Macho Wars

Macho Wars Chapter 379

Some nobles thought that Dragoon should be suppressed, and everyone joined forces to teach him a lesson, so that he would not dare to despise the nobles in the future.Latuk just wanted to say about this, a bunch of foolish pigs!Suppressing a powerful general with a heavy hand, head-on is the most undesirable!

Latuk really wanted to deal with Dragon, but he didn't think he would use those stupid methods.

Therefore, Latuk plans to do a two-pronged approach. On the one hand, he will lure Dragun into his own camp and try to draw him into his camp.On the other hand, he started from public opinion, separated the good relationship between Dragon and the civilian class, and turned him from a "civilian hero" to an "aristocratic hero."

To put it bluntly, the core of Latuk's strategy is to "slay" Dragon. Don't the civilians below always say Dragon is "civilian"?Then I will emphasize his aristocratic blood!

Regarding the series of plans he made, Latuk believes that his success rate is ten percent. Dragon is a soldier. There are indeed a lot of big soldiers under him, but he is talking about his ability to bluff his tongue and guide public opinion. But it is far inferior to the cabinet that controls most of the official media.

If Dragoon is obediently on the set, then the result is that everyone is happy, and everyone is strong.If he insists on going his own way, and has to struggle with the cabinet and even the entire aristocratic group, let him experience the feeling of being unwelcome at both ends.

Ordinary people are the group of people who are most vulnerable to incitement. They can love a certain public figure because of one thing, and they can also change their faces immediately because of another thing, and they can't wait to step on it.

Chapter 528

While the aristocratic politicians are still following their own instincts and thinking about how to fight for power, the army's full-hearted and hard-working soldiers are making careful preparations for the future war.

In order to ensure the confidentiality of the entire plan, Howard specially established the Supreme Combat Command, concentrated hundreds of senior staff members, and formulated multiple combat plans at the same time, but these are actually "obstacles" on the table and used to deceive Those spies.

As for the real battle plan, the planners involved were only a few people including Howard and Dragon, and the operation was codenamed "Overlord"!

The whole plan is based on the idea proposed by Dragon. The early stage was mainly to "deceive the enemy." Dragoon hopes to deceive to the west, making Firavi believe that the reinforcements sent by the Eastern Empire from the colony will be from the northeast coastal area of ​​the mainland. Log in.After all, this area is still under their control. If the army comes ashore from here, at least there is no need to fight for the beach under the rain of bullets.

In order to trick Firavi into the deceit, Howard formed the First Army Group, dominated by the colonial military area troops, with an estimated force of 300 to 350,000. Starting from the middle of the year, they will be deployed to the mainland in batches, together with the local left-behind troops. A frontal offensive was continuously launched from the north, and a posture of a full-scale counterattack was about to be launched, forcing Filavi to continue to assemble his forces to the north.

The real "kill move" is the Second Army Group dominated by the Marine Corps. It is estimated that there will be eleven divisions and 150,000 troops. Although the number is not very large, it gathers the most elite of the Eastern Empire. The troop approved by the trump card will be commanded by Dragon.

The Second Army Group will land on the southeastern coast of the mainland under the control of Firavi, and then gather 800 tanks and more than 500 aircraft of the air division. Before the air defenses of the opponent's rear air defenses have not reacted, they will drive straight in. Recapture the imperial capital from south to north.

From Dragon's point of view, the whole plan is basically a combination of Normandy landing + blitz.

Although Firavi has a large number of soldiers in his hands, it is both his advantage and disadvantage that his territory is too large. There are too many places where he needs to divide his troops. And Dragon brought a hundred thousand troops and crushed them into a fist. The combat power bonus brought by the Shanghai Air Force and the heavy equipment is enough to form an overwhelming local advantage.

of course!This plan has just started, and there are still many details to be refined.Especially the node where the action starts is particularly important.After all, Firavi was not a fool. Once he noticed that the first army group to the north was close to 600,000 in size, but there were not many elites, just looking at it was very big and bluffing, he would immediately guess what it was. One thing.

During this period of time, Dragon also had no other thoughts. He devoted himself to work every day. He and Howard brought up a lot of "advanced" tactics. Although the old man is not a traverser, he is a real leader in the battle. A veteran for most of his life, he can immediately understand the subtleties of many things.

The old and the young have exchanged a lot during the research plan, and Howard is more and more relieved. It seems that he and the old emperor did not look away at the beginning.

It's a pity that the outbreak of this civil war has caused many things to deviate from what it should be, and it has forced many people to make choices they didn't want.

Howard looked at Dragoon, who was immersed in work, suddenly feeling a little guilty.

"Lee, if we fail to win this civil war in the end, no matter what choice you make at that time, I will not blame you."

"Master, what are you talking about?"

Dragon raised his head and glanced at Howard. He knew exactly what the other party was referring to, but it was better to pretend to be confused, and Howard just seemed to say it casually, and then immediately changed the subject.

"Ah, by the way, I heard that Ellie is pregnant. Your kid's trip to the Far East is really a matter of state and family affairs!"

The fact that Alicia was pregnant was slowly spread before Dragon and the others came back. The couple did not deliberately publicize it everywhere, so even Howard just learned about it.However, hearing Howard's ridicule, a trace of embarrassment flashed across Dragon's face unconsciously.

On the other side, Enfia is also worrying. Many acquaintances have found that since she returned to the New World, her spirit has been in a trance, and she always seems to be preoccupied.

There are some things that can be concealed for a while but cannot be concealed for a lifetime. Enfia, who has already given birth to two children, knows very well in her heart that her belly will be unable to hide in two to three months at most.At that time, various rumors and rumors will inevitably follow. Enfia doesn't care what others say. What she fears most is that her son and daughter can't accept it, and how to face Alicia.

To know her behavior, it is said to be a "stealer", and it is her own brother-in-law who seduce her. If this spreads in the future, their sisters are afraid it will be difficult to continue.

The only thing that warmed Enfia's heart was probably Dragoon's reaction.After he learned that he was pregnant, although he was embarrassed at first, as if he was greatly frightened, but after he recovered, he was ecstatic, and then he rushed to kiss and hug her, saying that he would treat them mother and child. Responsible to the end.

Enfia was happy when she heard it, but in order to conceal her shyness, she still punched Dragon in the stomach, and he couldn't straighten up for a long time.

Enfia was struggling, when John returned from outside.Seeing my mother sitting on the sofa with a frown on her face, she immediately asked with concern.

"Mom, what's wrong with you?"

"My little John, come and sit down. Mom wants to ask you some questions."

"what is the problem?"

"If your mother wants to remarry again, would you agree?"

Hearing what his mother said, John was stunned for a moment, and then he showed a hint of disappointment on his face, but the young man nodded sensibly.

"If it's my mother's choice, I won't object to it... Kang Na is not necessarily so."

"I know, what if the object is your Uncle Li?"



As soon as Enfia's voice fell, John, who was still depressed a second, suddenly took a 180-degree turn, his eyes were bright, and his eyes were full of expectation.Enfea couldn't help being a little baffled by the huge difference in his son's reaction.

Why did your mother say that I want to remarry someone? Your kid seems reluctant, but when you say that the object is your Uncle Li, you immediately become so happy!?

But in any case, looking at my son's reaction, it seemed that she didn't dislike her and Uncle Li coming together, which made Enfia feel subtle and relieved more or less.

Chapter 529

After eight o’clock in the evening, Dragon, who had finished his day at work, returned home. He thought he could enjoy the happiness of his family. He relied on the angelic smile of his little daughter to relieve the hard work during the day. Go up to the very serious "Three Division Trial".

In the living room on the second floor, Fumi, Yunlong, Alicia and Enfia gathered together.

Fu Mi always kept her signature smile, her face unpredictable in her grasp, while Yun Long sips the tea calmly, making it clear that it's nothing to do.On the other hand, Enfia held her arms around her chest and looked serious like a judge.Only Enfia curled up on the sofa, walked through the door from Dragun and immediately turned away with a guilty conscience.

Just looking at this posture, Dragon understood that certain things should have been exposed early.

"Honey, I need an explanation."

Before Dragon could speak, Alicia took the lead and reached out to point to Enfia next to her, which could not be more clear.Dragoon sweated his forehead for a while, and took a step back subconsciously, but he was held down by Tafi behind him.At this moment, his most trusted lieutenant rebelled to the other side in less than 0.01 seconds.

Seeing that Dragoon couldn't dodge this knife with his head stretched out and shrank, facing a strong enemy and would rather die than surrender, Dragon raised his hands to the three wives without hesitation.

"Wife, it's my fault, I repent!"

Seeing Dragon's surrender so swiftly and neatly, Alicia's tight face suddenly collapsed into a long sigh, and then walked up to Dragon's face, stretched out a finger, and poke him neither light nor heavy. His forehead, while teaching in a full preaching tone.

"You, you! I usually look loyal and honest, but the flowers in my stomach are no less than other men! You just..."

Listening to his wife's remarks, Dragun was as clever as a schoolboy, let alone rebutting, even the atmosphere didn't dare to breathe, Fu Mi and Yun Long stayed and laughed while covering their mouths.When Alicia had enough shit, she said with her waist.

"If this happens again, you at least discuss it with us!"


Alicia's words made Dragon stunned for a moment, and Enfea turned his head in surprise, looking at his sister with incredible eyes!

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