A bowl of noodles was soon eaten up. Yinian had no appetite recently because she was in a bad mood. She lost a circle and even her stomach narrowed. She could eat a bowl and a half of rice. Now she can eat half a bowl of rice at most, but today she has such a large bowl of noodles for the first time.

Yi Wanjun doesn't usually eat much, but today she also exceeds her usual amount of food. When the two leave the "one-sided relationship", they all look satisfied.

When she was about to get on the bus, Yi Wanjun stopped, turned around and took another look at the shop.

When she got home, sister-in-law Wu was sitting in the living room waiting for them. Seeing their mother and daughter coming back, she got up and wanted to prepare a snack for them.

"Don't bother, sister-in-law Wu. Xiao Nian and I had just finished eating before we came back. It's very late. You should have a rest early."

"Have you really eaten? Why don't I make some and you eat more?"

"I've really eaten, and I'm full." Yinian said with a smile.

"Oh, if you're hungry, remember to call me and I'll make it for you at any time." sister-in-law Wu still asked twice, and then went back to her room.

When Yi Nian and Yi Wanjun were about to go upstairs, uncle Lin came back from the outside and stopped Yi Wanjun.

Knowing that they had something to say, Yinian said good night to them and went upstairs.

In the study, Yi Wanjun poured a cup of hot water for uncle Lin and asked, "how's it going? Did you find it?"

Uncle Lin took a sip of hot water, and his body immediately warmed up. Hearing Yi Wanjun's inquiry, he nodded, "I found it. It's similar to what we knew before. The young master was indeed lost in that welfare home. At that time, he was suspected to have been abducted by human traffickers, but because there was no clue, the matter was over."

"At that time, there were some faults in the young master's trace. It was not until a year later that he was rescued from a group of human traffickers by the police, because he insisted that he was an orphan, without father, mother, relatives and friends. Later, the police checked in many ways and found no information about his relatives, so they sent him to a local welfare home, and then we found him It's his time. "

"I went to the welfare home where I accepted the young master. I didn't have the young master's name, but there was him. That is to say, when the young master was rescued from human traffickers by the police, he told the police his false name."

"So, there's nothing wrong, isn't there?" Yi Wanjun felt relieved when she heard this. Although she had a moment of doubt before, she was really afraid that the result of Uncle Lin's investigation would be the same as she thought, because she didn't want it from the bottom of her heart.

Uncle Lin put down his cup, looked at her and said, "no, although the results of my investigation are no problem, I found a doubt."

Yi Wanjun's heart said, "... What?"

Uncle Lin hesitated and said, "the young master was adopted by a very distinguished man at the age of 11, but he was sent back at the age of 16."

"What?" Yi Wanjun wondered why he hadn't said anything about it. Then she hurriedly asked, "did the person who adopted him find out?"

Uncle Lin shook his head reluctantly. "This is the best place for me. The man who once adopted the young master didn't show up when he adopted the young master. Everything was handled by a lawyer... But according to the president's memory, the man seemed to be surnamed Peng."

"Peng?" Yi Wanjun repeated the surname thoughtfully, trying to recall her impression of the surname, but she didn't seem to have such a high-ranking man surnamed Peng in her memory.

"However, madam, these don't seem to prove anything." when Yi Wanjun asked Uncle Lin to check Shen Zhizhuo, she told uncle Lin about the causes and consequences. Uncle Lin felt that her suspicion had a certain foundation. After all, the gratitude and resentment of the previous generation were there. If he did anything, there was a reason.

But he is only a 19-year-old child. Even if he is mature and introverted, he can't have so much ability to do anything. However, it's different if there are people with great ability behind him to help him.

Yi Wanjun sighed with a tired look, leaned back on the sofa, raised her hand and rubbed her sore eyebrows, "Uncle Lin, the procuratorate is ready to sue Hongyuan."

"What?" Uncle Lin suddenly raised his voice and stood up from the sofa. Obviously, Yi Wanjun's words shocked him very much.

"How is it possible that Mr. has never done those things at all? How can they convict Mr. so indiscriminately? Where did their evidence come from? Which prosecutor was the sponsor?"

Uncle Lin was very excited and naturally spoke in a high tone. Yi Wanjun sighed and said, "this matter has not been announced. Lawyer Zhang called me today. He also learned about it internally through special means. It has not been decided when the procuratorate will submit a file to the court for formal prosecution, so before that, we must find evidence that he has not participated in overseas money laundering."

It's obvious that someone was framed behind the scenes, but there is no evidence, and I don't know what the source of the man hiding in the dark is? Therefore, it is not easy to find evidence.

And what kind of evidence does the procuratorate have? He insisted that Shen Hongyuan had participated in the overseas money laundering case. They don't know yet, so it's really too difficult.

The most important thing is that they can't see Shen Hongyuan at all now, so they don't know what Shen Hongyuan did before, what they don't know. Let those who want to take advantage of it.

Uncle Lin tried to suppress the surging emotion in his heart, took a deep breath for several times, and then comforted Yi Wanjun in a stable tone. He said, "madam, don't worry too much. Those who are clear are clear, and those who are turbid are turbid. For things they haven't done, even if they really come up with some so-called evidence, they can't cover the sky with one hand and confuse black and white."

Yi Wanjun naturally understood what uncle Lin said. Although she advised herself that no matter what methods those people tried to deal with them, it was just futile, she couldn't calm down when she thought of Shen Hongyuan's environment at this time.

When Uncle Lin left the study, it was almost early in the morning. Thinking that there were still several documents to be processed, Yi Wanjun got up and went to the bathroom of the study, turned on the faucet and washed her face with cold water, forcing herself to be more energetic. When he looked up and looked at himself haggard in the mirror, he suddenly found that she was not young anymore. Although she was well maintained, but, There are still faint crow's feet in the corners of the eyes.

What happened one after another during this period made her tired and seemed to be ten years old all at once.

He shook his head, put aside his thoughts, went out of the bathroom, sat behind his desk, took out the documents brought back from the company and began to deal with his official business.

Just when Uncle Lin went downstairs to his room, his figure was at the corner of the stairs. A figure came out from behind a statue more than one person high at the door of the study.

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