The little fire dragon lay on the ground and looked up with some doubt, not knowing what Mina told herself to do.

However, after seeing Mina, she stood up honestly and came to Mina's side affectionately.

Mina reached out and touched the head of the little fire dragon, the skin was very rough, and the body temperature was very high, it was not very comfortable to touch, at least it was far worse than Luo Xiaohei.

"There is no sun, even the flame on the tail is smaller!"

At this time, the tail of the little fire dragon, the flame has returned to normal, the same as the normal little fire dragon.

Obviously, Luo Xiaohei guessed correctly, the characteristics of the little fire dragon are indeed the power of the sun.

It's night, so the feature can't be activated, making the little fire dragon feel extra comfortable.

The little fire dragon raised its tail, as if to let Mina see more clearly.

"Little Fire Dragon, how are you feeling now? Is physical strength not as fast as it is consumed during the day? Mina asked carefully.

The little fire dragon nodded: "Just ..." For

his physical condition, the little fire dragon himself is also half-aware, as long as there is a sun on a sunny day, he will feel very uncomfortable, which is the discomfort caused by the rapid loss of physical strength.

And at night, or on rainy days, this feeling disappears, which once made the little fire dragon think that he was cursed by the sun.

It is the sun that does not like him, so wherever there is a sun, it makes him uncomfortable.

Mina stretched out her hand and hugged the head of the little fire dragon: "Don't worry, Mina will not dislike you, and tell you the good news, your situation is not sick but the reason why you are special than other little fire dragons."

The little fire dragon tilted his head in confusion: "Cha?

Mina smiled like a flower: "It was Xiao Hei who told Mina, you have powerful characteristics that other little fire dragons do not have, as long as you are under the sun, your physical strength will accelerate the consumption, but the power of your fire skills will be greatly improved, so you have to be more powerful than other small fire dragons." The

little fire dragon was confused, but was pleasantly surprised, because Mina said that he would be better than his kindred.

In Dayou, he has been punished all the time because of his strength, so improving his strength and becoming stronger has become his obsession.

Now Mina gave him hope, which lifted the spirit of the little fire dragon a little.


"Stupid, how could Mina lie to you, it was all said by Xiao Hei."

During training this afternoon, Mina obviously felt the loss of the little fire dragon, and even because of the loss, the little fire dragon's personality was a little introverted.

So after learning the reason, Mina's first thought was how to comfort the little fire dragon and make the little fire dragon cheer up.

Obviously, the effect is very good, and now the little fire dragon is in good shape.

"So little fire dragon, you have to have confidence in yourself, as long as you train as hard as you can, you will definitely become stronger than everyone!" Mina waved her small fist to cheer up the little fire dragon.

Under the influence of Tokipan's power, the little fire dragon trusted Mina very much, and now believed her words.

"Cha!" The little fire dragon raised his fist and touched Mina, his eyes full of youthful flames.

Luo Xiaohei was a little speechless: 'When did Meow Ye say so much? But say what you want, anyway, I don't recognize it...'

"Mina, I still have a few Essence Cleansing Pills here, you can give them all three to eat." Luo Xiaohei strolled forward and walked to the side of a person and an elf who were looking at each other affectionately.

"Cleansing Pill? What is that thing?

"It's the thing that will emit a lot of stinky things after eating." Luo Xiaohei did not forget the experience of almost smoking himself to death when he ate the Essence Cleansing Pill for the first time, if not for Mina's strong support to clean him, it is estimated that he would have been killed by his sensitive nose that night.

The simple description instantly made Mina's little face white, covering her mouth in horror and shaking her head desperately: "Don't!" Mina don't eat Blackie's dumplings! The

little girl remembered the experience deeply, so she subconsciously refused.

Luo Xiao's black face was dark, and he couldn't see the kind: "That's not my dumplings, that thing is called Essence Cleansing Pill, after eating, you can wash the meridian and cut the pith and discharge the impurities in the body." "

Giving them food can help them break through racial restrictions and make them more successful in the future."

"Breaking through racial boundaries?" Mina suddenly thought of Nidolino, who had changed overnight, so she quickly asked: "King Nido can break through the racial restrictions, did you give him that dumpling?"

"They all said it wasn't a dumpling!"

Mina waved her hand indifferently: "It's all the same, anyway, eating it smells worse than the dumpling..." After

saying that, Mina became entangled again, through today's experience, he has learned from Xiaoming the benefits of elves breaking through racial restrictions, which is undoubtedly making elves stronger in the future.

However, the shadow that the Essence Cleansing Pill gave her still lingered, making Mina a little afraid.

At the thought of going through it again, Mina instinctively resisted.

But looking at the little fire dragon next to her with a puzzled look with a desire to become stronger, Mina gritted her teeth: "Good!" Isn't it just a stink, just plug your nose! "

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