Machine God Of The Multiverse

Chapter 15 - 14: First Battle Part 3 End

[Third Person pov]

*Megatron I've come to bargain* Luke said in Cybertronian causing Megatron to stop and pause as he looks down at the little human in front of him.

"You! your that human that freed me from my icy prison with Frenzy, tell me boy have you come to submit yourself to me and in return i'll keep you as my little pet." Megatron said in his usual gravely voice.

Before answering Luke looked up towards the stairs checking to see if Sam still up there, noticing that Sam actually followed his instructions for once Luke continued the conversation.

"With all do respect Lord Megatron even I do submit myself to you and you gain the Allspark the humans are still going to win thanks to the Autobot's." Luke spoke out.

(+5 Relations with Megatron for calling him Lord)

'Really what a narcissist.' Luke thought as he observed Megatron's pondering form.

"Interesting tell me how that will happen pink skin." Megatron commanded.

"Lord Megatron there's currently 6.6 Billion people on this planet this might not seem much to you right now but humanity has a tendency to unite against common foes, the less they know about you the better but unfortunately it's a bit to late for that but i have a plan if you would hear me out." Luke said as received the nod of approval from Megatron.


[With Sam few minutes later]

Sam finally reached the top of building and uses the flare that he was holding onto to signal the incoming Helicopters unfortunately for him the Helicopters positioned themselves to the very end of the building which is the completely opposite of where Sam is standing.

Megatron fully bursted out of the roof and chased after Sam, before Sam could make it to the Helicopter Megatron fused his arms together took a knee and sniped the Chopper out of the sky even catching Sam with the blast causing him to be hurled back and rolling several times against the buildings roof top.

Crawling across the roof Sam tried his hardest to escape Megatron who was slowly and menacingly walking over to him.

Sam climbed up a nearby statue and used it as cover and support by hiding behind it.

"Just give me the Cube boy and all troubles will come to an end." Megatron said as he gliding his metal clawed fingers across the statue.

"I'll never give you the All Spark!" Sam says determinedly.

"Then die." Megatron snarled as his right arm transformed into a large metal flail/chain whip, Megatron raised his mighty flail into the air and was about to bring it down until a large amount of bullets assaulted him causing Megatron to cover his face and eyes with his left hand.

Luke finally arrived and was running and gunning at Megatron whilst trying to make it to Sam, once Luke got near Sam Megatron raised his flail again and slammed it into the buildings roof causing large cracks to appear and portions of the building to fall off like the statue that Sam was holding onto and the ground that Luke was standing on.

As the two brothers were falling drawing closer and closer to the ground a metal hand caught them causing both of the bothers to look at their saviour which reveals to be Optimus, seeing Optimus Megatron jumps down from the building and chases after him.

The two giant robots and human bothers land on the ground before both Optimus and Megatron stood up and begin to renter back into their fight causing countless property damage.

"Luke your bleeding!" Sam shouted out in concern as he went to check on Luke.

"I ain't got time to bleed." Luke replied as he slowly removed the pipe despite he's medical training teaching him not to.

"Luke you shouldn't have removed the pipe." Sam said as he tried to stop the bleeding but was interrupted by Luke grabbing his wrist tightly.

"Listen to me Sam your main mission to guard that Cube with our life, I don't give a damn if you have to shove the thing into Megatron's c.h.e.s.t to destroy this is the one job you have don't screw it up just because of me or anyone else." Luke said in a stern voice as he pushed Sam away.

After being pushed away Sam realised he couldn't compete with his bothers strong headed stubbornness and decided to finish the mission he was f.o.r.c.i.b.l.y assigned too.

"Well at least now I have proper reason and excuse to start experimenting on myself." Luke said as watched Sam disappear while applying pressure to his wound.

Luke slowly stands up and pulls out his heavily modified Energon blaster pistol before he starts to slowly walk towards where Sam was heading.


With Sam he was currently watching both Megatron and Optimus bashing and smashing any possible weapons or objects into each other until they both collapse to the ground due to both of them punching the other, seeing his chance Sam runs towards Megatron ignoring the warning from Optimus.

"Sam stop give me the Cube i'll destroy it." Optimus cry's out to Sam.

"No Prime it's mine." Megatron says with snarl as he try's to grab Sam but ultimately fails as Sam is positioned right under him.

"You want it so badly, then here take it." Sam says as he shoves the All Spark into Megatron's c.h.e.s.t causing it overwhelm Megatron's Spark with power, just as the Spark was about to kill off Megatron a blue purplish energy bolt slammed into the back of Megatron and pierced all the way through his Spark killing him.

[Name: Luke Witwicky

HP: 62/100 (Bleeding loses 1HP per minute

Race: Human

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Machine Transformation: 15% (1 Gram worth of Transformium coated skeleton, 1/2 Kg Transformium reinforced in both legs and arms bones and muscles )

Machine Enhancements: Advance Vision Enhancement (Allows the user to see 15x further away than normal humans)

Advance Nerve Enhancement (Decreases pain receptors 10x and increase 6x healing factor heals minor and moderate wounds in seconds while serious will take half an hour)

Advance Muscle Enhancement (Can lift over 250 Kilograms as well as increased speed and destructive power, can punch and kick through solid steel metal wall 3 inch thick)

Moderate Endurance Enhancement (Body can tank a couple of assault rifle rounds before bleeding)


STR: 5.8 (High Pro Athlete Level)

SPD: 6.3 (High Pro Athlete Level)

INT: 8.0 ( Very High Genius Level 155 IQ)

PWR: 5.9 ( High Pro Athlete Level)

DEF: 5.0 (Pro Athlete Level)

THREAT LEVEL: Mid Super Soldier


Main Missions: (1) HELP/FREE MEGATRON ESCAPE (Reward: +30 Relations with Decepticons, +25 Relations with Megatron and 2.5Kg Transformium |Status: Completed|)

(2) KILL/STOP MEGATRON BEFORE SAM (Reward: +30 Relations with Autobots, +25 Relations with Optimus Prime and 2.5Kg Transformium |Status: Completed|)

Side Missions: (1) JOIN THE DECEPTICONS (Reward: +10 Relations with the Decepticons and Cybertronian blueprints |Status: Completed|)

(2) JOIN THE AUTOBOTS (Reward: +10 Relations with the Autobots and Cybertronian Language |Status: Completed|)


Relationship Tab

Autobot's: +45 (Warm |Will be more inclined to listen to you compared to others|)

Decepticon's: +40 (Warm |Will not kill you on sight|)

Sam: +100 (Loyal)

Megatron: +35 (Warm |Will not kill you on sight and will be more inclined to listen to your ideas compare to the rest of the Decepticons|)

John Keller: +100 (Loyal |Infected|)

Optimus Prime: +25 (Warm)


Till next time

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