"Gentlemen and ladies, first of all, I warmly welcome you to watch this time, the 21st Rainbow City, Fighting Department Competition!"


"Who will be the new belt winner? Please let's wait and see! Early

the next morning, Mina and her group of four arrived at the scene of the martial arts competition.

It's huge, like a Colosseum, bordered by staircase-shaped viewing platforms.

In the middle is a four-corner ring, or a small fighting boxing ring.

On the stage, a host wearing glasses and a suit was doing the opening ceremony.

There are not many people participating in this competition.

But there were forty-eight people.

The first round is a knockout round, in which opponents are randomly matched in the form of lots.

Then at least half of them are eliminated, leaving only twenty-four.

These twenty-four people will participate in the promotion round, and then two or two random battles will be selected, and twelve people will be selected.

After that, there is the final, still two by two, and the final six people are selected.

Of these six people, they will still fight in a random match, leaving only the last three.

These three will be contenders for the final title, during which one person can guarantee a round, the other two will compete, and as long as they stick to the end, they will be the winner of the belt.

The rest will not receive the belt, but will receive cash or other rewards depending on the ranking.

Therefore, there are many people who participate in the competition, most of them are not brought for the golden waist, but for the ranking reward.

If Ash wants to get the belt, he has to fight at least five games.

However, Xiaoxia studied the list of participants yesterday and found that the people who came to the competition would not be very strong.

After all, the fighting competition is actually just an inconspicuous small event against the company, and the people who really pay attention to it are only fighting enthusiasts.

As long as the most powerful of them is Shavarang, the winner of the previous gold belt, the strength of the elves themselves has reached the advanced level.

The second is the runner-up of the previous edition, Abirang, the one they just met when they came to Rainbow City.

That person is also unlucky, she has been runner-up for three consecutive times, and she was defeated by Shavarang, so she was very unconvinced and must win the championship.

As long as Ash is lucky, he won't draw the two of them at the beginning.

The rest of the people have little problem, after all, the monkey monster has evolved into a hot monkey, and its strength has reached a high level, and the hot monkey is also famous in the fighting department.

Although his agility has decreased a lot after evolution, he is still much more flexible than other fighting elves.

"That is the winner of the last gold belt, it is Shavarang of the fighting department, his kicking skills are very powerful, he is known as the ghost of kicking skills, and Ash's monkey monster is not high against him."

After studying the player's information, Xiaoxia recognized Shavarang at first glance.

Suddenly, Mina also saw two familiar figures in the crowd: "Which Abirang's trainer, Ash's monkey monster lost to him."

Xiaoxia was a little surprised: "He is the runner-up of the last three times, and his strength is also very strong, but... When did Ash fight him? How did we not know?

"Just yesterday, you and Xiao Gang were studying the player's information, and when I went outside to train with him, Ash and he had a verbal conflict, and then the monkey monster was severely repaired by Abirang, and he lost very badly."

"In this way, that Xiao Zhi is against him, and the odds of winning are not great..." Xiao Xia was a little worried.

In the field, Ash also confronted the uncle.

Seeing that Ash still participated in the competition, the uncle walked to Ash proudly: "I didn't expect you to come to the competition, yesterday's battle, haven't you seen the facts clearly?"

Ash was a little angry: "I won't lose again this time, let's see you in the ring later!" "

Monkey twitter!" The fiery monkey waved his fist, and after seeing Abirang, the fighting intent was even stronger.

The uncle was a little surprised: "No wonder you are so confident, did you evolve into a hot monkey?" But even if it evolves, it can't be our opponent's. Although

the monkey monster has evolved, somewhat beyond his expectations, he still has confidence in his Abirang.

"Billy..." so did Abirang, clash his fists together, not afraid of the gaze of the fiery monkey.

After speaking, the uncle took Abirang and left.

Ash gritted his teeth when he saw it, but now he couldn't do it.

Soon the opponents of the first knockout round were distributed.

Ash is lucky that the matching opponent is not strong, it is a wrist force that has not yet evolved.

This made Xiao Xia, who was watching the battle, breathe a sigh of relief: "It's wrist strength, which one is the weakest in this competition, Xiaozhi's luck is really good."

Xiao Gang nodded in agreement: "Ash's luck has always been very good, if he meets Shavarang and Abiro, and is eliminated in the first round, Ash is estimated to be depressed to death, it seems that the first round of elimination has been stabilized." "

Several of the strongest people were not brushed off in the first round.

Although it is said to be a random match, the organizers still did something tricky in order to be more attractive.

Because of its evolution, the monkey monster has also reached an advanced level, so the organizers will not let Ash be used as a stepping stone so quickly.

Because the match is strong and weak, the first round basically ends quickly.

That wrist force was punched out of the ring by the monkey monster with three punches and two kicks.

Almost the victory of KO made both Ash and Hot Monkey have a lot of confidence.

In the second round of promotion, Ash was lucky and did not play against the strongest two, but the opponents he encountered were also evenly matched.

It is also a more famous strange force in the fighting department.

The strongest strange power is his terrifying strength, and it can be seen from his name alone that his strength is terrifying.

In addition to strength, those four big hands with knotted muscles are also very terrifying.

It is said that he can throw a thousand punches in a few seconds, and the speed of the punch is not comparable even to Abirang.

However, the only drawback of strange power is that it is not flexible enough.

In the end, he was evaded by the hot monkey's flexible position, and was hit to the point again, losing to the hot monkey.

Successfully advanced to the top 12, which made Xiaoxia who watched the game sincerely happy.

But the next six will be even more difficult to play.

Xiaoxia, they were inevitably nervous.

But that's all tomorrow.

"Ash performed very well today, and he has already advanced to the top 12 of the tournament." Mina waved her fist excitedly, if she didn't have a fighting elf, she would want to compete, and the fist-to-flesh collision was more exciting than the fight.

Only relying on the body and fighting skills, although the skill is not powerful, but it is more nerve-stimulating and makes people's blood boil.

Ash was a little proud: "Of course, my hot monkey is the most powerful, look, the gold belt will definitely be mine!" "

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