The fire dinosaur stood respectfully beside Luo Xiaohei, this is Mina's favorite elf, even he is also very envious.

But it's a pity that he didn't get this honor, in terms of strength, he can't beat Luo Xiaohei, in terms of contribution to Mina, he also has self-awareness, it is estimated that all the elves combined, not as much as Luo Xiaohei.

In the entire team, Luo Xiaohei's position cannot be replaced, and almost all the elves have received his favor.

Therefore, even the most powerful Kuailong and Geng Ghost were very polite to Luo Xiaohei.

Especially Kuailong, if Luo Xiaohei hadn't defeated him and taken down the meteorite behind him, he might have died.

"You don't have to stand, just lie down next to me and rest."

This fire dinosaur is very liked by Luo Xiaohei, but it is a pity that he has not yet turned into a human form and has not been able to pass the addiction of a trainer.

He had already planned that as soon as he turned into human form, he would find a way to become a trainer himself, and then try to challenge the dojo and become a champion.

The fire dinosaur honestly lay down.

With his current hard working character, he doesn't want to waste time on rest, which will slow him down to get stronger.

However, Luo Xiaohei said that he could become stronger, so it would be good to be honest and obedient.

Luo Xiaohei closed his eyes and began to actively absorb the fire spirit from the fire spirit bead, and actively controlled the purification of the heavenly pearl, and the speed of refining in an instant soared.

Divide half of the purified fire spirit, cross it out of the body, and guide it towards the fire dinosaur.

The fire dinosaur, who was originally lying very uncomfortable, instantly widened his eyes after feeling that alluring energy.

When this energy enters the body, it is fused almost instantly because of the special structure of the elf's body.

I saw the fire dinosaur's body trembling, and the flames on its tail jumped violently and rose.

The temperature of the flame also rose sharply, and the surrounding air began to distort a little.

The qualitative change of energy, the upper limit of the temperature that the fire dinosaur can use, is also increasing.

Feeling the change in the previous section of his own fierce strength, the fire dinosaur was stunned.

Why does the boss get stronger every day when he sleeps? My own hard work and hard training have not improved much in this one.

Can sleeping also make strength stronger???

"Don't be in a daze, honestly absorb this energy."

Luo Xiaohei's eyes did not open, and he reminded him softly, hearing that the fire dinosaur quickly lay down his head and closed his eyes to absorb energy.

It's just that every time the energy enters the body, the fire dinosaur trembles.

He had a feeling that as long as he converted all the energy in his body to this level, he would definitely become stronger!

Looking at the flames on the fire dinosaur's tail, Mina was a little excited.

This shows that Luo Xiaohei's method has succeeded.

Fire dinosaurs are getting stronger.

At this moment, a pair of blood-red eyes opened from Mina's shadow.

After that, a fat and tall figure appeared behind Mina, it was Geng Ghost who had been hiding in Mina's shadow.

At this time, Geng Ghost is still gray-white, the energy in his body has not been completely transformed, I don't know why, mainly relying on himself, he can't raise the energy to such a pure, and now there is no source of a large amount of soul energy, and his accumulation has reached a bottleneck.

"Oblivious... Little black little friend, has this found any item containing a lot of fire energy, the fire dinosaur is blessed.

Although Geng Ghost was laughing, there was envy in his eyes.

If there is no special location or energy source, it will be much more difficult for him to continue to convert energy, and he does not know that the year of the monkey can be completed.

In particular, his ghost elves are themselves energy bodies, so they need more energy.

Now the fire dinosaur has Luo Xiaohei's help, listening to that meaning, the fire energy is still very sufficient, and it is impossible to say that the fire dinosaur must break through the second shackle by itself first.

"It's Geng Ghost, don't worry, before I came out, I already asked Eric's butler to collect that kind of spar, it's only been a few days, it shouldn't be so fast, so please be patient."

Since the spar ran out, Geng Ghost's ascension had slowed down, so before coming out, Mina mentioned to Eric to collect that spar.

With Silver's efficiency, it should be fast.

After all, the whole of Silver, in large cities around the world, has factories and branches.

Hearing this, Geng Ghost looked at Mina with some gratitude: "Trouble you, Miss Mina."

"You're welcome, we want to be a family!" Mina smiled and narrowed her eyes, very generous.

Just when this side was calm and peaceful, something happened to Ash's side again.

I saw the monkey monster that was violently exporting to a large tree, and a dazzling white light suddenly erupted from its body.

The light drew Mina and Geng Ghost's attention.

"This is the light of evolution, that monkey monster is going to evolve, it's really okay, if you suppress it and evolve again, his future achievements can be higher, a little too anxious." Geng Ghost shook his head, that monkey monster's talent is very good, even if he accumulates to the limit at this stage, he can go further.

It's a pity that the monkey monster lost just now, in order to have more certainty in tomorrow's battle, the monkey monster immediately began to evolve after feeling that it could evolve.

After evolution, the monkey monster became more burly and powerful, but it lost its original agility and speed.

"Congratulations on your monkey monster! Now tomorrow our chances are even greater! "

Because of the evolution of the monkey monster, Ash's confidence has returned, a little faster than Luo Xiaohei expected.

"Monkey Monkey Croak!" The hot monkey raised two fists, also jumping with excitement, just now was crushed by Abirang, but let him have a stomach fire, now evolved, he feels that his strength is greater, tomorrow will definitely be able to take revenge!

Seeing Ash and the hot monkey hugging each other and celebrating happily, the pity in Geng Ghost's eyes turned into sympathy.

Perhaps there is a trainer who is not very reliable and does not have a big picture that makes him so impatient to evolve.

If Ash doesn't care about tomorrow's belt and only sees him as a challenge and a grind, he will stop the evolution of the monkey monster, let him hone his strength, and suppress the desire to evolve.

When polished and evolved, the monkey monster can go further.

And Ash cares too much about victory, so the monkey monster also cares about victory, so after feeling that he can evolve, in order to chase the instantaneous surge in power, he hurriedly evolved.

This is undoubtedly ruining his future.

If Ash and Mina were so responsible, it is estimated that they would have won the championship long ago.

Mina will not ruin the future of the elves for the sake of momentary victory.

To travel with Mina for so long to say that Ash was unclear about the benefits of suppressing evolution was impossible.

It's a pity that he still didn't stop it....

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