Macho Wars

Macho War Chapter 340

Without a trace, he quietly wiped the sweat on his forehead. At this moment, Dragun felt extremely pressure in his heart, and he had never been so nervous in the rain of bullets.

As a traverser, Dragon is very clear in his heart that revolution is never a treat. It is a confrontation between two classes and a will that will inevitably be awakened during the period of modern industrial development.

Because the development of industry requires educated workers, and educated workers will inevitably gradually get rid of the ignorance and numbness of the feudal period, and begin to know how to think.The nobles in the ruling class will soon find that they can no longer drive the people wantonly by violence and self-styled authority.

This kind of class antagonism started from its infancy, and it often took dozens of hundreds of years of constant struggle and conflict, summing up experience and lessons from countless failures, so as to force the ruler to make concessions and compromises, and finally win some very limited rights. .

What Dragon gave to the Alliance was the struggle experience from another world.However, he did not directly tell the Union Revolution what the final result will be, but he pointed out the direction for everyone to work hard and gave the necessary guidance so that they can avoid some detours in the process of struggle in the future.

Xia Li came over this time and chatted with Dragon for a long time, until the sky outside was bright, she jumped out of the window and left.

Before leaving, Xia Li suddenly came up and kissed Dragon’s cheek, then turned her head and ran away like a gust of wind. Only Dragoon stayed in the study stupidly for a long time. Can not be calm.

After a night without sleep, Dragon felt a little hungry, so he quietly fumbled out of the study, ready to go to the kitchen to make some food to fill his stomach.

But just as he tiptoed downstairs, Fu Mi suddenly came out of the room opposite the study.The two of them looked at each other, and both smiled slightly, except that Dragon's smile was slightly embarrassing.

"Wife, I..."

"Are you finished? Are you hungry? I'll give you something to eat below."


With a smile, Fumi cracked Dragon's little secret. Seeing her husband's expression of surprise, Fumi showed her hand on her back, and on her finger stood a New World passenger pigeon with the head high and chest tall.

"This child's nest is on the big tree in our backyard. When the guests came, he was shocked, so he ran to me to report."

Fumi's words caused Dragon to fall into silence for a while, he stared at the pigeon, and the pigeon stared at him with its head tilted.

"Why am I planted in the hands of a pigeon!?"

Fortunately, Fumi is the most reasonable of the three wives of Dragon.She didn't feel jealous at all because of the mysterious female friend of Dragoon. She even guessed the identity of the other party from this special way of visiting.

In this way, Fumi went downstairs to make a bowl of egg noodle soup for Dragon, watched him gobble it up, and took his hand back to her room to rest.

For his wife to be virtuous and generous to this point, Dragon naturally had to give a little expression.

He remembered that Fu Mi likes to play with little Irene, every time he mentioned the word "child", his eyes would show fascination, and he immediately had a plan.

So Dragon took off his clothes and got into the bed. He immediately hugged Fumi's slender waist from behind, kissed her sensitive animal ears, and murmured.

"Wife, do you like boys or girls."

"If you let me choose, I want it all!"

Fumi rolled over in Dragon's arms, took the initiative to embrace the opponent, and offered her fiery lips.The two were passionate and affectionate, but at this moment, Fumi stopped suddenly, hugged Dragoon's neck tightly, and said in a faint tone.

"But, dear, I am very worried."

"With me, there is nothing to worry about. I have great luck and life, and our family will definitely be happy."

"No, my dear, I am not worried about this. I am worried... I am worried about my abnormal body and there is no way I can give you a baby."

Chapter 464

Fumi didn't continue, but Dragon understood what she meant.

In the legends about the daughters of the beast spirits among the indigenous clans of the New World, one thing is mentioned without exception, that is, the daughters of the beast spirits are the daughters of the gods of the beasts. Even if mortals ignore the taboos to combine with them, they cannot make them look like Ordinary women conceive and have children.

Regarding this legend, Dragon knows it.Once Dragon took Fu Mi to the pigeon clan province. After Fu Mi's father, Molo, was drunk, he confided the truth to Dragon and prayed for his forgiveness.

And this also explains to a certain extent, why Fu Mi is so happy to help Dragon open the harem. In addition to the strange family-style marriage of the indigenous clans, there are also some feelings of inferiority caused by the inability to give birth to offspring.

Dragon didn’t believe these legends at first, because some scholars in the colony and even the indigenous clans themselves had another theory that the infertility of the beast’s daughter was largely due to acquired reasons, especially full of ignorance. The breath "sacrifice ritual" forced these poor girls to have sex with wild animals in adulthood. It is conceivable how terrible it would be to their bodies.

But Fumi’s situation is different. She has a fairly enlightened father who, while his daughter is still under adulthood, gave Dragon in the name of marriage.

But even if he successfully escaped the bad habits, Dragon tried his best to get the rain and dew, even during Yunlong's pregnancy, he opened a lot of "small stoves" for Fu Mi alone, but her stomach has still not moved in these years.

Dragon didn't care, he wouldn't neglect any of his wives just because he didn't have children, but Fumi wouldn't be totally indifferent.

Feeling the tender wife in her arms, the emotions seemed a bit lonely, Dragon gently stroked Fu Mi's hair, and hummed a favorite nursery rhyme in her ear...

After resting at home for two days, Dragon returned to work. It is now a war period, and there are a lot of things waiting for him to do.

This time back to the colony, Dragon’s main task was to expand the Marine Corps, adding two amphibious combat divisions and one aviation division.In addition to the original First Marine Division, with a total strength of 50,000, it happens to be a formation of a regiment.

Thanks to his outstanding performance in the Battle of Mount Doro, the trust of the royal family and the nobles in Dragon has greatly increased, and Howard also decided to entrust him with a heavy responsibility.

Before leaving the mainland, Howard had a conversation with Dragon, and the two discussed the current civil war situation.As soon as Dragun came up, he said frankly that he did not hold any optimistic views about this civil war.The young emperor's side is not dominant except for an unquestionable "righteous name", and time is not on their side. The longer this war drags on, the more disadvantaged it will be for them.

If the young emperor really wants to win, then he must decide the winner before the gap between the strengths of the two sides is completely opened, and there is only one chance for this!

The two chatted for several hours, and Howard looked at Dragon and suddenly smiled.

He frankly told Dragon that he had talked to many senior generals in the central government on the same topics in the past few days, but these old guys were very cunning, and they were all fighting with him, while the young boys only Can say some big and vague rhetoric, which is completely useless when it comes to the overall situation.Only he, Dragon, can have a very clear understanding of strategy and tactics and many sharp personal opinions.

This makes Howard even more convinced that Dragon is the successor he needs!Therefore, before Dragon left the mainland, he specifically told him that he must have a wedding with Alicia as soon as possible in the new world.

With the identity of the prince horse, the nobles will criticize him much less, and Howard can also act cheaply. He is ready to wait for the Marine Corps to be fully expanded and promote Dragon to lieutenant general, paving the way for his future succession.

The reason why Howard is so anxious is that, in addition to the serious lack of outstanding generals at the top of the central faction, it is also because his body is really dying.

Howard was already old, in his seventies, and walked in the ghost gate because of the explosion.Now that his leg disabilities have become the "wheelchair god of war", he has a faint feeling that his limit will never exceed five years.

When he dies, who else can his sister and nephew orphans and widows rely on?

Returning to the Colonial Military Headquarters, Dragon first went to meet with his former superior, the commander-in-chief of the Colonial Military District, Admiral Irving Flagg.

The colonial military region completed its expansion in the first half of this year, and its five first-class main divisions and seven second-class Yubei divisions were all formed, and the total strength increased to 160,000.The fly in the ointment is that after a war in the Far East, the four most capable masters made Howard wave their hands and all were transferred to the mainland.

Owen called Howard more than once, complaining to him that he had been deceived by the old seniors. If the central government could not equip them with 500 latest tanks, it would be difficult to make up for the trauma.

As a result, only a few months later, the mainland has undergone such drastic changes, making the colonies far away in the New World feel incredible.

"Li, how are you resting at home these two days?"

"Thanks to your blessings, it's time to come."

"Haha, that's good. But it's really unexpected. The speed at which your boy is promoted is really...tsk."

As one of the two old chiefs who promoted Dragon, Irving still remembers that when he first saw Dragon, this kid was just a small captain, and it felt like it hadn't been a few years, and now he is Major general!

"Speaking of which, Li, you haven't reached thirty this year, right?"

"It's twenty-eight in four and a half months."

"I was just promoted to lieutenant colonel when I was your age... Forget it, I, the old man, have committed another crime. Let's get down to business."

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