Machine God Of The Multiverse

Chapter 16 - 15: After effect and experiment

[Inside the Pentagon Washington, D.C.]

[John Keller Pov]

"Gentlemen the President has ordered Sector Seven be terminated and the remains of the dead aliens disposed of, the Laurentian abyss is seven miles below sea level deepest place on our planet, the massive depth and pressure there coupled with sub-freezing temperatures will crush it in twos leaving no evidence." I say to the high ranking officers in the room or watching live through a webcam.

"And through there actions of bravery and them prepared to risk there lives for this great country I declare that Captain William Lennox and Lieutenant Luke Witwicky will be promoted to the rank of Major." I said getting nods from the HR officers in the room.

"Is there any questions, queries and/or concerns at this time?" I ask around the room.

"Sir what shall we do with the alien artefact known by the name of 'The Cube' or by 'The Allspark'." A random Officer asks.

"We'll be moving it to an unknown top secret facility that only some of you gentlemen will have access to, now if that's all gentlemen then this meeting is finished." I said before standing up and leaving the room with several black suited and glasses wearing bodyguards.


[Third Person Pov]

[Secret Location, Washington, D.C.]

Inside an elevator John Keller and 6 security guards go through a secret entrance leading to a large white hospital like room with hundreds of monitors the size of cars plastered around the room, beside the monitors was three dozen heavily armed security guards in armoured S.W.A.T kevlar vests that cover their entire body along side a full tactical helmet/mask that covers and protects the entire head on top of the helmet was a single pair of tactical goggles that allowed the user to see through multiple visions such as thermal, tech, sound vibration, x-ray and more.

"About time you showed up." A commanding voice boom around the room causing all the security personnel to quickly enter the attention position while holding onto their FN P90's by using their shoulders.

Greeting John Keller was of course Luke Witwicky wearing a long white one piece suit that had belt like instruments wrapped around his arms and legs (Think of it like straight jacket except the arms aren't bound up together.).

"Apologies Sir, meetings were... disruptive." Keller said as he adjust his tie before pausing and cracking his neck revealing a yellow vein like parasite that stretches from behind the ear to his collar bone, the vein pulsed for a few seconds glowing yellow every time before despairing back into the skin.

"That's fine as long as you have brought me what I wanted then I can forgive your lateness." Luke said as he moved a bit closer, John nodded before angling his head upwards so that his entire face is looking up at the ceiling.

Suddenly a large bulged appeared in his throat and began to move upwards towards the mouth, John's eyes rolled back into his head as his opens his mouth revealing a small metallic snake/worm like creature with two pairs of mandibles jutting out from above and below its mouth (Predalien c.h.e.s.t burster) on its forehead it had one large metal eye that took up most of the space, along its back was a line of vein like patterns that lead up to the several eyes that's plastered around it's body.

John as if under control of the metal snake walked forwards until he was a meter away from Luke the metal snake then moved its body forward until its head was above Luke's stretched out hand, the creature opened its jaw revealing a secondary jaw that extended forwards and dropped something into Luke's palm before the creature retreated back into Johns body.

Luke looks down at the small piece of metal in his hand and grins while stroking the small metal with his thumb, Luke turns around and walks towards the direction he came from but this time with John and a couple of security guards following them.

Luke enters a new room that filled with hundreds of giant test tubes and containers that contain metal snake that was in John surrounded in yellow fluid, Luke walks up to one of the tables that were 'adjusting' the creature.

"Outstanding isn't it... purely mechanical.... at least for now, it has the potential of become one of the best assassination and spying 'organism' that ever existed it can mimic sounds, turn invisible see through a multitude of visions and is able to live in a host body for a century the only thing that's missing is this." Luke explained holding up the small metal shard in his hand.

"The Allspark once a powerful Cybertronian artefact that can bring life into machines or heal them from damage, originally there were only two pieces left of the Allspark now in shard form but thanks to our efforts one more has been acquired." Luke said as he hold the last shard of the Allspark above the mechanical snake.

"With this piece our world shall forever change." Luke said as he tap shard onto the metal construct, the first thing that occurred was a change in colour with the metal snake turning from grey to more of a metallic blue alongside gaining two small arm appendages and a blade like tail.


The new Cybertronian snake let's out a high pitch shriek before sliding off the table and heading towards a nearby laptop, once it arrive near the laptop a blue light emerged from its forehead eye scanning the laptop, It then started to transform until it become a metallic blue laptop that had a yellow light up keyboard.

"Now that we have seen it work on a machine.... who wants to see what happens when it comes in contact with a human." Luke asks as he looks around the room with a grin as he sees their interested faces.

Walking out of the room and into a corridor Luke's group continued on until they arrived at a certain door, most of the group entered the room besides to guards who stood outside on either side of the door.

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