Macho Wars

Macho War Chapter 318

Dragoon, who received the order, was taken aback first, and then immediately understood what was going on.

"Tsk! Is this thought of going together?"

Obviously!Once Howard fell, the big men above couldn't sit still.Although there are many generals in the entire Central Military Department, there is not one who has the ability and prestige to stand up and take the lead at this time!

The high level of the central government decided through a meeting that the imperial family and the entire government agencies of the imperial capital should undergo an emergency transfer, temporarily leaving the imperial capital and retreating to the northeast coastal area.

Most people at the top are very clear about what it means to give up the emperor, but they are more aware of what will happen if they stay here. Therefore, they specially invited the noble Queen Mother at the meeting. A group of veteran politicians didn’t spend much time talking. Induce her to make this decision personally.

In fact, since the rebel airship crashed over the palace that day, Susan has been sleepy and sleepy because of fear. Now Howard has something wrong again, and she doesn't want to stay without a backbone to rely on.

Therefore, when the ministers said to her, "It's better to turn in", the Queen Mother agreed with almost no hesitation.The government immediately launched actions and immediately came up with a ready-made transfer plan.

It is worth mentioning that this set of plans is not a hasty product made now, it was completed ten years ago.This is all thanks to the "precautionary" plan put forward by the university scholar Stallone, which requires the government to make contingency plans for various possible major events in peacetime, including the emergency transfer plan of the imperial capital when foreign enemies invade.

According to this plan, the imperial capital's first priority is to transfer members of the royal family and national treasures, and the second batch of transfers are government officials, nobles at or above the marquis level, and first-class scientific research personnel.As for the middle and lower-class nobles and millions of ordinary people, the government and the army will be responsible for arranging and dispatching them to safe areas.

Relying on the outstanding performance of several successive battles and the identity of the younger emperor's brother-in-law, Dragon and his troops were transferred from the front line and withdrawn to the rear to protect the transfer of scientific research institutions and the National Archives.

And almost as soon as they withdrew, the 21st Division, which took their place in the front, caught fire with the rebels that had been spotted.

Dragon tried to contact Kane and asked him about his wife and children, but the answer he got did not know whether it was sad or happy.

The family was picked up first because of Alicia’s light and enjoying royal treatment. The aviation team of the First Marine Division was also transferred by high-level two-thirds without his knowledge of the deputy commander. To provide escort to the large airship formations that the royal family rides.

Dragon is the only person left in the imperial capital of the old Li family.

"It's a dog! What do they want me to do with the prince without worries?"

For a moment, a whole 10,000 sentences of "Mom selling criticism" drifted past Dragoon's heart, but then he changed his mind and wished to give himself a big slap in the face.It was so messed up in the city, but he personally sent his family to the imperial palace from the secret road of the Central Military Building.

Now that his wife and children are sent to a safe place first by the senior management, can he still blame the "comprehensive" leaders for being nosy?

Fortunately, the task assigned to him by his superiors was not to take people to the front line to block the rebels, but to protect the transfer of scientific research institutions and the Central Military Academy, so Dragon immediately issued a series of instructions, and he personally took the independent regiment to the military academy.

After leaving the city, the troops quickly rushed to the location of the Central Military Academy.Due to the special significance and status of the Central Military Academy, the rebels did not harass this side before.

However, when the Independence Group passed the "General Forest", it was far away to see a large fire and fierce firefights.

So Dragon hurriedly contacted the leading vanguard troops and asked them what happened.The answer was that an unknown number of unknown armed personnel were attacking the school. They had successfully penetrated into the school, and the leading soldiers were fighting with their blocking forces at the school gate.

Chapter 427

Judging from the information reported by the pioneers, the armed personnel who attacked the Central Military Academy were by no means an ordinary person.Although they were wearing the Empire's military uniforms and using the Empire's standard equipment, as soon as the Marines met with each other, they realized that these guys were coming from a bit differently.

The opponent's style of play is fierce and unusual, and has a very clear combat goal. As soon as they meet each other, they have full firepower. In addition, these frenzied militants also planted a lot of mines on the road in front of the door.

This directly caused the pioneers to suffer a lot of losses.

After learning of this situation, Dragon immediately concluded that the group of armed men who attacked the Central Military Academy was definitely a foreign force.They took advantage of the turmoil in the empire and ran to take advantage of the fire.

In addition to training military personnel, the Central Military Academy has another important function to engage in high-end military technology research.

Here is a gathering of scientific and technological elites from all over the country. Many of the empire’s cutting-edge weapons are from them. The huge underground warehouse stores a large amount of scientific research materials and design drawings. The crystallization of these wisdom is priceless!And Dragon came here this time specifically to protect these scientific research talents, and at the same time pack them and the entire underground warehouse.

"Can't let those guys succeed, call me the tank, the Marines are ready to attack!"

Although not sure about the situation in the school, time is waiting for no one, and Dragon can't take care of that much.

At present, there are about a hundred and eighty militants guarding the main entrance, the size of a light infantry company, and many heavy weapons including several anti-war artillery. It is suspected that the display items in the school corridor are directly pushed. Come here.

The entire Central Military Academy was built in accordance with the specifications of a military fortress, surrounded by a moat, so it could only be broken through at the front gate.

They first used 60mm light mortars to intensively bombard the school gate and road bridge deck, first to suppress the armed elements and second to clear the mines, without the power of breaking the bridge, and then the infantrymen under the cover of tanks. Pressed up.

Relying on absolute numbers and superior firepower, the second battalion, the main attacker, quickly wiped out the armed elements guarding the school gate.

But the other party was also very hard, and even detonated the embedded explosives at the end, blasting the entire marble arch at the door, thereby obstructing the passage of heavy equipment.

So reluctant to clean up the wreckage, Dragon personally led the infantry team and crawled directly over the ruins.

As soon as everyone entered the campus, they were stunned by the sight in front of them. In the small square in front of the main entrance, there were corpses lying all over the place. Most of them were members of the permanent garrison of military academies, and some schools. Of students.

Most of these people foamed at the mouth and had their eyes protruding. Many of them had bloody scratches on their necks, and their nails were full of minced meat. Obviously, they were all scratched out by themselves under extremely painful conditions. Scars.

Seeing such a horrible scene, Dragon couldn't help but change, and hurriedly shouted at the soldiers around him.

"Wear a gas mask, the enemy has poisonous gas!"

In a sense, poison gas is the most cost-effective murder weapon in the world.But compared to an army with a certain degree of protection, it has a better killing effect on civilians.

The soldiers and students who died in front of them were obviously unprepared and encountered a sudden attack. Maybe they didn't believe that they would be attacked by poison gas at the Imperial Central Military Academy at the last second before they felt suffocated.

And because of this, this insidious trick also constituted a miraculous effect for them beyond imagination. On the spot, the guards guarding the school gate were poisoned to death by more than two-thirds, and the gate was immediately lost.

Fortunately, when Dragoon and the others came in, the poisonous gas was almost dispersed by the wind, which saved them from disaster.

"Those bitch (armed men)!"

Frank, the second battalion commander who came in with Dragon, was filled with outrage, looking at the deadly corpses in the school.Like Dragon, he also graduated from here, and those who died on the ground were all his juniors.

This made Frank out of anger, he just wanted to spot all these terrorists and drown them in the toilet one by one!

At this time, fierce gunfire sounded again inside the campus, and it was obvious that the militants had not yet fully occupied the school, and there were still some people in the campus fighting desperately.

Regardless of hesitation, Dragon pulled the submachine gun directly from Tafi's hand, and then swung his arms high at the soldiers behind him.

"Marine, come with me!"

With full of anger, the Marines followed Dragoon's footsteps and followed the gunfire to campus No. 3, where the military scientific research department was located, and a large group of militants were besieging the research building.

When Dragun led the people to arrive, the militants had successfully invaded the building and were fighting bloody battles with the remaining guards in the corridors and rooms, leaving only some guards outside the door.

Seeing that there were not many opponents, the wolves of the Marines immediately rushed forward and tore them to pieces.

The outer battle was over within a few minutes, and Frank led the men to pursue the victory and rushed into the building to save others.Dragon stayed outside to interrogate the prisoners.

When the two survivors were dragged in front of him, their faces were covered with blood, and there were not a few good teeth left in their mouths.The Marines who grabbed them were afraid that these desperadoes might have a pre-hidden suicide poison in their mouths, so they shot down their guns and knocked out their teeth.

And Dragon was not polite to them either. As soon as he came up, he stabbed each of them in the thigh blankly, and then said coldly in a tone without emotional fluctuations.

"Frankly, I will give you a happy one, otherwise I promise to make you two regret coming out of the womb!"

Perhaps the tyrannical slaying air in Dragon was so terrifying that the two prisoners immediately persuaded.They are indeed desperadoes, and they are not afraid of death to collect money to sell their lives, but they know better in their hearts that death is actually an acceptable relief.

So the two who only asked for an early death and early childcare, did not hesitate to say what they knew.

It turned out that the militants who attacked the Central Military Academy were a "stateless force" similar in nature to mercenaries, but they had no moral bottom line than mercenaries. As long as they were given money, they could do any errands.

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