
was a little confused: "Who is this trap, it's really lacking in virtue..." After

saying a cool word, Ash found the hole rope in his backpack, threw the rope underneath, and pulled Xiaoxia up.

"It really hurts people, don't let me catch who dug the trap, otherwise this girl must make him look good!" Xiao Xia rubbed her butt and said with a fierce face.

Xiao Zhi looked at the trap and then at Xiao Xia: "Xiao Xia, are you going to lose weight?" It's okay for me to walk in front of you, and you fall off as soon as you step on it, which may be the reason why you are too fat.

"What do you say! This girl is an invincible beautiful girl in the universe! Where is fat! You bastard tell me clearly, or don't knock out your front teeth!" Hearing

Ash say that she was fat, Xiaoxia instantly forgot about the pain, and furiously scolded Ash.

Ash shivered with fear, feeling that Xiaoxia was even more frightening than Mina's King Nido, no, more frightening than the larger Xiao Hei.


"Mina, you're really here! We all thought you were missing. Seeing Mina, Xiao Gang shouted in surprise.

Mina smiled and said embarrassedly: "Speaking of which, Mina was also deceived to come here, by the way, why did you fall into the water?" Speaking

of falling into the water, Xiao Gang had some heart palpitations: "After we separated from you, we got lost because of the fog and went to a trip to the elite Pokémon Academy, and when I was crossing the bridge today, the rope suddenly broke, I accidentally fell down, Ash they seem to have grabbed the rope..."

Mina blinked, and the bridge that the ghost didn't let him go on appeared in her mind.

Fortunately, there are ghosts leading the way, otherwise it may be her who fell into the water.

On the other side, Xiaocui walked out along the river, ready to pick up the other two people.

According to the rules of the village, people outside are not very welcome, but those two people are Mina's friends, and Mina is the one who helped the village, so it is nothing to make an exception once, and it is not that there has been no exception before.

"Wow! Who dug the traps, why are the traps we dig never hit, and we will be tricked when others dig the traps? Kojiro, Musashi and Mew followed Ash to the outskirts of the village.

Just how far I walked, I stepped on a trap.

"Sound?" Xiaosui heard Kojiro's shout, and subconsciously walked towards that side.

"Who knows, meow, but this trap is so delicate, we didn't find it at all."

Meow Meow was still lamenting at this time that the traps made by others were fine and there were no traces.

"Bastard! Now is not the time to praise others for their good traps! Let's think about how we're going to get out! "Musashi Kuni gave Kojiro and Mew one punch each.


Are you Ash and Kasumi?" Xiaocui didn't know when she came to the trap.

Because he didn't know Ash and Xiaoxia, he only knew that the other party was a man and a woman, and Xiaocui immediately misunderstood when he saw Musashi.

Think of Musashi and Kojiro as Ash and Kasumi.

"Huh? Someone's coming?

Meow lowered his voice and said, "It seems that I came to find the two of them."

Kojiro also lowered his voice: "He doesn't seem to know us..." Seeing

that they didn't answer, Xiaosui subconsciously spoke: "Xiaogang has been saved, now he is in our village, by the way, Mina is also in our village, I am here to pick you up into the village, are you Ash and Mina?" "

Ahaha... We don't... Woohoo! Kojiro blinked his eyes, subconsciously about to answer that he was not Ash's little ghost,

but he was covered by Musashi: "Yes! He is Ash, I am Xiaoxia, please help us up." Hearing

Musashi's words, Kojiro stopped struggling and sensed Musashi's intentions.

After glancing at Musashi, Kojiro smiled back and said, "Yes, I'm the Ash you're looking for, are our friends Mina and Kojiro really with you?" Seeing

that he had found the right person, Xiaocui smiled and said, "It's you guys, you wait a minute, I'll go find something to pull you up now." Seeing

that Kosui was gone, Kojiro and the three of them bowed their heads and gathered together.

"What if it's that very powerful smelly girl?"

"If you don't wait for that girl to save us, let's just run away..."

"It's okay, it's hard to know where the smelly girl is, if we can catch that black elf and give it to the boss, we'll send it." Musashi directly refused, she wanted to take Mina's Kuro away.

"But that smelly girl is very powerful, what if we are not opponents?" Kojiro was worried that the shadow that Luo Xiaohei left him was too deep.

In case Luo Xiaohei is provoked, none of them can beat them.

Musashi was also sudden, feeling that it was a little hanging to take Luo Xiaohei from Mina's hands, but he thought about it and said, "You guys said that little girl just now is looking for the little ghost head and the two of them again?" It also means that now that the little ghost head and the smelly girl are separated, we can't catch the black elf, we can find a way to catch Pikachu!

"Yes! Now that they are separated, it is a good opportunity, Musashi, you are so smart. "

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