Shen Zhihuo said, and suddenly stopped here, which made Chu Yufan and Chu Yufei hold their breath and wait for him.

"Like what?" Chu Yufan asked impatiently.

Shen Zhizhuo raised his eyes and looked at him, "Maybe I thought too much, but that night, Yi Wanjun was almost hit by a speeding motorcycle at the door of the community. I think it should not be as simple as it seems, because the motorcycle really went towards her at the beginning, but deviated from the original direction when it was about to hit her, so the man just wanted to scare her, not really I want her life. "

Chu Yufan said with a smile, "learn from the cat and tease the mouse to seek the pleasure of becoming a winner, but that man is really shameless, but he is quite to my taste, hehe..."

Chu Yufei glanced at him obliquely, then looked at Shen Zhizhuo's clear and meaningful side face and said, "so you think that person is not just having a hard time with Yishi group, but his personal feelings are involved?"

Chu Yufan automatically blocked the elder sister's eyes, turned his lips and continued to say, "is it because of love and hate revenge? But isn't your father having emotional disputes with your mother and Yi Wanjun, or the fourth person we don't know?"

When Shen Zhizhuo heard his words' your father and your mother ', his face suddenly changed and a chill flashed across his eyes.

Seeing his look suddenly changed, Chu Yufan secretly said that he was not good and touched his scales. He quickly shut his mouth and hurriedly slipped away while the cold air from him had not spread to him. "I'm leaving Germany tomorrow. It's good to have a good sleep and keep my spirit." without looking back, he trotted upstairs and destroyed his room.

Looking at his running back, Chu Yufei reluctantly shook her head. I really don't know when his brother will grow up. He is always impetuous like a child.

After Chu Yufan left, Shen Zhihuo pressed down the emotion that surged up at the bottom of his heart because of his words, and calmly said, "it seems that if you want to find out the mysterious man, you have to start from 20 years ago. Maybe you can find something."


It was three hours later when Yi Wanjun came out of the law firm. When she first came to the door, she saw Yi Nian's car parked on the roadside. It turned out that she didn't go home, but had been waiting for her here.

Yi Wanjun felt a trace of warmth in her heart, but at the same time, she also felt deep guilt. During this period, too many things have happened. She saw the growth of Yi Nian, saw her confusion, and knew that she has been careful all this time.

Even if she didn't change her a little, she was still at a loss at the bottom of her heart, at a loss about her life experience.

Yi Nian sat in the car and waited. Although the air outside was very cold, the air conditioner in the car was very warm, so she fell asleep unconsciously.

But because she didn't sleep well in the chair, when she adjusted her position, she suddenly woke up. She looked blankly at her environment. She had fallen asleep in the car, rubbed her eyes, sat up, and then patted her cheeks, trying to cheer herself up. Suddenly, her residual light swept a shadow in the night outside the window. She was frightened first Jump and then look at it. It turns out that it's her mother, Yi Wanjun, who doesn't know when she came out of the office, so she hurriedly pressed the button to open the door.

"Mom, get in the car quickly. When did you get down? It's cold."

Yinian's voice brought the wandering yiwanjun back to reality. Then she bent over and got into the car, closed the door and fastened her seat belt. Instead of asking why Yinian didn't go home, she said, "I'm so hungry. Xiaonian is also hungry. Let's go eat something delicious."

Yi Nian clearly saw her fatigue hidden under her smile. A trace of pain flashed in her heart, smiled and nodded, "well... I know a good store."

"OK, let's go there."


After about half an hour, Yinian drove to a relatively quiet and narrow path. At this time, it was already 8:30, nearly 9 o'clock. Yinian thought that the store had been closed. She wanted to have a try. Unexpectedly, she came right. Most of the small shops beside such a secluded path closed early at this time. I didn't expect it to be here It's brightly lit.

"That's it." Yi Nian said to Yi Wanjun, the co pilot, as she untied her seat belt.

Hearing the speech, Yi Wanjun curiously picked her eyebrows and looked in the direction Yi Nian pointed out. It was a very small store. It was decorated in an idyllic style, elegant and clean.

Yi Wanjun also unfastens her seat belt and pushes open the door to get off.

Standing in front of the store, she looked up at the plaque of the store. It's a very interesting name. It's very commensurate with the decoration here. It's a very artistic name. "One side of the border" literally means that it should be a noodle shop.

"Go in." Yi Nian locked the car, came to Yi Wanjun and said.

Then they walked into the noodle shop side by side.

At this time, there was no customer in the store. Only the boss and his wife sat face to face and chatted.

Seeing guests arrive, they get up and entertain them warmly.

Yi Nian leads Yi Wanjun to the seat where she sat last time she and Shen Zhihuo came here to eat noodles.

After sitting down, she took the menu on the table and handed it to the mother opposite, "Mom, look what kind of noodles you like. The noodles in this house are particularly delicious. Last time... Shen Zhizhuo brought me here to eat, which was very good." when she mentioned Shen Zhizhuo, Yinian's eyes flashed a touch of gloom, but she quickly covered it up.

Yi Wanjun didn't miss the gloom in her eyes. Her hand holding the menu trembled slightly and sighed sadly.

"Really, let me see. Wow, there are so many flavors. It turns out that noodles can be so rich." Yi Wanjun pretended not to see anything and tried to adjust the repressed atmosphere just now.

When the boss heard the guest's exclamation, he smiled and said, "yes, but although there are many kinds of noodles, I think the original noodles are the best. After all, they are original and have no mixed taste."

"What I ate last time was also plain noodles. Boss, I want another plain noodles this time." Yi Nian ate plain noodles last time. She still remembers the taste and asked very pure.

Yi Wanjun put down the menu and said with a smile, "well, I'll try the original noodles, too."

The boss repeated, "two original noodles?"

Yi Nian nodded slightly. The boss quickly turned and went to the kitchen.

After a while, two bowls of hot original noodles were brought up. Just with the steaming heat, bursts of face fragrance made people salivate. Yi Wanjun, who was not hungry at all, smelled this and asked, and her appetite suddenly opened.

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