Macho Wars

Macho Wars Chapter 317

On this list, hundreds of names were densely listed, and one or two were picked out. They were all well-known figures in the past, but at the moment they are like lambs to be slaughtered.

Howard looked at the list in hand, and understood that Firavi was determined to take this opportunity to uproot the entire institution of the Senate.

Although he has no good feelings for the Senate, and even dislikes the aristocratic politicians of the conservative forces, the ambition shown by Firavi also made him feel a little worried.

"You hanged the senator, what about the Senate?"

"Since the senators are gone, what do you need to do with the Senate? General Howard, you have served this country for so many years. I think you should have seen more and understood better than my younger generation. There are a hundred harms but no benefits. How much time and energy are wasted by those incompetent? They are like a malignant tumor, and what I want to do is to cut it off as soon as possible!"

"His Royal Highness, I admit that the current Senate has a lot of problems, but what it needs is a rectification and reform to restore its proper functions. The state government still needs a supervisory agency, and we can't give up food because of choking!"

"Supervisory agency? No need! I can supervise myself."


In front of Howard, Philaway did not conceal his plan. Before he boarded the plane, he would remove all the useless shackles that were imprisoned on the imperial power and make the entire empire completely obey a will... he, the emperor Will!

The Senate will be completely thrown into the trash bin of history. Firavi will take back the rights that the first emperors of the empire gave to the nobles to compromise, and firmly control the military and political power of the entire country in their own hands. All government orders can be passed efficiently, without meaningless wrangling and compromise.

Filavy's words shocked Howard. He found that he had always underestimated the kid's ambition. He was indeed brilliant and ambitious, but he was far more powerful and radical than his father.

If such a person becomes the emperor, it is indeed possible to lead the entire country to the peak, but it is also possible to run out of control and violently, and finally bring everyone together and fall into the abyss.

It's like a coin tossed up high by fate, heaven and hell on one side!

Chapter 425 New Aristocratic Power

Facing the negotiation conditions offered by Firavi and his unabashed political ambitions, Howard was caught in a dilemma.

He acknowledged part of the other party's statement that the current Senate is indeed too shameful. Members of Congress not only abused their power, but also tried to put personal interests above the state.Even if all these guys were cleaned up according to Firavi's request, it would be a good way to cut the mess with a sharp knife.

But the main difference between the two is that Howard wants to change, while Firavi wants to kill directly.It's as if someone had a heatstroke. Not only did you not treat others, but you dragged the other person to the riverside with a sad smile. It was an act of putting the cart before the horse!

Moreover, the price of moving the Senate is also very high, even during the reign of the old emperor, what has always been expected is reorganization rather than banning.After all, the Senate represents the entire aristocratic class, and this institution has really been wiped out. I am afraid that the following large groups of aristocrats will not want to rebel every minute to show you.

Howard originally hoped that the country could be handed over to Firavi intact and stable, but now it seems that the civil war is inevitable.

After all, according to Philaway's terms, Howard promised him that the great nobles whose interests had been harmed would definitely rebel, but if they did not agree to him, Philaway would bring a rebellion on his own, and would inevitably fight anyway.

"His Royal Highness, do you really want to know the consequences of doing this? In addition to being a supervisory and deliberation institution, the Senate is also the discourse representative of the entire imperial aristocratic class. Nobles with damaged interests will not agree."

"Hahaha... the Senate represents the nobles? Don't I represent the nobles? General, I ask you to see behind me, these young and outstanding officers, which one is not a noble!?"

Behind Firavi are dozens of young officers standing neatly in line like a background wall.When Firavi screamed, their expressions were all very excited, and the gaze towards the prince was filled with eager and firm longing.

Young and excellent... Your Majesty really knows people!

This is where Philaway understands people's hearts. He knows exactly what these young officers desire. They want to make contributions and gain recognition from the outside world, so Philaway gave them what they wanted and promised more in the future.

The Senate, which represents the conservative forces, is responsible for pulling hatred, and it also provides him with the necessary contradictory relationships to draw people's hearts.

Many middle- and lower-class aristocratic youths have almost encountered similar things. Obviously, they have done the same merits as others, or even more, but it is because of secondary factors such as title and age that are not related to their own strength. , So he had to hand over the rare opportunity of promotion to a guy far inferior to him. "Qualifications" make many young people hate it.

Most of these young generations who claim to be "emerging aristocrats" have been nurtured by the education of loyalty and patriotism. They have made great progress in thinking compared with the older generations of aristocrats in the previous generation. They no longer prioritize family interests and respect Fiji The idea of ​​"Lord of Merit" that Ravi preached to them is that everything depends on strength, and you can get ahead only by working hard. It is precisely this set that the passionate young people of the new era eat the most!

Howard looked at them with mixed feelings in his heart.

He and the old emperor have worked hard for so many years to create a better environment for the young talents of these empires. The patriotism education of loyalty to the emperor is also conducted by them. While subtly affecting the thinking of the new generation, they are also cautious. To avoid conflicts between old and new.

However, the young people are no longer willing to wait any longer. They just want to step on the corpses of the conservative forces and climb to the top by their own ability!

Howard wanted to say something, but in the end only a long sigh remained.

"Let me think about it again..."

"Yes, but only 24 hours."

The negotiation ended in this way. Although neither party tacitly stated it, but it can basically be declared broken.Filavy graciously escorted Howard into the car himself, and then watched the team leave.

On the way back, Howard sat in the car thinking for a long time. He has never been so confused as he is now.Everyone teamed up to give him a difficult problem beyond imagination, and it seemed that no good results would come out how to choose.

The convoy quickly returned to the city under the control of the Central Army, and the streets passing by it were depressed and indifferent.In addition to the soldiers patrolling, I occasionally saw a few residents hurriedly, and they were unwilling to stay outside.

Seeing the convoy enter the Central Avenue, the front gate of the palace can already be seen from a distance, and the entourage has been nervous for most of the day because of the negotiations in the enemy-occupied area, and there are all signs of relaxation.

However, at this moment, a series of big explosions occurred on the street surface without warning.Someone arranged a large amount of potent explosives under several manhole covers on Central Avenue in advance, and deliberately waited until Howard's convoy passed here to detonate all the explosives at the same time.

The flames of a series of explosions instantly engulfed a small half of the street. The armored vehicle that the convoy started on the road was directly blown into the sky because it was just above one of the manhole covers with explosives. The unlucky Jeep smashed the car with people.

The big explosion quickly attracted the nearby patrol team. When they arrived at the scene of the incident, they saw a scene like hell. None of the nine vehicles in the entire convoy were spared. All of them were affected by the explosion. The difference is only The difference in the degree of damage is nothing more.

The soldiers of the patrol rushed forward to rescue the survivors. At this time, a seriously injured officer climbed out of the passenger seat of an upside-down car, and then desperately wanted to pull away regardless of his own safety. The door of the back seat, pulling and shouting at others.

"Come and help! The general is still in the car!"

Hearing the screams of the officers, all the survivors of the convoy present, as long as they were able to move, ran over to help.Everyone worked together and quickly pried down the deformed car door, and then lifted out the two people sitting inside.

One of these two is Howard, and the other is his adjutant.When the explosion happened, this loyal adjutant almost instinctively used his body to protect his chief.

Thanks to the fact that he used his body to make a wall, which blocked most of the fragments from the explosion, when he was dragged out of the car, people had no breath, and a sharp iron pipe tens of centimeters long penetrated his heart.

However, even with the protection of the adjutant's life, Howard was severely injured and fell into a coma dying.

Chapter 426

After the explosion, Howard was seriously injured and rushed to the hospital for treatment.When Queen Mother Susan learned of this, she was so shocked that she couldn't even speak a word for most of the day.

Fortunately, after several hours of hard work, the National Royal Hospital, which concentrated all its elite forces, successfully staged a "chasing the soul" in front of the operating table and forcibly snatched the seriously injured Howard from the hands of death.

Although the operation was successful, Howard was still in a severe coma.

And almost at the same time he was sent to the operating room, the news of Howard's attack and injury spread like wildfire.Like a blockbuster bomb, the already fragile military spirit and morale of the Central Army suddenly fell to the bottom.

Immediately afterwards, another terrible news came from the rebels that frightened all central nobles. It was said that Firavi had prepared a wide and long list of counter-revolutionaries and a large number of unsold bullets. His Once the army invaded the imperial capital, it would bloodbath those central nobles who opposed and did not support him.

As a result, panic swept the imperial capital like a storm, from the princes and nobles to the people of the Li people, almost everyone was trying their best to escape from this land of right and wrong, which is most likely to turn into purgatory.

Faced with such a chaotic situation, the beleaguered central government has no time to investigate the bombing. Although they tried their best to quell the riot, they had little effect. After all, at this moment, even they themselves can’t be calm. Many officials Even secretly began to prepare for running.

In this chaos, the First Marine Division is considered to be one of the very few units of the Central Army that remained unmoved. After all, there were grass-roots non-commissioned officers staring at them, and Dragoon led people to patrol in a circle in time, so the military's mind was not shaken. .However, as far as the current imperial capital is concerned, their tens of thousands of people come to no avail.

There is no doubt that this will be a battle that is doomed to failure. The rebels led by Firavi are like a rainbow, while the Central Army has no leader, and it will almost become a mess.No matter how well equipped you are, no matter how powerful you are, a group of soldiers with no fighting spirit will not escape the lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

Go to his center, go to his royal family!Lao Tzu couldn't bring Brother Paoze, who was brought out by himself, into a meaningless civil war!

Dragoon, who had such an idea in his heart, immediately ordered the troops to be ready to move at any time.Compared with offensive operations, retreat often tests the organization of a unit, especially when the front of their position is so close to the enemy, once they are accidentally spotted by the opponent and take the opportunity to launch a strong attack. Was defeated by the homeopathy.

However, just as Dragon was wondering how to fish out his wife and children from the palace, the superior suddenly issued a transfer order to them, asking the First Marine Division to withdraw to the front line of the palace quietly while it was dark, and there would be a center behind them. The 21st Division of the Army responded to them.

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