I don't know where it came from, Xiaocui found a very thick vine, she first tied one end of the vine to the big tree next to it, and then threw the other end into the trap.

"The vine is very strong, you guys hurry up." Kosui shouted at Musashi in the trap.

"Hehe, thank you so much..." Musashi rubbed his hands, and after a look of gratitude, he immediately climbed up the vine.

"Saved, saved... Finally saved! Kojiro tiptoed excitedly and climbed up after Musashi's ass.

Waiting on the ground, Musashi and Kojiro affectionately held Kosui's hand and thanked him very much.

"Thank you so much, little girl."

"What a kind little girl, thank you so much for saving us."

Xiaocui pulled her hand out a little embarrassed, feeling that the enthusiasm of these two was a little too much, and she felt that her personality did not match Mina and them very well.

Doesn't it mean that people are divided into groups and things are clustered together?

With such a big personality gap, why can several people get together?

"Huh... It's not that exaggerated, let's hurry back to the village, Mina and Xiaogang are still waiting for you." Musashi

and Kojiro froze with smiles, if they followed back to the village, they would not be exposed, they would be killed by Mina.

After all, several people have a feud.

"What about Musashi? If you go back, it will be exposed. Kojiro lowered his voice and said to Musashi carefully.

Musashi was also worried: "If you don't follow her, you will also be exposed, take one step at a time, let's find an opportunity to escape."

"You guys keep up, there are many traps along the way, it's dangerous not to follow closely." Seeing Musashi and Kojiro grinding and rubbing, Kosui turned around and shouted.

"It's coming!"

With Xiaocui leading the way, several people dodged all the traps, and under the seven rounds, the three of Team Rocket felt that they were lost.

At the same time, a doubt coiled in the heart, what kind of village, it needs to be built in such a deep place, isn't it more convenient the closer to the city?

And in order not to let people approach, there are so many traps set up on the road, which is how undesirable it is for anyone to find out here.

"Musashi Kojiro, you said this village is so hidden, could it be some treasure?"

Sensing the unusualness, Mew Meow quietly came to the two and said his conjecture.


"It's possible, so are we rich?" Kojiro and Musashi's eyes lit up, and they felt that they were starting to get lucky.

I have been unlucky before, whether this is Ji Tai coming, to be lucky.

Finally, under the leadership of Xiaocui, several people came to the outskirts of the village.

The dilapidated wooden house looks a little bleak, and does not look like there is any treasure at all: "There will be treasure here?"

"This village looks poor, so there shouldn't be anything of value."

It was clear that the run-down village had disappointed the three.

But the next moment, a group of playful elves ran past the corner of the village.

"Wait! Musashi, look at it, there are so many rare elves, as well as Jeni turtles and small fire dragons, even the mysterious frog seeds have meows! Meow

Meow's eyes flickered, he didn't expect that there were so many elves in this hopeless village, even the three families of the royal family.

"Really, there are a lot of elves."

"There is no treasure, if you capture these elves, you will also be rewarded by the boss." Musashi rubbed his hands and smiled wickedly.

"But the smelly girl is still in the village, we can't beat it." Kojiro, a professional who poured cold water, poured cold water very appropriately to calm down Musashi, who had a fiery heart.

"Let's hide first, it's not good to be discovered by the smelly girl, hide in the shadows, we see the opportunity to act."

Ahead, Kosui didn't notice anything unusual, Kojiro and Musashi glanced at each other, and pulled Meow Mew to tiptoe into the woods next to him to hide.

Xiaocui took a few more steps, found that there was no sound behind him, turned his head and looked at it, and was suddenly shocked: "Huh? What about people? Didn't you still follow just now? Did you fall into the trap again?

Thinking so, Xiaocui began to return along the road, looking for the two.


"Ah! Why are there so many traps! Falling into the pit again, Xiaoxia finally stopped Bengbu and began to shout angrily.

Ash gloated: "Who told you to bully me in normal times, you were retributed!"

"Bastard Ash! Pull me up!" Xiao Xia was inept and furious.

"Okay, don't be so angry, I'll pull you up."

After waiting for it, Xiao Xia stared at Xiao Zhi with dead eyes, and wanted to beat this guy up.

"I'm going to go ahead this time!" Just now, it has always been okay for Ash to go ahead, and as soon as he arrived, he was unlucky to fall into the trap, so Xiaoxia decided to change positions and go ahead by herself this time.

Ash spread his hands: "It doesn't matter, if you want to go ahead, go ahead."

Xiao Xia snorted coldly, turned around and began to lead the way, but before he took a few steps, he felt that he had kicked something, and then a large net rose from under his feet, pulling Xiao Xia and Xiao Zhi behind him directly up.


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