Macho Wars

Macho War Chapter 359

Chapter 495: Demon King Li

With the mentality of giving it a try, Dragon sent someone to contact the Grand Master.

It seems that the other side did not establish the country independently like the other two, but claimed to be a "front for the restoration of the country" and vowed that the country would never be king without a unified country.His declaration and statement won him the support of many patriots from the Principality of Sapphire.

Dragon could see that this eldest son was indeed very ambitious, and what was even more rare was that he was indeed not a idiot, and he did have some military and political skills.

The other party seemed to know very well that the split of the Sapphire Principality was the result of the game between the big countries. As a small country, they did not have the right to control their own destiny at all.Therefore, in the first six months after the split, the eldest son has been very low-key.

However, the civil war in the empire gave him hope of a comeback, so he quickly slogan "unify the country", taking advantage of the empire's no time to visit the east, and with the support of the Federation, he prepared to use military means to annex other small countries, creating established facts first.

As far as the current situation of the three countries is concerned, if there is no external interference, then it is really only a matter of time before the old man reunifies the old country.

After Dragoon sent the messenger, the troops continued to advance and soon reached the border of the controlled area of ​​the restoration front.Contrary to Dragon's expectation, the eldest son readily agreed to Dragon's request and agreed to let his troops move south from his territory.

But the eldest son also mentioned a condition, that is, he hopes to meet Dragon.Dragon thought that there was nothing wrong with it, so naturally he agreed.

As a result, the troops successfully entered the control area of ​​the restoration front. Dragon observed several towns and villages along the way, and he could see that the Grand Prince exercised very strict military control and implemented a rationing system on his territory. These iron fists Although the methods have formed a high-handed rule, they have also effectively ensured local security and stability.

Although the life of common people is still difficult, they are barely stable.

The troops passed through Helland, the transportation hub of the Sapphire Principality, which is now the headquarters of the restoration front.Back then, under the swift and fierce offensive of the Marine Brigade, it lasted less than two hours.Now that he revisited his old place, Dragon was quite moved.

"Last time I came to the city in a tank, this time... it's a tank!"

Due to the order of the Grand Prince, the defenders of Helland took the initiative to open the city gate, but the imperial army did not enter the city, but chose to camp in the open space outside the city.This gave the local residents a sigh of relief.But the eldest son himself took only a few entourage, and took the initiative to go out of the city to meet Dragon.

In the army tent just set up, Dragon received the eldest son Ankad.

This is the first official meeting between the two parties. Ankad, now forty years old, is a tall, burly man. Like most men in the Far East, he has very dense hair and a big beard.

As soon as Angard came up, he took the initiative to bow and salute to Dragon, and then greeted him in a very humble tone, and said that he had always admired General Li, even if it had been a hostile relationship, he also admired his unparalleled military talent. , Can be defeated by a peerless fighter like him, they are convinced of the loss.

A series of flattery shots, even though Dragon has always been a man with a strong heart, at this moment it is unavoidable to feel a little airy.

On the way back, he learned about the recent situation in the Far East from Major General Darros of the Eighth Division. The other party told him in a chat that now in the Far East, the name Dragon Lee has long been a household name.

The Far East has been a place of bitter cold since ancient times, and the folk customs are generally more sturdy, but they also fear the strong.When Dragun was still a regiment commander, he led his troops in the town of Orphee with inferior forces against a full-mandated division of the EFF for seven days and seven nights. The entire command and artillery regiment of the division was taken away.

This battle was taken by many countries in the Far East to study afterwards, and even helped Dragoon a wave of publicity.Because before that, the strength of the Union Army was obvious to all, and how many small nations were frightened by Synthetic Beasts, and Dragon was the first commander to have a 1:1 exchange ratio with them in actual combat, and his men were not all elite soldiers.

Ever since, a large number of "Dragon Blows" popped up in the entire Far East. Those who knew how to use soldiers like gods and eclectic tactics, those who did not know how to blow him were eight feet tall and could kill synthetic beasts with one punch. He looked like a "big devil".

Dragon originally thought this was an exaggeration by Darius, but at the moment seeing the respectful gesture of the eldest son Ankad, he couldn't help but believe it a little bit.

However, Dragoon still heard it. While flattering, Ankar was secretly probing his own words, trying to understand the intentions of the (Western) Empire.The other party even hinted that Dragon could send troops to help if the empire needed it.

This attitude of the other party made Dragon a little curious. You are so close to our empire, can the Federation people be happy?

As a result, Ancard said frankly that the Federation would support him.

"... (The rumor is not true, right?)"

Seeing Ankard’s confident eyes, Dragon suddenly remembered a “rumor” he heard during the war in the Far East. The former Sapphire Grand Duke disliked himself, the talented, handsome, and very tall eldest son, but instead I love my little son who is short and fat like myself.

Looking at it this way... The Emerald Duke feels bitter!

Suppressing the fire of gossip in his heart, Dragon didn't really ask the question in his heart out of caution.Anyway, he now only needs to borrow the road from the front of the restoration to go south and enter the territory of the Tarrans Kingdom, and other things can be ignored for the time being.

So he declined Ankad's proposal, and then wished him soon.

Dragoon's statement at the moment basically represents the Western Empire.And this is also the result of discussions with Howard before Dragon came.Depending on the situation, the Principality of Sapphire will be "loose" to a certain extent.

In the face of interests, there is no permanent enemy.

The army stayed in Helland overnight and set off again the next day.

Before leaving, Dragon contacted the Redstone Port in the rear to report the progress of his march. Alicia, as the "Royal History", was still there waiting for news.

What is certain at present is that more than half of the imperial army remaining in Tarrance is in a state of "out of control", and the remaining part that is still in the center is more inclined to retreat, so it retreats to the coastal areas. .

The top priority of the First Marine Division is to rush to the temporary capital of Tarrans, Nass, find a way to restore local stability, and find General Levsto, whose life is uncertain.

Chapter 496

It took only two and a half days for Dragon from the landing in Redstone Harbor to crossing the chassis of the restoration front and entering Tarrance.

When they approached the junction, just in time for darkness, they ran into a frontier team from Tarrance.The opponent mistakenly thought that they were the troops on the front of the restoration of the country. Although there were only a dozen people, they still bravely stepped forward to stop them from crossing the border.

The two sides almost caught fire. Fortunately, the vanguard of the Marine Corps revealed its identity in time. After learning that they were the Marine Corps of the Empire, the Border Defense Squad greeted them happily and took the initiative to lead the Marine Corps.

"Finally I am looking forward to you!"

Seeing the arrival of the Marines, the Tarrance frontier team looked very excited.The second lieutenant who led the team was quickly led to Dragon, and all the officers learned from each other that the current level of chaos in Tarrance was beyond imagination.

After Nas’s parliamentary bombing, the former consul was killed and his deputy, Count Lazard, replaced him.As soon as the opponent came to power, he aimed the spearhead at his previous political opponents and determined that the bombing was the work of an anti-government organization in the eastern part of the kingdom.Because in the past six months, the other party has been fighting against the aristocratic government of Nas.

But in fact, the reason why the eastern part of the kingdom rebelled against the government was because the central government used to discriminate and levy heavy taxes on the eastern part of Tarance where ethnic minorities live.

In this incident, General Levsto was also arrested by the noble government on the charge of "intent to rebel" because he refused to send troops to carry out armed suppression in the eastern region.

Ironically, after Levsto was arrested, the noble government also completely lost control of the Royal Army.Many troops deployed on the eastern front line were immediately outraged when General Levsto was arrested.Some soldiers even joined the camp of the Eastern Resistance Army in an organized way, declaring that they would fight back to Nass and rescue the general from the country's thieves.

Seeing the massive defection of the troops, the aristocratic government, which had always thought it was in control, was panicked and had to rush to the imperial garrison for help, hoping to quell the rebellion.

The second lieutenant of the Border Guard knew so much about the series of events that occurred in the temporary capital. Because his unit was facing the border of the former Sapphire Principality, the commander was a rare person with a big picture, so they had been sticking to their posts.However, as news from the mainland continued to spread, the hearts of the border troops inevitably became agitated.

Combining the information he had just obtained, Dragon gradually got a clue.

The empire’s current garrison in the Far East has been divided into three. The death of General Harvey caused their group of dragons to be headless. As a result, the empire’s garrison, whose internal opinions could not be unified, were divided and split.

Among them, the Ninth Division and the First Division of the Fifteenth Division of the First Corps accepted the request of the Nas noble government and participated in the suppression of the rebels in the eastern part of the kingdom.Their commander is Lieutenant General Carter of the Imperial Army, and the military's intelligence department suspects that this man has the intention to rule the Far East.

Most of the Second Corps is preparing to return to the empire from the interior. Currently, it is assembled at the junction of the southern Tarans and the Eastern Qin Kingdom, and it seems to be ready to be under the command of Firavi.There is news from the Eastern Qin that Firavi has sent people to the Huaixiang City of Qin to negotiate, hoping to let these troops return home.

The remaining troops are all ready to be loyal to the young emperor. There are about two and a half divisions, with more than 30,000 people, retreating to the beach and waiting for the central ship to pick them up.

Among the three units, the Second Corps heading to East Qin is the strongest.However, the other party seemed to be back home, and didn't rush to fight in the same room in the Far East.

This is not the Second Corps’s old sentiment, and the relentless sorrow to the brothers of the First Corps, but the fact that the supplies on the Far East are about to run out. The First Corps noticed the second Corps’ abnormal movement early and retreated. seaside.

Seeing that the opportunity of the Second Corps had been lost, and for a while, it was unable to take the first Corps that had made a stand-off posture. Naturally, they had no intention of fighting again, and everyone simply went their own way.

However, compared with these very conspicuous big moves of the imperial army, what is currently the most troublesome for Dragon is that it has not been able to confirm the situation of General Levsto.There are rumors that he has been secretly executed by the noble government, while others say that he was successfully rescued by his men and went to the eastern region to lead the resistance army there.

However, these news have been confirmed to be rumors one after another on the way from Dragun, but it can be determined that Levsto is not in the Heicheng prison in Nass, because the noble government is also sending people to search for Levsto.

In order to quickly put down the civil strife in Tarrance, Dragon needs a living General Levsto, otherwise many things will become difficult.

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