic at night.

"Little fire dragon, this is its own reason, I suspect that he is a Sun Power characteristic."

"Features? What is this? Mina was a little confused, feeling that this touched her knowledge blind spot, and it seemed that she had not heard the teacher talk about this in school.

Well... Maybe she did, but she forgot, or she didn't listen to it when she went to bed in class....

Luo Xiaohei is not surprising, the concept of characteristics only officially appeared in the third generation.

Mina didn't know that it was normal, and Luo Xiaohei began to explain in detail.

"Trait skills are passive, each Pokémon will have one to three trait skills, but they can only have one of them."

"Just like King Nido's characteristic skill is the stinger, the effect is that those who are touched will fall into a state of poisoning, and for example, Pikachu is static electricity, and those who are also touched will fall into a state of paralysis."

"Shikoku alas! Is it so amazing? What are your characteristics with that little black? Mina looked at Luo Xiaohei expectantly, as if the door to a new world had been opened.

Luo Xiaohei coughed a few times: "Ahem... I'm special, I can have three features, and I can also convert to other features, but... Well... I only have one characteristic now, that is, the softness of Meow, the effect of the body is soft, and it will not fall into a state of paralysis..."

I originally thought that Mina would be disappointed, but I didn't expect Mina to look like a monster.

"Well... That's awesome! There are actually three characteristic skills! "

Beforehand, Luo Xiaohei has ended, each elf will have one to three characteristic skills, but only one of them can be used.

And Luo Xiaohei can have three at the same time, isn't that more powerful than all the elves? Moreover, Luo Xiaohei can also change his characteristic skills, which is not more powerful than a divine beast?

A little unexpected, Luo Xiaohei coughed, and then raised his head proudly: "Ahem... That... That's of course, I Luo Xiaohei is the most powerful! Alpacas will not be my opponents in the future! Mina

didn't know what an alpaca was, but instinctively felt that it was a very powerful elf.

"Then what is the function of that characteristic of the little fire dragon? Why does it make the little fire dragon's physical fitness so poor? Mina then asked, she was eager to understand the little fire dragon and find a way to solve the problem that the little fire dragon was not physically fit.

"According to my guess, his characteristic should be the power of the sun, and the effect is that on a sunny day or under the sun, his physical strength will be accelerated, but his special attack will increase to one and a half times."

"That is to say, whenever it is sunny, his physical strength will be consumed quickly, but his special skill attacks will become more powerful?" After listening to the explanation, Mina suddenly realized.

Now I finally know what the problem is.

Mina touched her chin and thought: "Then as long as it is cloudy or there is no sun, will the little fire dragon become normal?"

Luo Xiaohei nodded: "In theory, this is good, and for the little fire dragon, your physical training is not without effect, but it is just the weather that makes his training effect more difficult, I estimate, such training is also effective for him, but it doesn't look obvious."

"Moreover, when commanding the little fire dragon battle in the future, you need to pay more attention to the weather and formulate tactics according to the little fire dragon's own situation."

Luo Xiaohei did not directly say that let the little fire dragon take the route of high outbreak, these still need Mina's own brain, if he is not by Mina's side one day, Mina will have to find a way to solve the problem by herself.

After thinking for a long time, Mina suddenly stood up, put on the slippers next to her, and ran out of the tent with the little fire dragon's Spirit Ball.

"This girl... Why did you go? Luo Xiaohei also stood up and walked out of the tent.

I saw Mina throw out the Spirit Ball: "Come out, little fire dragon!" "Release the little fire dragon that is resting.

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