Macho Wars

Macho Wars Chapter 311

The two old partners looked at each other and smiled, no one was holding back, which is indeed a good thing for them!

There are still more than 1,000 people in the building. Although most of them are civilian soldiers, they are at least adults. There is also an arsenal underground, which stores enough guns and ammunition to arm a battalion.

Dragun has asked Tafi to take a few good marksmanship and stay upstairs, so that they can snipe the rebel officers.Except for themselves, no unit in the Central Military Region has a grassroots organization that can reach the level of the First Marine Division. Therefore, as long as the leading officer is almost dead, the remaining soldiers will immediately disperse.

But it is simple, but this battle is not easy to fight.First of all, the quality of soldiers is at a disadvantage. Many civilian personnel in the Central Military Department are really pure civilians, and some have not even touched a gun before.

The topography of the building, to be honest, is not easy to guard. Although the wall is strong and can withstand heavy-caliber artillery, it is an office building after all. In order to obtain good lighting, there are many windows open in all directions.Once the rebels attack, they can easily rush in.

Leading such a group of people to guard the building stubbornly, even Dragon felt nothing.

Therefore, Dragon's suggestion is to simply abandon the first, second and second floors that are easy to climb in, and retreat to the third floor and guard a few stairs.The First Marine Division outside the city had just repelled the 25th Division’s offensive, and had already mobilized a battalion of troops to return. It is estimated that it will arrive at the military headquarters in one to two hours.

As for the big guys hiding below, Dragon felt that there was no need to worry about them, because the underground bunker was not a facility that could be easily breached within an hour or two.

The two were counting together. At this time, a guard soldier ran over and reported to the two with horror that the rebel infantry outside had already touched it, and they were attacking together from four directions at the same time.

Dragoon stretched out his hand and pulled the bolt, shouting loudly in the hall.

"Guys, we have guests!"

After a while, the rebel infantry outside the building touched the wooden fence on the lawn. Out of the need to attack, they carried ladders and explosives. As soon as they touched the base of the building wall, they divided each shift into one pair. The window, without a word, break the window and throw ignited explosives inside.

With more than a dozen explosions, the windows on the first and second floors bloomed on all sides, and the rebel soldiers quickly turned the windows and entered the house. The entire entry process went smoothly.

However, these rebel soldiers soon discovered that there was not even one person on the first and second floors of the building, and the guards only left some "gadgets" like trip thunder to show that they had not given up resistance. Determination.

"Fuck! Where is this person?"

The rebels searched for a long time, and after paying seven or eight lives, they finally confirmed that there was no one on the first and second floors, so the soldiers split.Those who were going upstairs were just one step up the stairs, but they were directly pressed back by a bunch of grenades and several submachine guns flying over.

There are a total of three stairs in the left and right, and Dragon has arranged an infantry squad on each side, half of them carrying submachine guns, and the other half are responsible for throwing grenades.

The rest of the armed men dispersed to the five floors upstairs, taking advantage of being condescending and having many windows to shoot at the rebels outside.The remaining people took the opportunity to use tables and chairs to build shelters on each floor upstairs.Once the third floor was forcibly broken by the rebels, they retreated to the fourth floor until reinforcements arrived or there was no way to retreat.

Dragon was commanding the battle on the third floor. At this time, the rebel artillery outside began to gather fire on the third floor. One of the shells was unbiased and just flew into the window, pierced the closed door, and landed successfully. On the corridor.

A soldier who was carrying an ammunition box was hit and his body was torn in two on the spot.And Dragon was not far from the bombing point, and was also affected.

When Tafe drove down from the stairs, he saw Dragon lying motionless on the ground at a glance, and his brain went blank for an instant...

Chapter 416 Meatball Mortar

Seeing Dragoon, who fell to the ground, Tafi was stunned.

After a few short seconds, she threw down the sniper rifle in her hand, rushed to it desperately, and hurriedly turned the face down Dragoon over.In the end, she did not expect to be touched by her. Dragoon, who had been motionless, suddenly opened his eyes, struggling to take a deep breath, and finally regained consciousness.

It turned out that Dragoon was knocked down by the shock wave in the shelling just now, and it was originally just a fall, but the immortal corridor was full of tables and chairs that were obstacles, and his impartiality just hit the back of the head.

You will faint on the spot if you hit such a place directly.No matter how strong you are, it won't help. From fainting on the spot, it is possible to die!

Fortunately, Dragon was still a fortune teller, Tafe saw him wake up, an uncontrollable feeling, so she couldn't help holding Dragon into her arms, so hard, as if she would not let go for a lifetime .

As a result, this was a bitter Dragoon, and Tafe almost died of chest tightness!

"Woo, woo burp (Taffey! I'm dying!)"

Fortunately, Taffi noticed that Dragoon did not react too much in time, and hurriedly released his hands, which allowed him to die in the chest murder without humiliation.

After panting for a long time, Dragon finally eased his breath, and Tafi looked at him a little embarrassed.Fortunately, another shell flew in from the window, breaking the embarrassment in time... and the second door.

Although the overall construction materials of the Central Military Building are in accordance with the fortress level, the building itself is an office building after all, and the window frames are too large, so it is easy for the war defense guns to shoot in through the windows.

Regardless of looking at the wound on the back of his head, Dragon hurriedly picked up the helmet that had fallen on the ground and buckled it on his head, and then ran upstairs with Tafi. They had to find a way to get rid of the two annoying war defense guns.

The two quickly came to the top of the building, and there were 20 or 30 people shooting downstairs.Thanks to the building being much higher than any surrounding buildings, the height advantage makes the roof a blind spot that cannot be hit by direct-pointing weapons, and people on the roof can easily throw a grenade one or two hundred meters away.

However, the rebels were not completely helpless. They quickly deployed a few light mortars to suppress the defenders on the roof.Unfortunately, they couldn’t see the impact point. They could only blindly bomb the roof of a building that was more than a thousand square meters in size. The people on the roof had dispersed as much as possible and moved frequently, so it took a long time for the bombing to hurt a few. Personal only.

Currently in charge of the top of the building is Dragon’s brother William.This kid is almost nineteen this year, and he has been fighting south and north with Dragon for many years, and he is no longer the shy kid who can only load shells.

Facing the mortar shells that kept falling on the roof, William was in a hurry, even if he had flowers hanging on his shoulders, he did not show any fear at all.

He saw Dragon coming up and hurriedly greeted him.

"Brother, why did you come up?"

"Come up and deal with those war defense guns."

"It's not easy! The bastards are nearly two hundred meters away from here in a straight line, and they also piled up a bunker with sandbags in front of the gun shield. Our grenades can't be thrown, and the bullets can't penetrate. We need a gun. That's fine!"

"That's why I brought your eldest sister up here."

Dragon stretched out his hand and pointed at Tafee behind him, and then asked William to immediately prepare the cluster grenades. The young man was taken aback for a moment, and then immediately understood what Dragon meant.

To throw a grenade as far away as possible requires both arm strength and certain skills.The average person can throw about 30 to 40 meters. During the first phase of the Marine Corps recruit training, the eligibility standard was 50 meters, and the highest record in the brigade was 88 meters. Throwers barely reached this distance by approaching and jumping. .

But Tafe is outside the specification, she threw 188 meters in place!

The grenade even flew directly out of the training ground, and the crooked hit was injuring a "foreign crouching party" trying to spy on the Marine Corps training.

The soldiers quickly prepared the cluster grenades and handed them to Tafe, and Dragon cautiously leaned to the edge of the roof, visually inspected the position of the two anti-aircraft guns, and then directed Tafe to throw in that direction.

Tafee weighed the weight of the "six in one" in his hand, and made a throwing action, but soon found that the small buttock skirt he was wearing was a bit in the way, and silently gave him this skirt in his heart. After her mother said "I'm sorry", she tore off one side of the skirt without saying a word.

"I'm ready."

"Throw it when you're ready."

Tafiza, who was ordered, sprinted and threw the cluster grenade high.This bundle of grenades traversed a huge arc in the air, flew over a distance of more than two hundred meters, and exploded on the heads of the two war defense guns before they landed, unexpectedly playing the effect of "flowering bullets".Those unlucky artillerymen couldn't believe that someone could throw a grenade so far, so they didn't have the slightest defense on top of their heads, and they were instantly knocked down by a large piece of shrapnel flying in the air.

"Come! Lower the altitude this time and try to land and then explode."


After throwing eight bundles of cluster grenades in a row, Tafee successfully blasted the two anti-aircraft guns into scraps alive, completely becoming a silent mute.The bewildered rebels, because they could not see clearly at night, mistakenly believed that the defenders in the building had mortars.

Seeing that the defenders in the military building resisted stubbornly, they continued to fight for nearly an hour without being able to take it. The rebel commander was hesitant to contact other rebels with heavy weapons, or simply stay in the building. Set fire, when a rebel ensign ran over and reported bad news to him in horror.

"Tank! A tank is coming on the north street!"

"Tank? Which unit is from?"

"Not sure, but they have a pirate flag on their car."

"Grass! That's the Marine Corps!"

The commander of the rebel army is quite knowledgeable, knowing that the logo of the Amphibious Marine Corps is a black dragon skull with white flames burning in its eye sockets. From a long distance, it is indeed very similar to the pirate flag, which is both arrogant and domineering!

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