Yi Wanjun retreated two steps. Secretary Huang was in a hurry and was unprepared. He was hit and fell to the ground. He couldn't help shouting in pain. In response, Yi Wanjun quickly pulled Secretary Huang up from the ground and said with sorry concern, "what's the matter?"

After getting up from the ground, Secretary Huang straightened his eyes, which were hanging askew on his face, shook his head, "I'm fine." then he bent down to pick up the scattered documents on the ground.

Yi Wanjun also bent down to help. When she sorted out the documents she picked up, she was suddenly attracted by a document. Her eyebrows moved slightly. She pulled out the document from the bottom and spread it out in front of her. This is a bidding document for municipal construction voted last month. Appearing here means that the bidding document was rejected. Then she looked at the rest of the documents in her hand, Most of them are similar to this bidding document. Some investment, bidding and financing contracts of Yishi have been rejected by the other party. Therefore, Yishi is facing not only the pressure of public opinion, but also some business resistance. For example, these projects that are ready to operate in the coming year have to be stopped, This crisis seems to be more serious than the last Haicheng International Trade Zone project.

After finishing sorting out the documents, Secretary Huang looks back and sees Yi Wanjun standing there in a daze with a pile of documents.

He stood up straight, sighed secretly, and then whispered, "President?"

Hearing Secretary Huang calling herself, she recovered for the first time. She was slow, huh? With a cry, Secretary Huang indicated the document in her hand with her eyes.

"Excuse me, Secretary Huang. Just clean it up for me and put it on my desk. I'll come back later." she raised her feet and left around Secretary Huang.

Secretary Huang looked at her leaving back. Just about to ask her where she was going, she saw that she had entered the elevator, turned and pressed the close key. Then the elevator door closed. Secretary Huang dragged the document with one hand and habitually pushed her glasses with the other hand.

Yi Wanjun goes to the underground parking lot, presses the electronic key, then sits in the car, starts the car and leaves the underground parking lot.

The class was delayed for several days. After Yi Wanjun left in the morning, Yi Nian didn't have breakfast and went directly to school.

But this time, she drove her own car. In fact, she didn't know how to drive. When she was 18, she got her driver's license. She just had trouble driving first, so she always relied on Ling CHENFENG to take her to school, or she rubbed her parents' car.

Later, when Shen Zhizhuo came, she didn't take the initiative to touch the steering wheel, so that the family almost forgot that she could drive and had a driver's license.

At school, as soon as she came out of the parking lot, she saw the students passing by her whispering at her. If it was in the past, she would never care about her comments, but she didn't know why. Now she suddenly felt that she didn't know where her pride had been lost. At this time, in the face of their discussion, she was very concerned, and even had a cowardly idea of hiding.

All the way from the parking lot to the class, everyone who saw her couldn't help stopping to take a look at her, and then talk to her companions.

Passerby A: "I heard she is not the daughter of Yi?"

Passerby B: "no, my parents have come to the door. I heard that I have also made a paternity test. I'm sure it's not president Yi's daughter."

Passerby C: "she still lives in Yi's house. Haven't she moved away?"

Passerby Ding: "it seems not. I saw it at the school gate just now. I came in a sports car. That posture, tut tut......"

When I came to the class, as expected, those students who had been around her in the past avoided her, and their eyes were full of disgust.

Classmate a: "Hey, you said, what should we call her now? It seems that she is no longer qualified to be named Yi?"

Classmate B: "I know, I know, her biological father's last name is mo......"

Classmate C: "don't read? What a strange name, ha ha..."

Classmate Ding: "well, well, stop talking. Don't you know, her mother is a psychopath. This thing can be inherited. Be careful that she beats you crazy."

All the students couldn't help but cheer up and suddenly felt terrible. There was a potential psychotic in their class. Should they reflect with the school leaders?

Yinian heard their comments, because they didn't keep their voice down, just like they were talking to Yinian on purpose. Their tone was full of schadenfreude.

Yi Nian took a deep breath, calmly took out the books to be used in class for a while, opened them and began to preview seriously.

The students in the class were very surprised at Yi Nian's response. It was completely different from the Yi Nian they knew. It was Yi Nian's indifference that made those students who had to gossip shut up.

When the class was about to begin, Yi Nian found that there seemed to be one missing person in the class. She looked around. Sure enough, she didn't see ouyangting. There were many things during this time, and she didn't notice it. It seems that she hasn't contacted her for a long time.

Thinking of this, she took out her mobile phone and sent her a wechat. After waiting for a while, she didn't get a reply. At this time, the teacher came in. Yi Nian quickly put away her mobile phone and sat down waiting for class.

This class is "Li Mochou". As before, "Li Mochou" walked into the classroom without expression. She stood towards the podium, and the classroom was in a quiet mess in an instant.

Her calm eyes scanned the classroom for a week and seemed very satisfied with the students' performance. When her eyes fell on Yinian, she paused slightly, then calmly pulled away, then bowed her head, opened the book in her hand and began to lecture.

At the end of class, the students all rushed out of the classroom, but "Li Mochou" did not leave as usual. When the students all went out and there was only Yinian who was slowly sorting out her books in the classroom, she walked slowly down the platform with her own books.

After Yi Nian packed up her books, as soon as she looked up, she saw "Li Mochou" standing in front of her desk and looking at her calmly.

Yi Nian looked back and touched her doubts. "Li Mochou" calmly said to her, "Yi Nian, remember, your strength is the most powerful weapon to fight back against others at any time." after leaving this sentence, "Li Mochou" turned around, stepped on three inch high heels and walked out of the classroom with her unique firmness.

Yi Nian kept the posture of looking up at her just now, and her words echoed in her ears, "Yi Nian, remember, your strength is the sharpest weapon to fight back at others at any time."

In a very simple sentence, although what she said was very cold and hard, it stopped in Yinian's ear and baked like the warm sun in midsummer. Her heart was hot and warm.

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