Macho Wars

Macho War Chapter 312

This newly promoted trump card unit has always been known for its fierce record, although there are many old trump cards who are not convinced, saying that they are definitely not so powerful.But their rebel army is a group of second-rate city defense troops, and its own level is far from the trump card standard.

They thought they could take the Central Military Headquarters building by surprise in one fell swoop, leaving the army loyal to the young emperor in the city without a leader, but they were stupefied for a long time and dragged the enemy's reinforcements alive.

The rebel commander of the Marine Corps who knew his strength was not low could only glance at the military building that was already in front of him with resentment and unwillingness, and gritted his teeth and ordered.


Chapter 417

Due to the timely arrival of reinforcements, the self-aware rebels took the initiative to withdraw from the Central Army Building and move closer to other nearby rebel forces.

Seeing that the rebels had withdrawn, Dragon saw a line of tanks on the street not far away, knowing that it was his own person.He hurriedly led his subordinates downstairs to greet them. As soon as the group arrived at the door, they saw Roebuck striding towards them.

"Boss! I brought my brothers here."

"How many people came?"

"A full-fledged infantry battalion carries ten tanks. By the way! Just a call from the division headquarters, the grandsons of the 25th division let us beat them away."

"Good job! You immediately send a company of brothers to the nearest Army General Hospital to protect that side."


Although the siege of the Central Military Headquarters building was resolved, the current situation is far from relaxing. There are still a large number of rebels in the city, and they are constantly mobilizing to attack important targets.Coupled with some mobs who took advantage of the fire and looted, the security of the entire imperial capital has been completely chaotic.

The riot continued until dawn, and the sound of guns in the city was not interrupted until an infantry division was urgently transferred from the east to cooperate with the city’s defenders and fought for a whole day. It finally calmed down. turmoil.The defeated rebels partly surrendered and partly retreated westward.

During the whole process, the military, the Senate, and the royal family were very nervous. Although the number of rebels was less than two divisions, their forces were scattered and there were not many heavy weapons, but there were troops brought by the prince in three directions outside the city. Therefore, all the troops stationed in the suburbs were unable to withdraw, and finally had to call the garrison at Horn Harbor.

After the turmoil was over, the entire imperial capital was in a mess. The prosperous and magnificent streets of the past are now dilapidated and depressed, and the air is filled with a terrible smell that makes people unwilling to think about it.

Afterwards, according to incomplete official statistics, in just one night, the direct economic loss of the imperial capital suddenly reached a mark of 100 million gold coins. Approximately more than 20,000 soldiers and civilians died in the riots. The number of the injured is even more difficult to count. All hospitals and clinics in the imperial capital They are all overcrowded.

The irony is that the direct damage caused by the rebels is actually not great. They are mainly attacking important targets, and they have not attacked the general public at all.It was the mob who took advantage of the fire to rob the imperial capital.

It was they who beat, smashed, robbed and burned everywhere, first bullying ordinary civilians, and then they became more courageous, and they focused on the richer nobles.

Among these suffering nobles, the most miserable earl, the whole family was destroyed by the mob, and his body was stripped and hung on the street lamp.And the mob who rushed into his house had no grievances against him, just thinking that his family should be rich.

This made Dragon a little bit scared. If he hadn't had the foresight at the beginning, he would take his wife and children to the military building and send them to the palace for refuge through the secret tunnel, then the consequences would be disastrous.

At the same time, on the other side, the prince group is still negotiating with Howard, but the faces of both sides are not very good, Howard's is gloomy, and the princes are a little embarrassed.

"Your Highnesses here, we are still in the negotiation period, so we can't hold our breath, how can we be good emperors in the future!"

"Teacher Howard, I think there should be some misunderstanding in this."

"Misunderstanding? What kind of misunderstanding? Your Highness Felavi, are you trying to say that the more than 10,000 people in the 25th Division suddenly got lost?"


Firavi was embarrassed for a time when Howard asked aggressively.

To be honest, it’s not ashaming to engage in petty moves during the negotiation. What's ashamed is that you did the petty moves and didn't get caught in the end.

When things first happened last night, Firavi guessed it for the first time that some of his stupid brother hadn't kept his temper, thinking that by acting secretly, he could get ahead of others. Instead, he fell into a passive position.

But this is also good, for Firavi, it is more convenient for him to carry out a series of actions afterwards, and there are still people who can help him afterwards.

Talking about this step in the negotiation, the eldest prince was not at all anxious, but Howard sat opposite him.No matter how good your empire military god is, there is no game experience with a group of two or five pigs and teammates around.

Howard also knew that he was at a disadvantage right now, and if the negotiation wanted to continue, then he had to make more concessions.

as expected!Just one day later, the attitude of the princes was much tougher than before, and many of the conditions that had been negotiated before have also changed, appearing to be aggressive.

I don't know if there is such a plan, or deliberately threatening Howard, the three princes actually put forward a condition to let the empress dowager to "follow" the first emperor, and this hit Howard's bottom line.

No matter how stupid his own sister is, she is also a sister!

In the imperial capital city, with the temporary end of the riots, the Central Military Region is seizing the time to adjust the deployment of various troops.The remnants of the rebel army that escaped from the city have joined the 25th Division. There are nearly 20,000 people on both sides. They currently occupy the imperial mausoleum north of the imperial capital.

The combat effectiveness of these rebels is not high, weapons and ammunition are not very sufficient, but they occupy the sacred mountain of the imperial mausoleum, making the pursuit troops easily afraid to take action.After all, there are the emperors and queens of more than a dozen dynasties in the imperial mausoleum. If this is a shot to blow up the spiritual position of the first emperor, I really cannot bear the responsibility.

So the 20,000 rebels are fine for the time being. The leader of the 25th division madly asked for help from the prince group outside the city, but one day passed, and the eleventh prince he had high hopes did not give him any response. A strong sense of despair hung over him and other rebel officers and soldiers.

On the other side, Dragon had returned to the First Marine Division, while Kane continued to stay in the city.Before Dragon left, Kane leaned in his ear and said that because of the rebels, he was going to strengthen the control of the troops. Any transfer of troops above the company level must apply to the Central Military Department.

But Kane, like Dragon, are both senior officers who have just experienced the war not long ago, and they know the importance of subjective initiative.If you really follow the stubborn and fixed rules above, all actions rely on asking for instructions to fight, and when you encounter an emergency, it will kill many people.

Therefore, Kane asked Dragon to return to the division first, let him take command, and make his own decisions in case of circumstances.The blame came down, and the pot was carried by his old man alone.

So Dragon returned to the division with Tafi. The first thing he did when he came back was to patrol the troops, so that all officers and soldiers would know that their backbone was back!

Chapter 418

Due to the rebellion of the 25th Division, the First Marine Division can only face the 22nd Division of the Imperial Group alone.However, many officers felt that without the group of twenty-five boys squatting beside them, their pressure was reduced a lot.

In addition, due to the escalation of the conflict, the air force also dispatched fighters after dawn to conduct combat patrols over the positions of the First Marine Division.On the one hand, it provides detection early warning, on the other hand, it guards against the imperial airship forces.

The situation has developed to this point, everyone now looks like two or five boys!

After Dragon returned to the division, he patrolled a line of positions for the first time.The morale of the officers and soldiers was so high that they were not affected by the civil war. This was probably due to the fact that almost all of the Marine Corps' troops came from colonies.

Regardless of the empire's advancement of the leadership revolution in recent decades, the people's national and national consciousness has been awakened, and they can share the same hatred on foreign issues, but once they are turned internally, regional contradictions will immediately emerge.

The rich provinces look down on the poor provinces, the local people look down on the colonies, and some veteran aristocratic leaders have feuds that have not been resolved yet.So when the civil war was on the verge of breaking out, these once concealed problems surfaced one after another.

Contradictions are everywhere, there are in the central side, and there are also in the opposite prince group.Soon after the 25th Division launched the mutiny, Feravi quickly learned that it was the eleventh brother who was acting arbitrarily and secretly communicating with the 25th division behind his back.The other princes involved in this matter were very unhappy and had quite a lot of opinions on the eleven princes.

After all, the Prince Group is only a temporary alliance, and everyone has just reached a temporary consensus on the matter of forcing the emperor to abdicate.

Now that civil strife broke out in the imperial capital, tens of thousands of rebels occupied the imperial tomb, frequently asking for help from the prince group, willing to cooperate inside and out, and cooperate with them to break through the imperial capital line.The prince group is therefore divided into two factions.

The radical faction thinks this is a good opportunity, it is better to immediately launch a full-scale offensive, directly take the imperial capital, and arrest the pseudo-emperor.

The relatively stable faction thinks that this will damage their reputation, and the number of available troops in the Central Military Region is still more than 200,000, which is three times theirs. If you really want to fight, you may not win. At least the second batch The troops will come up and talk.

Seeing that the two factions were arguing about this, Filavi, as the nominal leader, watched silently. At this time, a staff officer of the Knights came in and whispered a few words in his ear. Filavi took a picture after listening. Clap your hands.

"Everyone, be quiet, it will hurt your peace if you continue to quarrel."

Hearing what Firavi had said, the princes present immediately calmed down, but soon a discordant sneer sounded. The three princes put one leg on the table unceremoniously, and stared at Firavi coldly.

"Filavy, this is the time, so don't pretend to be a peacemaker. Why did our brothers bring tens of thousands of people to come here? Why don't we fight such a good opportunity? Is it because Howard's old fox said he Want to give you the throne?"

The words of the third prince were very rude. The prince with a big beard had always looked down upon Firavi. He felt that he was hypocritical and not as open and upright as he was. He would just say whatever he thought of.

Firavi looked at each other and smiled gently.

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