Yi Nian still kept the posture of looking up at her just now, and her words echoed in her ears, "Yi Nian, remember, your strength is the most powerful weapon to fight back at others at any time."

In a very simple sentence, although what she said was very cold and hard, it stopped in Yinian's ear and baked like the warm sun in midsummer. Her heart was hot and warm.

Yi Nian sat in the classroom until the second class. Then she recovered from her flying thoughts and continued her class.

When there was no class in the afternoon, Yinian planned to drive home. When the car just left the school gate, as soon as the steering wheel turned, her car turned around at the intersection in front and drove in the opposite direction.

Twenty minutes later, Yinian's car came to the building of Yishi group. She turned the steering wheel and drove towards the underground parking lot. As soon as she got to the door of the parking lot, she saw a familiar car coming out of the parking lot and driving in the other direction. When she saw that it was yiwanjun driving, she turned the steering wheel and followed up.

Yi Nian keeps following Yi Wanjun's car at a constant speed. Where is she going? Yi Nian thought suspiciously. Because she was worried about her body, she didn't go home after class. She came directly to the company. She just didn't expect to see her driving away from the company alone. Because she didn't bring anyone around, Yi Nian followed her anxiously.

Follow Yi Wanjun all the way to Nanshan cemetery in the south of the city.

In early winter, the rustling breath is particularly prosperous in the cemetery. Sitting in the car, Yi Nian watched Yi Wanjun get off and walk all the way down the steps to the depths of the cemetery. Sitting in the car, she suddenly trembled. The tomb of her biological father Yi Huisheng is here.

At that time, on the day of his death, her mother and father Shen Hongyuan would bring her here for a sweep. Although she had never seen him, she knew from an early age that she had a father sleeping there.

Fate teased him. In the end, it was so ironic that she was not his own daughter. Now Yinian dared not go to see him. If he knew he was not his daughter, would he be sad and angry with himself.

While Yi Nian was thinking about it, Yi Wanjun's figure had disappeared into the depths of the cemetery. Yinian quickly untied her seat belt, pushed open the door and got off. As soon as she got off the car, a cold wind came up. Yinian subconsciously stimulated her spirit. Then, regardless of her fear, she raised her feet and ran after Yi Wanjun in the direction of disappearing.

Yi Wanjun walked all the way to a cemetery deep in the cemetery. She was weak, so she walked for a while. She was already gasping for breath, and then she coughed twice. Yi Wanjun stopped and rested for a moment before continuing to walk forward.

It was at this time that Yinian caught up with her. It seemed that she was tired and stopped to rest. As soon as Yinian was about to shout to her, she saw her walking forward again.

Yi Nian swallowed the voice that was about to exit and continued to follow her quietly without disturbing her.

After walking for about 15 minutes, Yi Wanjun stopped in front of a tombstone.

Yinian was hidden behind a big pine tree and watched her quietly.

Yi Wanjun stood in front of Yi Huisheng's tombstone. She didn't speak for a long time. She just stood quietly. The cold wind in early winter blew, and her dress swayed with the wind. The cold air hit her face with a bone chilling chill. Because of the cold, her face turned a little white, but she still stood upright and didn't move, as if she couldn't feel the cold.

Just as Yi Nian kept rubbing her hands and breathing towards the palm, Yi Wanjun moved slightly, because her feet were stiff after standing for a long time.

After a long sigh, she moved her dry lips, "Huisheng..." just said two words, and there was no following. She had a lot to tell him on the way, but when she saw his tombstone, she just called his name and couldn't say anything.

"Huisheng, thank you... Thank you. Knowing that the child is not yours, you are still willing to use your life to protect our mother and son. I don't know why. Recently, you always think of the past. At that time, our age was similar to that of Xiaonian. It was an age of wanton behavior. How good, in a flash, for more than 20 years, things and people have changed..."

Yi Wanjun said a lot in a scattered way, as if she had said all her recent worries.

When she finally bowed to the tombstone and was ready to leave, it was two hours later.

Yi Nian, hiding behind the pine tree, turned pale with cold, his lips turned blue, and kept breathing in the palm of his hand.

When she saw Yi Wanjun walking down the mountain, she moved a little stiff. She took a look at Yi Wanjun's back and looked back at Yi Huisheng's tombstone. Finally, instead of chasing Yi Wanjun first, she walked to Yi Huisheng's tomb and stood in the place where Yi Wanjun had just stood.

After a moment of silence, she blinked gently, and then bowed three times deeply thinking of the tombstone. Then he turned around and went after Yi Wanjun.

When Yi Nian came to the parking lot, Yi Wanjun had already left in her car. Yi Nian hurried to a hidden place outside the parking lot, drove her car out and chased her back to the city.

When returning to the city, Yinian kept a constant speed and followed her not far or near behind yiwanjun until she saw her car enter the company's underground parking lot.

After taking a look at her mobile phone, she got off work in half an hour, so Yinian parked her car in the outdoor parking lot on the side of the road, sat in the car and waited for a while, calculating the time. By now, yiwanjun should have returned to the office. Yinian started the car, drove into the underground parking lot, and then took the president's exclusive elevator to the top-level president's office.

Yi Wanjun returned to the office. The first time she picked up the documents sorted out by Secretary Huang, and then began to review the documents.

There was a knock on the door. Yi Wanjun said to enter without raising her head. When she thought it was Secretary Huang, she looked up and saw Yi Nian standing in front of her desk with a smile.

Yi Wanjun raised her eyebrows suspiciously. "Xiaonian? How did you come to the company?" she said. She put down her pen, stood up from her chair, bypassed the table and walked to Yi Nian.

"Just after school, it's almost time to get off work, so I'll come to pick you up and go home." Yi Nian smiles and greets Yi Wanjun. As before, she holds her arm like a spoiled child and puts her head on Yi Wanjun's shoulder.

As soon as Yi Wanjun's heart was warm, she took a look at the time. Sure enough, she left work in less than five minutes. She glanced at the unfinished documents on the table, "wait for me, I'll clean up and we'll go home."

"HMM." Yi Nian smiled, loosened her arm, turned to the clothes hanger at the door, took off Yi Wanjun's coat, and stood waiting at the door.

Yi Wanjun returns to her desk, gathers all the messy documents on the desk, and then puts the unfinished documents in her briefcase, ready to take the unfinished work home.

At this time, the door of the office was knocked again. Yi Nian, who was standing at the door, subconsciously walked over and opened the door. A little secretary in the Secretary's office stood at the door with an express box. When she saw Yi Nian, her eyes flashed slightly. Then she reacted and said hello to her politely, "Miss, this is the express of the president sent downstairs just now."

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