Macho Wars

Macho War Chapter 306

Howard could not help but let out a sigh when he saw the concern that his nephew had no trace of impurities in his eyes.The child's heart is still so simple and kind, but because of this, he is not suitable to be the ruler of this huge empire.

The old emperor also saw this when he was alive. He really loves his youngest son, hoping that he can stay away from cruel power disputes, do what he likes to do, and live freely with his true love in the future.

However, all of this has now come to nothing. The treacherous and cunning nobles in the Senate wanted to recommend him to the throne purely because the child was still young, so that he could reign in the future.

The thought of these guys being able to disregard the interests of the people and the country for their own selfish desires, Howard became more and more angry, but felt sincerely helpless.

Now he can only do his best to make some remedies before the situation develops to the worst possible.

Howard barely showed a smile at Andy, patted the little guy on the shoulder, and then turned to leave.

"Brother, General, where are you going?"

"Go to see my old friend one last time, and wipe your ass for you hopeless guys..."

In essence, Howard belongs to a stable reformist. Like Sidney XIV, he is aware of the harm of traditional hereditary aristocracy to the state power, so he wants to reform the entire aristocratic system and make the aristocracy a victim again. A respectable group.

But not everyone thinks like this!

When Sidney XIV died and the news of the new emperor's enthronement spread throughout the empire, the princes who guarded the frontier were all shocked, because everything came too suddenly!

Everyone was excited at first, because the old emperor died, which meant that the opportunity they had been looking forward to for many years had finally come. The sorrow of the dead father was washed away by the joy of becoming an emperor.

But before they were happy for a day, the news that the nineteenth prince was enthroned and proclaimed the emperor with the support of the Senate reached their ears, and everyone was dumbfounded.You must know that before this, almost all princes did not regard this underage brother as a competitor. The old emperor’s "happy education" for him was also a signal, reminding all princes who aim for the throne, don’t treat this child. Black hand.

The result is that this seemingly harmless little brother halfway got the final reward that all "entrants" dream of.

The eldest prince Filavi, who was in the headquarters of the Southwest Military Region, looked at the telegram in his hand, stood up in silence with a blank expression, put on his coat and walked out.When the surrounding staff saw this, they looked at each other, and in the end the oldest chief of staff asked.

"His Royal Highness, where are you going?"

"Go to my brothers for afternoon tea..."

Chapter 408

Howard, who returned to the imperial capital, did the first thing to visit the body of King Sidney XIV, and then he started to calm the restless army.In view of the previous acts of holding family members as hostages by the Senate, it has annoyed many commanders of combat troops.

The empire’s army has been in conflict with the Senate for a long time because of military expenditures and establishment issues. It has long been seen that the bureaucrats with high self-esteem are very upset, and they are now completely intensified.

Fortunately, Howard rushed back in time. His elders only talked about personal prestige, and no one in the Imperial Army could match him.

Howard called first, and shot over from division to division. The generals who were still aggressive and wanted to go to the Senate with submachine guns to talk about it in a moment collectively stunned them. On the phone, there was an old senior and the principal on the right. They seemed to be docile. Golden retriever.

In less than two hours and more than a dozen calls, Howard suppressed the emotions of the entire Central Military District.However, Howard, who put down the phone, knew very well that this was only a temporary peace. None of the guys below were good people. The name of an "Imperial God of War" alone could not completely suppress them.

In the final analysis, the root cause of all this is the damn politicians in the Senate.It's not that they don't know the shortcomings of abandoning the long and standing young, but the temptation from power makes them choose to take the risk.

This makes Howard can't help but think of a sentence he heard from someone before-the only lesson mankind has learned from history is that mankind has never learned any lesson from history.

"Damn it! It looks like that kid Dragoon."

"General, what are you talking about?"

"It's nothing."

On the way to the Senate Council Hall by car, Howard looked at the sluggish street scene outside the window with some wonder.The road they passed was originally the most prosperous section of the empire, known as the "Sleepless Street". Now the entire boulevard is closed. Except for the solemn patrol team, no ordinary pedestrians can be seen.

Soon, Howard's motorcade arrived in front of the Conference Hall. The gendarmes directly under the Senate on guard wanted to come forward to check, and saw Howard got out of the car and hurriedly saluted the other side.

Howard raised his hand in return, then said in a deep voice.

"I want to see the Chief Speaker."

"General, the Speaker has an order..."

"Second Lieutenant! I said I wanted to see that bastard Sabold, not asking you for instructions, do you understand?"

At the end of Howard's words, his tone increased in an instant. The gendarme squad leader who was already trembling almost fell to his knees on the spot by Howard's burst of aura and obediently removed the roadblock.

On the parliament's side, the news that Howard personally came to the door soon reached the ears of the current Speaker of the House, Grand Duke Thabod.This thin, thin old man who seldom manages affairs on weekdays immediately brought a vote of members to the gate to greet him, all smiles and looked very earnest.

"You are welcome, General Barano."

"You don't need to be polite with me, you old fox!"

"Haha, the old man takes you as a compliment."

Under the leadership of Thabod, Howard entered the parliament hall.Many of the congressmen’s expressions were uncertain, thinking Howard was here to ask questions, but to their surprise, this man, who can be called the spiritual leader of the imperial army, just talked and laughed with the Speaker of the General Assembly, so he underestimated it. Leaving.

Some people tried to ask Senator Levins. After all, he was also a member of the Barano family and Howard's brother.When everyone was talking about it, Sabold walked out and coughed lightly, then said slowly in a hoarse voice.

"Notify the people below that everything at hand should be slowed down. The top priority right now is the funeral of His Majesty the Emperor."

Leaving the Senate, Howard returned to the palace and reviewed the urgent tasks that needed to be dealt with, and found that the workload was so huge that the manpower around him was not enough.And now this is a sensitive time period, and you must be cautious when using people.

So after thinking about it, Howard drew up a list and asked his men to immediately gather all the people on the list.

The subordinates took a look at the list, and the first one was Dragon!

After receiving the notice, Dragon made a cautious call to the military headquarters. After hearing that Howard was infallible, he immediately got up and went to the central military headquarters to report. The entourage brought a Tafi.If someone else wants to summon him, Dragon will pretend to be sick and avoid seeing him, but Howard is different.

Dragoon, who came to the military to report, was able to meet Howard in the office for the first time.The old general was bowing his head, dealing with a lot of official documents. Seeing Dragoon came in, he didn't say anything. He pointed to the chair next to him and motioned him to sit down first.

Howard said without looking up while working on the documents.

"I've heard that before the imperial capital was in such a mess, only you and your troops stayed still. Your kid is very calm!"

"The official... just abide by the duties of a soldier."

"Okay, don't use this set in front of me. Your kid is a smart person, so I need your brain now."

Howard snapped his fingers as he spoke, and the side door of the office suddenly opened, and Alicia, Fumi, Yunlong and Little Irene walked out together.Dragoon, who was still pretending to be calm, stood up immediately, stepped forward and hugged his wife and children.

Although I haven't seen it in just three days, for Dragon, this is 10,000 times more tormented than any previous separation.

Howard looked up, a smile on his face.

"I ran into them when I entered the palace and said that they were not very used to living in the palace, so I took them out easily. If there is nothing wrong, your kid will take them home first, remember tomorrow morning 8 Just click to the military headquarters to report."

After Howard finished speaking, he continued to deal with the document.

Dragon looked at each other, silently saluted a military salute, and then left the office with his wife and children.

On the way back, Dragon asked about the situation inside the palace.Fumi said that all the officers’ family members were only under house arrest, and they were protected by Alicia and lived in her former boudoir for the past three days.And compared to their own safety, everyone is more worried about Dragon.

Everyone returned to their homes in the city. At first, Dragon wanted to take them to settle outside the city, but after thinking about it, Howard specially asked himself to go to the military headquarters and return the family members who had been taken hostage to him face to face. This is undoubtedly a An expression of sincerity.

Running out at this time is not necessarily a wise move.

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