Machine God Of The Multiverse

Chapter 17 - 16: Possible Future

[General Pov]

Luke arrives inside a white coloured surgery room filled to the brim with high tech equipment that looks decades more advance compared to the current age, Luke walks up to the main surgery table/bed that was placed in the centre of the room.

The table could have been easily mistaken as a bed with its white pillow like cushions plastered all around it, on the sides of the so called table were two arm like bars that typically would be used on a chair.

Luke hopped onto the table and proceeded to immediately sink into the cushions, immediately after sinking into the cushions a large harden glass cover descended from the ceiling at the same time several contraptions activated locking the the glass cover in place and launching several tubes that pierce into the skeleton of Luke.

A rebreathing device was inserted into Luke's mouth as the container was slowly getting filled with yellowish green liquids that contained strong amounts of medical and herbal substances. (All together it looks like the tank from X-Men Origins Wolverine, basically that scene where Logan gets Adamantium injected into his skeleton)


On the opposite side of the room a large 5 by 3 one way mirror window, on the other side of the window were a group of scientist looking both through the window and at the several computer screens that's being operated around the room.

"How is his vital sighs showing." A scientist ask the operator in front of him.

"Sir, his vitals are steady." The operator replied as multiple screens around the room started flashing red.

"What the hell." A scientist said as he looked over at the screen showing Luke's heart rate rapidly climbing.

"Sir the boss's vitals are spiking at random intervals." An operator commented as he was typing on his keyboard.

"Can you stop it?" The first scientist asked.

"Unsure, let me get back to you on that chief." The same operator commented as he sped up faster on his typing.


[Luke's Mind/ Pov]

I open my eyes and and currently find myself in a void like space until a flash of light blinds me temporary robbing me of my sight, as the light dies down I find myself in the UN assembly which would mean i'm in New York.

In front of me are several politician some I haven't seen or heard of before and some are extremely old, above these politicians sitting in the middle of the room was 8 foot 5 inches machine with 12 insect like eyes, the machine has 6 arms with two jutting from its shoulders.

The machine's insect like mouth (mandibles) clicked as it scanned through the crowd of humans, glaring it's red eyes at the fearful and twitchy senators while one of its hands starts to play with a black metal apple.

"Your flesh is a relic, a mere vessel. Hand over your flesh and a new world awaits you. We demand it." The machine Ambassador spoke before blowing up taking the UN assembly and the politicians with it.

The light of the explosion blinded my eyes once again but I could still make out the giant fiery smoke of the Mushroom cloud, the surroundings change again no longer was I in New York. I was in a wasteland no buildings, cars and people all there was, was giant metal skeletal remains of a planet one that all Transformers fans would recognise.

"Cybertron" I let out a gasp of breath as pieces of rumble floated up into the sky and merged it self with the near dead planet.


[Back in the real world]

Luke's body was rapidly twitching as it tried to brake through the restrains that were holding it down, suddenly Luke's body stopped twitching and laid still for what could have been minutes. Then without warning the restrains plastered around Luke snapped and broke off allowing Luke to destroy tank he was like Willem Dafoe in the original Spider-man trilogy (Green Goblin scene).

"Uh, sir-" A scientist was interrupted by the sound of metal being put under pressure as Luke was "gently" pressing down on the remaining metal that was left on the tank.

"...Get me my uniform, and a cold one." Luke said as he got up.

"Sorry sir?" A staff member confusingly asks.

"A beer you f.u.c.kknuckle." Luke said before leaving the room followed by the rest of the Foundation staff.


[Few days later, Diego Garcia]

(A/N: Before any former or currently member of the military continues reading and chews me out, I would like to say that I have pretty much zero knowledge of US Army Drill so if I say anything wrong please correct me.)

9 am Sunday morning in the middle of a military base over 2,000 armed military personally were on parade in the already scorching sun, in front of the parade was Major William Lennox in Blue (Dress) uniform alongside other officers that are standing to the left and right of him.

"Psst, hey you know what's going on." A soldier at the back of the rank ask the guy next to him.

"Quite down Private, your going get us all in trouble." The soldier next to private quietly replied.

"Sorry Corporal, my first day here so do you know what's happening?" The Private whispers back.

"Not sure Private, whatever it is i'm sure something big must be important after all, Major Lennox hates wearing Dress uniform." The Corporal quietly said before Major Lennox took a pace forward.

"BATTALION, ATTENTION!" Major Lennox bellowed.

Like clockwork all military personnel stood at attention not daring to make another move under the watchful eyes of the Officers and NCO'sNon-commissioneds officers), after the command Lennox did an about turn (about face/180 degree turn).

"BATTALION, PRESENT ARMS!" Major Lennox shouted out as he saluted, at the command the Officer's and the NCO's did an about turn and saluted.

*STEP STEP STEP* all throughout the silent Parade ground footsteps could be heard until it stopped, the one who was marching on the parade ground was Major Luke Witwicky who like Lennox was wearing his Mess Uniform and stopped 2 paces in front of Lennox (Each pace is 75cm's).

Luke Returned the Salute causing Lennox and the rest of the Officers and NCOs to drop theirs.

"Sir, everyone on base is accounted for, permission to act as secondary." Lennox spoke quietly to Luke who nodded.

"Granted." Luke said causing Lennox to do a right turn (right face) and proceeded to march until he was in front of the Warrant Officers and proceeded to do another right turn so he would be facing the Parade.

"BATTALION, STAND AT EASE!" Luke bellowed out causing all military staff to adopt the at ease position.

"Stand easy, pay attention to notices!" Luke voiced out loud enough for the entire Parade to hear him, all military staff immediately reduced their stiff posture to a more relaxed one despite have their hands still behind their backs.

"For those who do not know me, I am Major Luke Witwicky you will call me either Sir or Major. As of today I will be in-charge of this base's logistical and administrative departments alongside the Captain and Lieutenant's who are to my right, to my left is Major Lennox who will be in-charge of Drill, Ceremonial and Combat engagement alongside him will be the Warrant Officers who aren't as understanding as I am." Luke voiced out.

"Our next Formation will start at 0600 tomorrow morning today was the day to all get adjusted, next week will be hell that will make you wish to go back to basic training, to those who will survive I welcome you to N.E.S.T" Luke said before Major Lennox marched back to him and saluted.

"Dismissed them Major." Luke said as he saluted Lennox.

"Yes, Sir." Lennox replied causing Luke to turn and leave the Parade Ground.

"Officer's Dismissed!" Lennox voiced outed and saluted the Officers who returned the salute and left, Lennox did an about turn so he would be facing the Parade.

"BATTALION, TO YOUR DUTY'S, DISS-MISSED!" Lennox said as the entire parade did a right turn and marched off.

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