King Nido stretched out his hand and lifted Xiao Gang out of the water.

Xiaocui wiped her sweat: "Mina, do you know him?" "

Uh-huh... He is the Xiao Gang who told you, it's strange, how did he fall into the water? Where did Ash and Xiaoxia go?

Mina looked at the river with some concern, the three of them were together, maybe the other two also fell into the water.

If they stay in the water for a long time, Ash and Xiaoxia may be in danger of their lives.

Xiao Cui next to him checked Xiao Gang's situation, and said with some solemnity: "Your friend's condition is not very good, there is water in his lungs, and the water needs to be drained, Mina, you ask King Nido to help me send him back to the log cabin."

Mina also stared at the water for a possible figure: "King Nido went to help Xiaocui." "

Nido..." King Nido carried Xiao Gang in one hand and followed Xiao Cui back to the cabin.

"King Nido troubles you to put him on the bed." Xiao Cui hurriedly vacated a wooden bed, and then motioned for King Nido to put Xiao Gang on it.


Xiao Cui flattened Xiao Gang, and then did CPR, squeezing out the water in Xiao Gang's lungs and stomach.

Fortunately, Xiao Gang was in good health and did not choke on too much water.

"Ahem... I... Where is this... Wrong... I didn't fall into the water..." Xiao Gang woke up in a daze.

What came into view was a beautiful face with fine sweat and some breathlessness.

For a moment, Xiao Gang was a little obsessed: "I... Is it dead? What a beautiful girl, are you an angel? This must be heaven..."

Xiao Cui, who was about to speak, was stunned, and then burst out laughing: "Are you awake?" This is not heaven, and I am not an angel, I just found you overboard while washing clothes and rescued you.

"By the way, your name is Xiao Gang, right, I heard Mina talk about you."

Xiao Gang's consciousness was completely awakened, and he was surprised to hear the familiar name: "Mina? You mean Mina? Do you know her? Is she here? Because

Mina suddenly said goodbye, Xiao Gang was worried for a long time, and even looked around the forest for a long time, but unfortunately did not find Mina.

At first, I thought that Mina had left in some hurry or had been kidnapped.

But when I think of Mina's not weak strength, I feel that the possibility of being kidnapped is very small.

If there was a conflict, Mina would not be able to tie his hands up, there would definitely be a fight, and they were not far from each other, and any loud noise could definitely be heard.

So it was later concluded that Mina left by herself, because there were still traces of packing up the tent in that place.

It's just that what Xiao Gang didn't expect was that Mina, who didn't say goodbye, would appear here.

"Yes, she also helped us a lot, she is now by the river, see if anyone else has fallen into the water, do you need me to call her over?" Xiaocui wiped her sweat, CPR is not an easy job.

"Then trouble you, only the three of us accidentally fell into the water, Xiaozhi and Xiaoxia are still safe, probably looking for me along the river." Xiao Gang still felt a little uncomfortable and weak, so he didn't get up.

"They're looking for you? If you come around the village, it will be miserable, I will help you call Mina first, and then I will pick up your friends. "


"Xiao Gang! Where are you, Xiaogang! "

Since Xiao Gang fell into the water because of the broken bridge, Xiao Zhi and Xiao Xia began to look for him along the river as Xiao Gang said.

Because that section of the river was turbulent, Xiao Gang was washed far away, until where Xiao Cui washed the gauze, it was slightly smoother.

"It's over, the river was so urgent just now, Xiao Gang won't die." Xiaoxia said worriedly.

The eyes are full of anxiety, Mina just disappeared not long ago, and now Xiaogang is gone, what an eventful autumn.

I don't know how the two of them are now, Mina is not easy to say, Xiao Gangtie is definitely in danger of life.

Xiao Zhi said more optimistically: "Don't worry, how can Xiao Gang die, according to the plot of the story, Xiao Gang should float in the direction of the river, and then be saved by the old woman who washes clothes by the river." "

The truth and Xiao Zhi guessed well, but it was not an old woman who washed clothes that saved Xiao Gang, but a young and beautiful girl.

"You are really optimistic, you don't worry about your friends at all, Mina has just been lost, and now there is another Xiaogang, when... Ah! Help me! Xiaoxia was complaining, and suddenly she felt empty under her feet, and then the feeling of weightlessness enveloped her.

Then there was the feeling that I had fallen to the ground, a crispy sensation in my butt, and then a huge pain.

Xiao Zhi, who walked to the front, was stunned, and then turned around and found that Xiao Xia was gone.

"Huh? What about people? Didn't you still follow me just now? Ash turned his head left and right, not looking at the big hole below.

Xiaoxia sat in the trap and shouted angrily: "Stupid! I don't know which bastard dug the trap, my ass, it feels like it's all broken into eight petals..."

Pikachu. Pikachula pulled Ash's pant leg and pointed to the hole for Ash to see.

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