Macho Wars

Macho War Chapter 358

And if it is to take refuge in Firavi, the opponent is currently lacking the navy, and the garrison fleet in his hands is quite strong, and it happens to have a bright future.

Fortunately, although the process was tortuous, at least the results were satisfactory.What Marco needs to do next is to take his fleet back intact.

In order to avoid encounters with the main force of the Ocean Fleet, Marco formulated an ultra-long route comparable to travel around the world, preparing to turn three-quarters of the old continent back to the mainland.And this also means that they need to bring as many supplies as possible, and halfway they have to find some neutral countries on the west coast of the mainland for supplies.

Just when Marco was thinking about things in a trance, a subordinate reported to him that 80% of the replenishment work had been completed, and the Eighth Division who had retreated to the mainland had not changed.

After listening to Marco, he nodded, and according to this progress, they could set sail northward in about an hour.

"I urge you to let the ships carry more coal and use the space as much as possible."

"Yes, sir!"

Watching his subordinates leave, Marco was preparing to go on the deck and turn around. At this time, a rapid and sharp air defense alarm sounded in the harbor area.All the officers on the bridge were shocked and confused for a while.

"Air defense alert? Why did you pull this?"

"Is there an airship approaching? It's not from the Federation or Dongqin?"

The ear-piercing and highly recognizable air defense alert caused a lot of discussion among the officers, but everyone was not too nervous.Because under normal circumstances, air defense alarms are airship alarms, and the huge posture and slow speed of airships make it difficult for them to make sudden attacks during the day.

The weather now is just fine, and the visibility in the sky is extremely high. There are observation towers equipped with high-powered telescopes on the commanding heights near Redstone Harbor.Theoretically, a conspicuous large target like an airship has a high probability of being discovered in advance when it is still 30 kilometers away from the port area, which can buy 10-20 minutes of preparation time for the defenders.

However, it was as if it was intentional to slap in the face. Before these officers ordered, there was a strange roar in the air, and the sound became louder and louder.Some officers have never heard this voice, while others vaguely feel where they have heard it, but they can't remember it for a while.

Marco's face sank. From the sound of the air defense alarm to the sound, it was only a minute or two. If the sentry watching the tower was negligent, it could only be that the opponent's speed was too fast, which greatly reduced the amount left. Their reaction time.

At this point, Marco stopped waiting for the messenger to send the news. He came outside in stride and followed the direction of the sailors' fingers and saw an amazing scene.


In the midair east of Redstone Harbor, a large group of small black spots were quickly approaching them.At first, the observation tower thought it was a group of migrating birds. It was not until the other party approached the Redstone Port less than 10 kilometers away that the observers were surprised to find that it was a group of artificial aircraft, with hundreds of them.

Therefore, the observers of the watchtower made a decisive decision, and without waiting for instructions from their superiors, they followed the emergency procedures and activated the air defense alarm on the watchtower side, just to alert the fleet on the other side of the port area as soon as possible.

However, it turns out that although the observer did the right thing, it didn't help!

The fleet of aircraft with a speed of more than 300 kilometers per hour quickly flew over the port area. The sailors below saw the shocking scene, and some ran hurriedly to avoid nearby buildings.Some are still at a loss.It was the first time most soldiers saw such a rare thing as an airplane, and some had never even heard of it.

Marco and his officers knew that the aircraft was a new weapon, and they had seen it with their own eyes at the military parade in the Imperial Capital, but they also agreed with the navy’s current mainstream view that they recognized the aircraft’s excellent reconnaissance capabilities. Suspicion of attack power.

After all, during the Far Eastern War a year ago, the aircraft that participated in the war had a serious lack of firepower, and they were even weaker and weaker against ships.So the picture of hundreds of planes flying overhead was shocking and shocking, but Marco and others didn't think the other party could treat their huge ships of 10,000 tons, and it was expected that they would be slightly damaged.

At this time, Marco saw that some of the planes began to descend. In order to avoid the danger, he hurried back into the cabin and had the heavy cabin door closed.

Returning to the bridge, Marco prepared to order all warships in the port area to immediately stop supply operations and quickly leave the port to the open sea.Based on his common sense, he inferred that these planes above his head should make a forward stand for the main fleet, with the purpose of harassing them, dragging the fleet into the harbor, and buying time for the main force behind.

So Marco made a decisive decision and took all his ships out even if he was attacking.It's really too late for people to be stuck in the port.

However, just as he was about to speak, a violent explosion suddenly occurred on the front deck of the Prince. The shock wave instantly shattered the tempered glass on the front of the bridge and pushed Marco to the ground heavily, throwing him out of gold stars.

The intense tinnitus made Marco stunned for a while, and the bloody adjutant helped him from the ground.Regardless of the obstacles of his men, he stumbled to the window and looked outside. He saw a large hole opened on the left deck of the second battery of the Prince, surrounded by blood and blood, and many wounded sailors were wailing hoarse. With.

Such a scene reminded Marco of a naval battle when he was young. The heavy cruiser he commanded was unfortunately shot by a battleship during the artillery battle. Although the ship was not sunk on the spot, it broke directly and withdrew from the battle. It's almost as it is now.

In the port area, it was not only the Prince that was injured, other warships were also severely damaged one after another, exploding one after another.Marco didn’t realize until then that it was the dive fighters attacking. The bombs dropped by the opponent were no smaller than the battleship’s main artillery shells, while others came close to the water and dropped torpedoes. .

Under the frenzied bombardment of the fighter fleet, Marco's fleet suffered heavy losses in just a few minutes, which was a thousand miles away from the "minor damage" he had previously expected!

Chapter 494

All the carrier-based aircraft were released at once, and Dragoon waited for less than 40 minutes before receiving a frontline report that the air raid was a great success.

The rebel fleet in Redstone Harbor was unprepared and was caught off guard by the aviation team.Although a small number of air defense units fired back, the antiaircraft artillery they used were all designed to fight airships and were not suitable for use against aircraft.

This kind of unilateral killing only lasted less than 30 minutes, and the 78 fighters that attacked did not lose a single one, and dropped all the ammunition they carried.The torpedo planes and bombers returned first, while the fighter jets remained over the port area to continue to monitor the activities of the enemy forces, in case the few remaining enemy ships took the opportunity to escape.

In the port area below them, none of the dozen or so warships of the rebels were intact, and two battleships were given special attention because their targets were the most conspicuous.Among them, the flagship of the fleet, the Prince Prince suffered three torpedoes and five aerial bombs. The damaged hull has been severely tilted due to a large amount of water entering, and it is a tragic situation that may fall into the past at any time.

Fortunately, Marco, who was not killed by the bombing, fled to the shore embarrassedly under the protection of his soldiers. He looked back and looked into the harbor. Less than an hour ago, he still possessed a powerful enough to sling the small countries in the Far East. The powerful fleet, but now only a pile of still burning scrap iron remains.The seemingly powerful battleship is as helpless as a live target in the face of air strikes.

This is the first time Marco saw this way of fighting.

At the same time, on the other side of the amphibious fleet, after receiving a report from the aviation team, Dragoon, who learned that the rebel fleet had been severely damaged, immediately ordered a full speed forward to Redstone Harbor.The Marines on the two amphibious assault ships are ready to land on the beach.

Although two consecutive weeks of sea voyages have somewhat adversely affected the physical condition of the soldiers, the rebels on the opposite side have just been bombed. They are all ordinary sailors. Two battalions of 1,500 marines are enough. It suppressed them.

It's a pity that the accompanying naval fleet does not trust Dragoon unconditionally like the officers and soldiers of the First Marine Division, and therefore doubts his orders.They couldn't believe that just a wave of air strikes by dozens of planes could defeat a squadron with battleships to the point of incompetent?

However, what makes them very helpless is that the amphibious fleet has accelerated to Redstone Harbor, and the task assigned to them by the superior is to protect each other. Naturally, they can’t just leave the amphibious fleet just like that, so they can only bite the bullet. Go up.

Two hours later, the amphibious fleet arrived at the sea near Hongshi Port. They saw thick smoke billowing in the port area more than ten kilometers away.Before the carrier-based aircraft returned to sea, the ground crew rushed to work again, gathered a wave of 20 bombers and six torpedo planes to make up for the knife, and successfully sank a heavy cruiser that was about to escape on the sea seven kilometers away from the port. .

When the amphibious fleet arrived here, the poor heavy cruiser had already buckled upside down safely. Only a section of the bottom of the ship was exposed on the water. Dozens of rookie-like sailors were sitting on it and started. I don’t know if it was scared or Frozen.

Only then did the accompanying navy finally believe that the airstrike of the amphibious fleet really severely damaged more than a dozen warships of the former garrison fleet in Hongshigang.

Soon, the infantry battalion on board the amphibious chariot successfully landed ashore. The sailors in the harbor area only made sporadic resistance, and quickly put down their weapons and surrendered.

The Marine Corps quickly took control of the entire port area and sent people to board the rebel warships. It was true that most of the ships had lost combat capability. The entrance to the harbor basin was in good condition, and some of the docks were still usable, making it convenient for large ships to dock.

Therefore, for the Marine Corps in a hurry, boldly let the transport ship directly enter the harbor to dock, while the navy warship placed guards outside the entrance.

The flagship of the escort formation, the Duke of Dreadnought, saw the tragic situation of the two rebel battleships sitting in the harbor from a distance. They are all of the Prince class. Duke of Dread is the No. 3 ship, while the heavily damaged Prince and Royal Knights are Seniors of number one and two.

Although everyone is their own master, they are all from the same shipyard, so it is a bit sentimental.It feels like seeing my two sisters being severely taught because they went astray. In the end, the word "positive" was all over their thighs.

At ten nights, all officers and soldiers of the First Marine Division landed completely. The original garrison fleet in the port area had a total of 4,500 sailors, including the commander Major General Marco, and surrendered to Dragon.

It was not that Marco had never thought about running, but his fleet was gone, and the thousands of remnants on hand had no combat effectiveness. Even if they fled to the interior, there was still the Eighth Division waiting for them.So Marco thought about it and just surrendered.

The top commanders of the two sides met in front of the admiral's mansion in Redstone Harbor, and Marco handed over his command knife and gun respectfully to Dragon.Looking at the young man who was about the age of his own son, Marco had mixed feelings in his heart.

"You won, General Li. The new weapons are really eye-opening. You have landed Redstone Harbor with almost zero casualties. It seems that the times have really changed."

Looking at Marco with a sullen expression, Dragon only took away the opponent's gun, and then allowed him to continue to hold the command knife, and promised to the opponent that he would protect the life of the rain soldiers.Marco smiled, but silently saluted him.

In this way, the Marines occupied Redstone Port and merged smoothly with the Eighth Division that had arrived after hearing the news.Major General Darros of the Eighth Division thanked the Marines for their thousands of miles of assistance, and said that he would follow the instructions of his superiors and cooperate with all the actions of Dragon.

More than 30,000 people from the two divisions took a rest in the port area, and set off on the next day, preparing to cross the boundaries of the original Sapphire Principality and enter the Kingdom of Tarance from the north.

Dragon studied the terrain a bit, and the fastest way is to go directly through the chassis of the former Sapphire Principality.But behind the opponent is the support of the Creek Federation, which is the strongest among the three small countries after the split of the Sapphire Principality.

This guy has been clamoring for the unification of the country. In the past year, he took the initiative to attack the other two countries many times, and the three parties have been fighting constantly.

However, although the eldest son is very loud, he is indeed daring to kill his family, but this guy is clearly aware of the gap between himself and the empire, so even if he is next to Redstone Port, he is on Tarrance's side. There are borders, but they have always been restrained.Even the huge war indemnities that were set at the beginning were paid actively, and they did not dare to delay the slightest.

In view of the fact that the other party is a very clear-headed "understanding", Dragon hopes to have a discussion with the other party and pass directly through his territory.

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