"Ash lost...," exclaimed Mina, who was watching the battle from afar.

Ash's efforts in the past few days can be said to be unprecedented, and now being defeated so easily should be a big blow to Ash.

In fact, it is also true, these days he left early and returned late, it can be said that he has been traveling for several months, and there has been no day that has been able to work so hard with this time.

He can do this level with the patience, and it can be said that it is already perfect.

But he was easily defeated by others.

Even if the person who defeated him was the favorite of the competition, it would not be as easy for Ash as he performed.

Now it doesn't matter what Ash said, it's just to comfort the monkey monster.

The real situation, it is estimated that the hearts that have been broken are all broken.

Luo Xiaohei yawned and continued to refine the fire spirit reflected in the fire spirit bead.

"It's normal to lose, that Abirang superlative elf, this kind of strength, it's more than enough to go to the gym, and that man is also a professional boxer, teaching Abirang is also the most professional rules and fighting style of the competition."

"If his efforts for so many years will be broken by Ash, a person who has worked hard for a few days, then it is called a tragedy, even if it is you, it is estimated that he will not be able to stand it."

"Huh? It's also right~" Hearing this, Mina's eyes widened, and after thinking carefully, she felt that there was no problem with what Luo Xiaohei said.

If you have worked hard for several years, but you are defeated by a person who has only worked hard for a few days, it is estimated that you will feel that your efforts for several years are a waste of time, a waste of life, and all useless work.

It is estimated that people with weak wills will directly collapse.

"But now that Ash looks lost, should Mina enlighten her?" Seeing that Ash obviously did not have the enthusiasm that he had before, Mina asked.

Luo Xiaohei glanced at Xiaozhi: "That kid has no heart and lungs, rest assured, it's okay, although the monkey monster is not as good as Abirang, but there is no problem in dealing with ordinary players, wait for him to sleep, and then win a few games, he will recover again." I

don't know if Xiaozhi should laugh or cry when he knows that Luo Xiaohei evaluates himself like this.

It is said that he has no heart and no lungs, but he has feelings and righteousness, saying that he has a lot of nerves, but in times of crisis, he is the one who sees it the most.

It can only be said that this kid is a hot-blooded middle two teenager, and he doesn't know that the world is not as beautiful as he imagined.

However, people like Ash are the most comfortable and enviable.

Mina is also very simply: "Then Mina will not enlighten him."

"By the way, Xiao Hei, is it true that you said that there is a way for the fire dinosaur to break through the second shackle?"

Last night, Luo Xiaohei told Mina his thoughts.

Now it has been studied and understood that the first shackle is the one that restricts the flesh and is the best to break through, and the second shackle limits the power.

The total amount of power is limited, and the way to break through is very simple, that is, qualitative change, the essence of power is more powerful, and it can still break through the shackles.

The first shackle breakthrough allows the elf to reach the peak of the race, and the second shackle breaks through and has the qualification to become a god.

Luo Xiaohei guessed that as long as the strength in the body changed, maybe after the evolution of the fire dinosaur, it could evolve into Charizard X or Y without relying on mega stones.

The two forms of Charizard are also unique forms in the superancient period, and after the evolution of mega, the power of the elves themselves will rise greatly, and some even directly change their attributes.

So the mega stone is likely to be the key to unshackling, but this key cannot untie the shackles permanently.

In or mega stones are stones that contain more refined power, after the elves use them, they can metamorphosis their internal power and thus mega evolution.

However, the mega stone has limited power, so when it is used up, the elves will degenerate.

When the energy in the mega stone is replenished, it can be used again.

On the surface, the two understandings may be similar, but they are fundamentally different.

The first key statement actually activates the power that exists in the elf itself, while the second statement that it has energy itself is lent to the elf power.

One is that although the elves are restricted, their own strength is still there, and the other is that they are essentially weakened.

However, Luo Xiaohei felt that the second was more likely, so that the first breakthrough of the physical limit could be understood as preparing for the breakthrough of the second.

However, how to say, since the qualitative change of strength in Geng Ghost's body, his strength can be said to have doubled.

Now it is possible to open up with the fast dragon five-five, provided that the fast dragon does not use the dance of the dragon to release its power.

It's a pity that the spar he found before has already run out, and he hasn't allowed Geng Ghost's own strength to accumulate Dao peaks, otherwise Geng Ghost can try to break through the shackles.

See if you can become a quasi-divine beast.

Now it seems that the fire dinosaur may have to break through the second layer of shackles before him, because the fire spirit bead can supply enough fire spirits.

"Whether it works or not is just a guess, anyway, it is right to make him stronger, it is only good for him, there is no harm."

Mina tilted her head: "That's right, it just so happens that he has also reached the peak of his current ability, if you don't suddenly say that you can continue to make him stronger, you want him to evolve." "

The strength of the fire dinosaur has accumulated to the peak of this dynamic now, and it can evolve at any time if you want.

Originally, after receiving the Rainbow Medal that day, Mina was ready to let the fire dinosaur evolve into a fire-breathing dragon.

Now it seems that if he wants to evolve, he will have to wait a little longer.

"Then let the fire dinosaur cultivate with you during this time, really look forward to how powerful the fire dinosaur will become after it evolves."

Breaking through the first racial restriction can increase the strength of the elves so much, break through the more difficult second level, and I don't know how powerful the fire dinosaurs will become at that time.

The second racial restriction only exists in theory in the current research community, and those heavenly kings and champions have tried to let the elves break through the racial limit again in the second stage, but they are all broken and sunken, and none of them succeeded.

Now it seems that she Mina, on the contrary, wants to surpass everyone and complete this achievement that no one has ever accomplished.

What the? This is all the credit of Luo Xiaohei? Hum! Blackie is all Mina's!

"Come out, Fire Dinosaur! Xiao Hei is looking for you for something, during this time you may have to suppress evolution, this is the unchanging stone that Mina bought for you, you have to bring it, whether you can break through the second racial limit, but it all depends on whether you can stick to it. "

Cha!" The fire dinosaur stretched his neck and asked Mina to put the necklace made of the Unchanging Stone around his neck.

As long as it can become stronger and evolve later, this is nothing!

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