Macho Wars

Macho Wars Chapter 307

So Dragon went straight back to his residence in the city, and arranged for Tafi to stay here to protect his family.

Tafe who accepted the order immediately stood up and saluted, but Dragon saw Tafe's eyes flickering, as if he was hesitant to speak.

Dragon thought for a while, and understood it all at once.

"Tafe, I saw you and your parents not long ago, and their two elders are still in the imperial capital, right?"

"Yes, sir."

"In this case, if you are not at ease, take them over and stay for a few days. When the situation settles down, I will find a way to send them out of town."

Chapter 409

The current imperial capital seems to be stable, just like the last calm before the storm.Many residents who foresee something big will happen are trying to escape from this place of right and wrong.

However, the top government officials in the imperial capital have ordered the blockade of major arterial roads around the city, and the railway and ferry systems have also entered military control, which has directly led to the detention of a large number of fleeing people.At this time, it is not a wise move to go out of the city with the tide of refugees.

So Tafee quickly took his parents from the hotel to Li's house to stay temporarily, and Dragon transferred a confidant of the class from the guard camp directly under the division and handed it over to Tafe to lead.

Settling down on the things at home, Dragon came to the Central Military Department to report on the next day, and met many acquaintances.Including his immediate superior, Major General Kane, most of the senior generals who were once placed under house arrest in the Senate were released.

Howard seemed to have deliberately allocated a group of personnel from the four divisions originally under the colonial military district to expand his team.

It is not difficult to see from this that Howard no longer trusts the senior officers of the Central Military Region.Not to mention the serious bureaucracy of these soldiers who have not fought for a long time, staying in the center of the empire for a long time will inevitably be influenced by those politicians. They will no longer be pure. There are many internal factions, each belonging to different interest camps.

In fact, if it weren't for Howard's return, it was not too late, and the bouncer suppressed the restless army in time, and there was almost a real fight here.

Except for the unstable center, the local area is also about to move around.Based on Howard's knowledge of several powerful competitors, those ambitious princes will never sit back and watch the throne fall into the hands of others. Many local nobles will also use this opportunity to find ways to return to the political power center of the empire.

Many people are worried about this. The empire had a crown prince dispute more than two hundred years ago. That turmoil directly led to the birth of the Kingdom of Wieland. The empire's territory at that time was suddenly reduced by nearly a third.

Howard doesn’t want to see the country fall into civil strife, but he also understands that there are some things that you can’t make all parties sit down and talk about it with just a “calm down everyone.” If you don’t have enough power to deter the Quartet, just With the name of the so-called "Imperial Army God", it is not much louder than a fart!

However, without giving the central government much time to prepare, the most worrying "bad news" came from the southeast.

On the 15th of this month, at the invitation of the eldest prince Felavi, the 18 princes of the empire had a secret meeting in the southern province of Johnson.Soon afterwards, the troops under these princes drove towards the imperial capital without the permission of the local military region. The four men and horses combined had nearly 80,000 troops.

Relying on the well-developed railway network in the empire, these troops can reach the vicinity of the imperial capital in as little as three days.

The Senate, which had always thought that everything was under control, didn't finally panic until then.They questioned these princes in very harsh terms why they mobilized the army without authorization, demanding an explanation from the other side, and stopping all the troops from advancing and returning to their respective stations.

As a result, all the princes gave the same answers. They all came here specially to mourn their father, and the entourage was just a guard.It is normal for the princes of their empire to bring one or two guard regiments with them when they travel.

And these brothers had discussed before they came. The father likes to hold a military parade the most in his life. In order to pay tribute to the spirit of his old man, they are going to hold a military parade in front of the imperial tomb. His father can go all the way well.

All of them were dumbfounded on the central side who received the answer.

God's "Grave Head Parade"!

As long as it's not a fool, it's just an excuse made up by the princes to lead soldiers to force the palace, but it's such a serious nonsense that makes people feel unreasonable for a while.

The number of these 80,000 people is not very large, far inferior to the Central Military Region, which has a total strength of 300,000. However, these are border troops that have long maintained a high state of combat readiness, and there are often small and medium-scale border conflicts to practice. Therefore, The combat effectiveness should not be underestimated.

But the most terrible thing is that the Central Military Region looks strong here, but the inside is not monolithic. If the situation really develops to the worst point, the guys who fought the battle will definitely not be just a small group of people.

And just when Howard felt overwhelmed, an unexpected person suddenly came to the Central Military Headquarters in the middle of the night in secret, and used an underground secret tunnel known only from the interior of the royal family to enter the commander's office directly from the secret door.

When the other party came in, in addition to Howard, there were also Dragon and three other senior staff officers in the office.

Everyone only saw the bookshelf on one side suddenly opened, and a "walking black robe" came out of it, and they were shocked.Dragon jumped up, and conditioned to pull out the gun.

"Who! Don't move!"

"Li, don't shoot, this is from the palace."

Seeing people coming out from the back of the bookshelf, Howard was the most calm person in the room, because he knew this secret passage, and the other end connected to the imperial study room in the palace.

Back then, the old emperor went out of the palace in the middle of the night for fun, the first empress went out of the palace in the middle of the night to spy on the old emperor for fun, and the two went out for fun holding hands together.

Howard, who was the Minister of the Army at the time, could see the super-playful couple every night, and he got used to being scared.

At this time, the black-robed man slowly raised his hand and opened his hood, revealing an old and haggard face.

"Manager Springer?"

"General, visit late at night, please forgive me."

The visitor who came to the door suddenly was Mr. Springer, the palace chief who had served the royal family for most of his life.After the death of King Sidney XIV, the chief executive became ill due to grief and self-blame. In just a few days, this originally vigorous gentleman butler looked as if he was ten years old. year old.

The veteran came to Howard, bowed deeply, and then hinted to the other party with his eyes, that he had something to discuss, and hoped that the irrelevant people in this room would go out first.

So Howard asked his senior staff to rest first, but Dragon was called to stay.

When everyone else left, Dragon locked the door, and the boss took out a booklet with burn marks on the surface from his arms, and opened his mouth with incredible content.

"General! Your Majesty's death was not an accident!"

"You, what did you say!?"

The CEO's words made Howard, who was so calm, his eyes widened in an instant, and although Dragoon's face did not change, he still held a big grass in his heart!

So let me stay just to listen to this!?

Chapter 410

The old boss Springer was born in a small noble family in the imperial capital. He was originally the second son with no inheritance rights in the family. When he was twelve years old, his father was sent to the palace to serve as an attendant to the second prince Bruce, who later became Sid Nine XIV.

It is no exaggeration to say that Springer spent almost all of his life to achieve the ultimate of a loyal servant.Even the old emperor himself sighed that, compared to those imperial relatives who are related by blood, Springer is just a servant, but more like his family.

And it was precisely because of such deep feelings that after the death of the first emperor, the chief executive Springer was desperate, thinking that he did not take good care of his majesty, which led to this tragedy.Therefore, he planned to take poison and kill himself after the funeral of the old emperor, and go to another world to continue following his majesty.

However, what surprised the boss is that there were people in the palace who planned to commit suicide just like him, and there was more than one.

The first person to die was the chief imperial physician. He was found dead in his bedroom the day after the death of Emperor Xian, with a suicide note on the bedside.It was written in the suicide note that the chief physician was guilty for the accidental death of the first emperor. It was because he failed to treat his majesty's body well, which buried the root of the disease and caused the subsequent tragedy.

At first glance, the chief physician's suicide did not seem to be a problem. The handwriting on the suicide note was indeed by him, and the content made sense.But two days later, the palace pharmacy suddenly caught fire, and two pharmacists who were dispensing the medicine were burned to death, and most of the pharmacy was burned.

It wasn't until this time that the boss finally realized that what happened one after another in the palace might not be simple. Someone was trying to hide something.So he secretly launched an investigation, and the result was a lot!

"General, please look at this. This booklet is the prescription record book of the royal pharmacy. It contains a detailed record of the use of all drugs in the palace, what is used and who is used, and it is responsible for recording on weekdays. This one was one of the two royal pharmacists who were burned to death."

"What's wrong with this?"

"Someone has tampered with the record book, and the content recorded on it does not match the actual medicine used by the doctors."

As soon as the chief executive's words were uttered, Howard's eyes suddenly narrowed, and he stared at the chief executive's eyes and said in a deep voice.

"Manager Springer, do you understand what you are talking about?"

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