Macho Wars

Macho War Chapter 341

Due to the outbreak of the civil war, the colony that chose to support the young emperor has now become the rear of the central faction. Therefore, all the restrictions set up to restrict the development of the colony in the past have been abolished and cancelled.

The Central Group is concentrating its maritime power to prioritize the transportation of workers and equipment from military industrial enterprises to the New World. The existing factories here are also upgrading production capacity. Even many private enterprises with certain production conditions are also swiftly operating under the request of local governments. Transferred to the military, joined the military industry system, and became a downstream production unit.

However, the development of heavy industry in the colonies has been deliberately suppressed by the central government for many years. Even if the ban is lifted, it is difficult for the production capacity to compete with the local area in the short term.

Therefore, high-level insightful people never thought from the beginning that they would compete with local established companies in production capacity and quality in traditional fields such as navy and army, because they have their own unique skills!

Chapter 465

Regarding heavy industry, only the most basic hard indicator of steel output, the local area is exactly twenty times that of the colony.The New World is rich in all kinds of resources, but the production level is there. There are only four medium-sized and above-sized steel plants in the entire colony. Among them, the Pandora Steel Plant is the only one capable of producing military special steel.

And the shipyard next door to them has not even built a heavy cruiser-class combat ship independently, let alone battleships and battlecruisers.

It is no exaggeration to say that with the current level of the entire colony, even if the mainland is stagnant due to wars and the New World has always remained stable, it will take ten to twenty years to equalize the Empire in productivity. However, reality simply cannot provide them with such ideal development conditions.

Therefore, if they want to regain their disadvantage, they can only engage in asymmetric warfare.

air force!This is the alien black technology that Dragon found from the Zhibodan Islands, and the main research and production units are basically on the colony side.

Dr. Dornier’s team has been carrying out reverse engineering in recent years and has successfully developed a variety of models. The third agricultural machinery factory originally located in the archipelago has also moved back to the colony and expanded its production scale.

And the most important point is that almost all of the fuel needed for aero engines is in the hands of the colonial government. There are large oil forests that have already formed here. Although some local research institutions have obtained some saplings, the number is not very large. , It is definitely not something that can be done in a short time if you want to expand the scale of planting to the extent that it can supply military supplies.

Dragon and Owen talked about the expansion of the army, Howard gave the Marines an air division organization, but Dragon made it clear that this is not enough, they need more aircraft, more pilots.

So Howard asked Dragon to discuss with Irving in the colony.

In the current colony, the expanded third agricultural machinery factory has the ability to produce 25 aircraft of various types per day. With the increase in the number of workers and the maturity of production technology, this production capacity is expected to be further enhanced.

In contrast, the number of pilots has grown far less than that of airplanes. Although a special aviation school has been established on the colony side, it has encountered some unexpected difficulties in enrollment.

First of all, strict admissions standards will screen out a large number of people, but if there are enough young people who come to apply, the problem is not very big.

But the problem lies precisely in the insufficient number of conscripts, because the current treatment granted to air force pilots by the military has no advantage over other arms. The salary level is the same as that of the Marine Corps. After graduation, it is only awarded the rank of corporal, which belongs to tank soldiers The same conventional technical arms cannot directly become officers.

The most terrible thing is that during the training period, the pilots face a much higher risk to their lives than other arms, which discourages many people.

Owen told Dragon that in the first half of February, during the fourth cadet training of the flight school, a major accident occurred.

A senior student who flew solo for the first time drove a gray seagull into the residential area near the school.Not only did this student lose his life, he even crashed into a private house and wiped out all the nine members of the family who were having a birthday party inside.

The impact of this incident on the local area was very bad. It directly caused many trainees to apply for withdrawal, and the number of applicants for registration also dropped sharply.

It was the first time that Dragon heard that this happened. Although he felt sorry for the misfortune of that family, on the other side of the earth, similar accidents can be said to have accompanied the entire history of aviation development. To develop.

Dragon thought for a while, and suggested to start with improving the status and treatment of pilots. The most practical thing is also the most attractive thing.

With reference to the system on the other side of the earth, Dragon believes that the rank of second lieutenant should be given directly to graduated pilots, and the salary should be slightly higher for the second lieutenant of the Army and Navy.After hearing this, Owen shook his head, thinking that it was too high.Throughout the entire empire, there are more than a dozen military academies, large and small, and some of the majors of the Central Military Academy can be directly assigned the rank of second lieutenant after graduation.

As for the aviation school run by the colony, the scale of the entire school is about the same as that of a township middle school. The total number of teachers and students is only 300 or so. You directly give the graduates the rank of second lieutenant, for fear that it is out of compliance.

But Dragon said that this is not a problem at all.Behind him, Howard is endorsing him, and the Central Military Academy is also moving to this colony. They can put the aviation school under the name of the Central Military Academy and operate as a branch school.

Based on the excellent performance of the fighter jets in the Far East Campaign and the Dolo Mountain resistance battle, and the face of the old principal Howard, the Central Military Academy will agree.

So this matter was so determined. When the aviation school students learned that they could get the rank of aviation ensign as soon as they graduated, and they could be promoted directly to the captain flying captain in the first three grades, everyone was filled in an instant. With infinite motivation, the school also ushered in a wave of registration peaks the next day.

Dragun increased investment accordingly, allowing the school to open more detailed logistics majors such as ground support and aircraft maintenance.Including his wife Yunlong, a large number of active members of the aviation team were forcibly transferred to training institutions.

Just for this matter, Yunlong had a little temper with Dragun for a while.

Everything seemed to be proceeding in an orderly manner. The Marine Corps quickly completed the formation of two new amphibious infantry divisions. Dragoon did not avoid suspicion at this time. The important positions of the two new divisions were all his old men. Most of its backbone members are also veterans from the First Division of the Foreland Warfare. All of these people are the leader of Dragoon.

Among them, the acting commander of the New Second Division was Jack, who had just been promoted to colonel, while the former 771 regimental commander took over the New Third Division. He didn't even need to be an agent, and the colonel became Brigadier General.

For Dragoon's blatant nepotism, some guys who claim to be loyal to the royal family immediately ran to give a small report to the Queen Mother.But Susan was educated by her most trusted brother when she was in the country, so even if she still didn't like the son-in-law Dragon very much in her heart, she managed to hold back and did not interfere.

After all, Howard just sent her a letter asking the Central Group to fully support the expansion of the Marine Corps on the colonial side. Whether they can counterattack the mainland and regain the imperial capital in the future, it depends on his Dragon ability. Up!

Chapter 466

When the central nobles migrated to the colony of the New World with the young emperor, on the other side of the mainland, the military clique of Firavi just completely occupied the entire imperial capital.

Most of the city was calmed down shortly after the Central Army retreated, but the lone army on the palace side refused to surrender and fought them for 17 days. In the end, the defending army almost ran out of ammunition and food. A section of the moat was finally attacked, but the entire palace had long been bombed beyond recognition.

Afterwards, the two sides went through indoor street fighting for a whole day and night. The third regiment of the Forbidden Army, which originally had 2,800 men, had already fought less than one company, and all retreated to the main hall.

Colonel Hanno, who knew himself to be exhausted, had persuaded the rebels to surrender three times in a row. Even Felavi personally came to the scene and promised him that they would protect their lives. He finally ordered the remaining 87. A soldier put down his weapon and surrendered, but he himself chose to stay in the main hall, paid a final military salute to the portrait of Sidney XIV, and then swallowed his gun without hesitation.

Hearing this gunshot, all the soldiers of the third regiment who had surrendered wept in tears, while Firavi ignored the dissuasion of his men and was the first to walk into the hall.

He came to Hanno's body and stared at this "horse leader" who had been ridiculed by many nobles, and his mood was quite complicated for a while.

"Come here! To bury this idiot who doesn't know how to promote. Just bury it beside the tomb so that he can get closer to the first emperor..."

On the second day after successfully winning the entire imperial capital, Filavi, not waiting for the palace to be repaired, brought his Manchu civil and military to the imperial mausoleum to pay homage to the first emperor, and then announced his enthronement on the spot. He also called himself Sidney XV. He is the true ruler of this empire, and anyone who dares to oppose him is rebellious.

Domestically, some provinces and regions have chosen to be loyal to Firavi at least in name because they are afraid of Firavi’s strength. However, some regions are still the best and fall to the Central Group led by Howard, blaming Firavi for killing. Shameless fanatic who steals the country.

In contrast, the reaction of foreign forces was more interesting. Except for the Eastern Qin Kingdom to express its respect for the Sidney Empire and never interfere in its internal affairs, the Kingdom of Wilant chose to verbally support the young emperor, while Kerry On the other hand, the Croatian federation simply went directly to the border of Chen Bing and put pressure on the northwestern region that supported Firavi.

As for those small and medium-sized countries that are weak and powerful, most of them have remained silent, and few people care about their opinions.It was the Kingdom of Tarans in the Far East that expressed concern about the civil war in the empire, and hoped that both sides could sit down and negotiate peacefully with peace as the most important thing.Because in their homeland, there are still two garrisons of the Empire, and the Royal Government is very afraid that these troops will be transferred.

In fact, most countries in this world are happy to see the split of the empire, especially those small neighboring countries that have been invaded by the imperial army, and they can't wait to celebrate.

For the reactions of these outside countries, Filavi had long been mentally prepared. He made a public declaration on the day of his accession to the throne, admonishing certain “external forces” not to disturb some crooked minds, otherwise it will inevitably lead to the imperial thunder. The tough attitude won the applause of the domestic right-wing hawks.

But in private, Filavi immediately sent envoys to several major powers to visit and convey his "goodwill" here.

In terms of internal affairs, Filavi understands the principle of “restrictions should be used in troubled times”. All controlled areas are under full military control, and all provinces and cities have entered a state of martial law. Residents who want to leave their household registration locations need to hold official passes.Moreover, both civilians and nobles are strictly prohibited from holding rallies and marches. The military and police can immediately arrest them if they find it, and if they resist, they will rectify the law.

Such a severe high-pressure rule naturally caused widespread dissatisfaction among the people, but Firavi didn't care about these oppositions. He didn't have the leisurely sentiment to engage in softness and had to concentrate all his strength to defeat his opponent first.

When I become the only emperor, I can say anything.

In the days before and after his accession to the throne, Firavi spent a lot of time every day dealing with the mountain of government affairs.From the general to the emperor, the change in identity, giving Firavi the most intuitive experience, is the surge in workload.But now is another extraordinary period, and there are even more urgent issues to be solved.

Although Firavi had a whole team of staff to assist him, as the military and political supreme commander, he needed to decide many things himself, so he was very busy.

On the third day that the emperor and his entourage arrived in the colony, relevant information was sent to Filavi through a special channel.For his half-brother, Filavi never regarded him as his opponent, and the empress dowager Susan was nothing but a vase.She was able to sit in the queen's position for so long, never because of cleverness.

Qualified to be worthy of Philaway's attention, Howard counted as one. The old man seemed to be completely disappointed because of his slaying behavior, and suspected that he was related to the death of the old emperor.

In fact, Philavier did know that, including the airship crash during the military exercise and the bitter poisoning that followed. Although Philavier was not behind the scenes, he knew all about it, just pretending to be ignorant. It's just love.

This also directly led to Philawi's heart being very guilty when the old emperor later handed the unsigned biography to him.

At present, Howard is still staying on the homeland, directing several provinces in the coastal area to confront him, and the situation is temporarily in a stalemate. Both sides are actively preparing for the next wave of large-scale battles.

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