Macho Wars

Macho Wars Chapter 360

On the other side of Nass, the news that Dragon led the army into Tarrance has reached the ears of the noble government and Lieutenant General Carter. The news that came together also included the destruction of the Redstone Harbor Garrison. Caused them a great shock.

You must know that Dragon today is not like it was when he first became famous, because of his youth and humble background, he was questioned or even despised by many people.Now that he just reported his name, many people who could scare him would not dare to confront him.

Although the rebellious Lieutenant General Carter is ambitious and intends to take advantage of the current turmoil to cede territory in the Far East, he is still a little bit forced.Knowing how many catties you have with your troops, it’s okay to bully the Far East’s weaknesses, but if you run into a top trump card like the First Marine Division, you really have to hang up and fight.

But he was really unwilling to be so obedient, and once he was caught back, he would not end well because of what he did in the Far East.

So Carter couldn't help but retreat.

I can't afford to fight, can't I still hide?

However, before Carter thought about where he should go, Nass City suddenly welcomed a group of uninvited guests.Carter staying indoors suddenly heard a strange noise outside, and then the crowd on the street began to commotion.

Carter suddenly realized something, and hurried to the window to look out, only to see a large group of planes coming from north to south, quickly flying right above him.

However, these planes did not drop deadly bombs on the ground. Instead, they threw away a large number of flyers.Carter looked at the local people and soldiers and soldiers who were picking up flyers on the street, frowning involuntarily.

At this time, Carter's adjutant knocked on the door and came in, handing a leaflet up with a hesitant expression.Carter took it and took a look. The flyer read "A Letter of Advice from the Empire". The title looked very polite, but the content was concise and revealed murderousness.A bomb is painted on the back of the flyer, which means it can't be more clear.

Chapter 497

Two days later, the First Marine Division came outside the city of Nas.

Thanks to the previous "leaflet offensive", the defenders in the city already knew that the famous Dragon and his First Marine Division were coming.Both fear and awe, so many of them can't afford the courage to fight against them.

Others, who were dissatisfied with the various perverse practices of the noble government, saw the opportunity, began to connect in private, and secretly prepared for the "king of the master".

Many middle and lower-level officers in the Royal Army have fought side by side with the Marine Corps. Some of them were added to the Independent Corps as supplementary soldiers after the offensive in the town of Offi, under the command of Dragoon, who was only a colonel at the time.Therefore, these officers generally expressed gratitude to Dragon and were unwilling to confront them.

As a result, the First Marine Division captured Nas bloodlessly, most of the defenders abandoned their weapons and surrendered, and a few chose to flee.But Dragon found after occupying the city that most of the Ninth Division's troops were still there, but Lieutenant General Carter had disappeared.

He called a surrendered colonel of the Ninth Division, and upon asking, he learned that Carter had taken a few of his cronies out of the city overnight to the west last night.The other party knew very well the nature of his series of actions in the Far East, but couldn't show the courage to die and break the net, so he simply threw down the troops and drove away by himself.

The officers and soldiers of the Ninth Division saw that their leader had run away, so they completely gave up the last bit of resistance.After Dragoon entered the city, he didn't have much trouble for them, and he directly sent someone to take over the command of the Ninth Division and included them under his command.

At this point, Dragon took control of most of the Tarrans land north of Nass with lightning speed. The force at hand was like Snowball, reaching eight divisions and nearly 110,000 people.The aristocratic government of Nas was also fully controlled by him, and it was all within his thoughts.

Dragon didn't bother to pay attention to these bones and threw them all into the Black Mountain Prison in Nass, and then sent someone to investigate the whereabouts of Levsto.

However, to everyone's surprise, the missing Levsto did not leave the prison for half a step. A jailer in the prison protected him.He conspired with the old boiler man in the prison to secretly remove Levsto from the cell, and let him hide in the boiler room, swapping with the old boiler man of similar appearance, in order to avoid possible assassination.

After the Marines occupied Nass, the jailer relayed the news to Levsto. The old general heard that it was Dragon. Out of trust in his old comrades, he asked the jailer to help forward his own letter to Germany. Lagoon.

Knowing that Levsto was safe and sound, Dragon personally took someone to the prison. In the dark boiler room, he saw the old general who was shoveling coal.

The two met and smiled at each other by appointment.

"If you don't mind, wait for a while, today's amount is almost finished."

Seeing that Levsto didn't mean to stop, Dragon smiled and rolled up his sleeves to help.The officers who came with him looked at each other. They didn't know what madness these two men had made. They had a lot of serious matters waiting for them to deal with, and they shoveled coal first.

But since the big guys are all working, those who are subordinates are not good to stand aside and watch, so they also rush to help shovel out the coal pile in a while.

Levsto put down his tools, sat on the stool next to him, and wiped his sweat with the dirty towel on his neck.The black stain on his face made him look like an ordinary old boiler worker, not a general commanding thousands of troops.

The old general looked at Dragon and suddenly said with a smile.

"You know? Lee. I found that there is nothing wrong with being a boiler worker. Although the work is monotonous and boring, it is at least simple and not so much annoying.

"So you can hide here and shovel coal? Your subordinates, your compatriots, your entire country, everyone needs you."

"I know, but I... can't respond to their expectations."

Levsto said, with a complex bitterness on his face.

The kingdom was recovered a year ago. At that time, Lev Stowe was full of pride, thinking about training and strengthening the army, so as to protect his family and the country from the past tragedies.But unfortunately, as time went on, he gradually discovered that the state of the country had not improved much because the invaders were driven away. The new government composed of old aristocrats only focused on fighting for power and gains and messed up the country.

Levsto saw it, but he was helpless.

Some of his men privately persuaded him to simply rise up, overthrow this corrupt and incompetent aristocratic government, and welcome back Lord Karen. They support the Queen's reign, or simply let the respected General Levsto lead the country.

For these comments, Levsto gave a severe warning, so that they should not disturb these crooked thoughts.Because he knows very well that welcoming the queen back will not help, and as a soldier, he does not have the experience and talent in governing the country.

Although the old nobles are rotten, but looking at the entire country, it is difficult to find a role to replace them.And even if the soldiers of the kingdom rise up, they may not necessarily be able to overthrow the noble government, because a whole hundred thousand imperial troops are stationed in their country, and Levsto’s New Kingdom Army is not their opponent. In the real fight, it is civilians who suffer.

This situation continued until two months ago. News of Karen’s death came from the Western Continent. Tarrance was a vegetarian throughout the country and mourned the death of the young queen. The nobles saw the opportunity. Some people With crooked thoughts, Levsto was arrested and imprisoned for refusing to send troops to suppress the unrest in the east.

During these days of hiding in prison, Levsto thought a lot at first, but thinking brought him more confusion than the answer he was looking for.Therefore, he was not only disappointed with the aristocratic government, but also hated his inadequate ability.

It was not until Dragoon's arrival that he barely saw a glimmer of hope.

They fled through the Zhibodan Islands and stayed there for a while.Levsto has not only seen Dragoon’s outstanding military talents, but also knew that he managed the more than 200,000 indigenous people in the archipelago in an orderly manner.

He was not sure whether Dragoon was enough to manage Tarrance, a country with a population of several million, but his abilities were indeed far above his own old man, and much better than those corrupt and incompetent noble officials.

So in the presence of everyone present, Levsto got up and bowed to Dragon, who was a generation younger than him, and begged him to look at the face of Queen Karen, and help Tarrance, a troubled country. once.

Faced with the solemn request of the old general, Dragon said that he traveled to the Far East for this reason, and he also needed Levsto’s assistance.

Chapter 498

Levsto was finally recovered, and Dragon announced the news as soon as he took the old general back to stabilize Tarance's military and popular support.

After the restoration of the kingdom, Levsto has always been the "hero of national salvation" in the minds of the Tarrans people and was deeply loved by the military and civilians.For this reason, even though the aristocratic government regards him as an old stubborn stubborn who refuses to work with him, it does not dare to really kill him. It can only use the small means of planting and framing him to imprison him.

Now the old general has finally returned, and with him is Dragon, the "old friend of the people of Tarrance."Many people burst into tears because they finally saw hope again.

With Levsto stepping forward, Dragon's next actions will be much easier.

He first took out a "Queen's Edict", announcing the dissolution of the corrupt and incompetent Tarrance old noble government, and regaining all the fiefdoms and most of the rights of the nobles in the country, only retaining the title name and notarized personal property.

No one dares to question the authenticity of the Queen's Edict in Dragon's hand, because he has a hundred thousand troops in his hands.Don’t say it’s a queen’s edict, even if he’s walking on the streets of Nass, and he just points to a man and insists that he is a woman, the other party will immediately put on a small skirt, and then obediently admit that he is a woman. .

Relying on the power brought by absolute strength, Dragon then carried out drastic reforms to the entire Tarrance.

He first contacted Redstone Port and asked Alicia to bring people to Nass. Among the entourage was a group of capable executives he had borrowed from the colonial government, among them, the governor of the 11th district Duck Com It is the managerial talent he called for.

It took them three days to formulate Tarrance’s first constitution and reorganized the new government according to the constitution. Then they invited General Levsto, who is the most popular among the people, to serve as the first interim prime minister and become the Tarrance Kingdom. Top management.

In nominal terms, Tarrance is still a kingdom, but because the direct members of the royal family have disappeared, the country followed the last Queen Kallen’s will to return the rights to the people of Tarrance and deprive the old aristocracy of the political privileges. , The establishment of an elected government.

The faint protests of the local nobles quickly disappeared without a trace with the black and hard stick in Dragon's hand.There are so many vacancies in the prisons of Montenegro that they are vacant for all those who refuse to accept it!

Subsequently, the first decree issued by the new government was to hold civil service examinations. What they most urgently need now is a large number of grassroots managers. The examination is undoubtedly a relatively fair selection method that can directly face the whole people.Those who stand out will then enter the newly established school and be trained by teachers brought by Dragon.

It is worth mentioning that in the first civil service exam, Dragon and Levsto participated in the interview. The interview room was posted with a large banner, and the letter was written "Be lenient in confession and strict in resistance." There were live ammunition in the four corners of the room. Marines.

This directly leads to all candidates participating in the interview have a sense of tension that they are being interrogated.There was even a strange thing. Dragon accidentally knocked the cup on the table while drinking water. The other party knelt on the ground without saying a "plop", and then voluntarily surrendered and said that he and the little wife next door With one leg, several interviewers were stunned.

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