Macho Wars

Macho War Chapter 380

"Ellie, how are you..."

"Is it strange? How tolerant of my cheating husband?"

Enfea nodded. Although the patriarchal society of the empire allows polygamy, it does not mean that all women will willingly watch their husbands open the harem, and the family will be split because of the "small third problem." someone here.

Therefore, Enfia took the initiative to seduce Dragon at the beginning, but actually never thought of being a third party to intervene. He just hoped to maintain the relationship at the step of lover. Occasionally make an appointment to solve a little bit of widowhood. Emptiness and loneliness are enough.

But she never expected that Dragoon's "marksmanship" should be so accurate!

Originally, when her sudden morning sickness reaction was discovered, Enfia thought it was over, and Alicia had to renounce her righteousness, but she was surprised by the result.

Seeing Enfia's puzzled face, Alicia couldn't help but let out a long sigh again.

In fact, Alicia didn't care at all. If the target of Dragoon's derailment was a coquettish bitch who only scratched her head, she might have been angry about killing people by now, but Enfia was different.First of all, the two are very close sisters, which is especially precious among the imperial family where the affection is so low. Secondly, Alicia is very aware of Enfia's situation. Two failed marriages brought her a lot of money. Injury, you can only go forward alone with many slanders and infamy. Alicia can see how depressed Enfia has been over the years.

It is no exaggeration to say that if one day Enfea suddenly finds her and says that she feels distressed and wants to lend her a man to use, Alicia may really wash Dragon and send it there.

Therefore, when Alicia discovered that Dragoon and Enfia secretly engaged in secret, although a little jealous, but emotionally far from reaching the level of incomprehensibility.What she is most angry about is that Dragon and Enfia actually kept these people from the family.

Now that everyone has opened up the matter, Alicia has also begun to actively help think of ways.

First of all, the consensus of everyone present was that it was necessary to keep the big and small, not to damage Enfia's reputation, nor to sacrifice the unborn child in her stomach.

The simplest solution to this problem is undoubtedly to let Dragon marry Enfia. As long as the two get married, all problems will disappear.Even if it is waiting for the child in Enfia's belly to be born in the future, those who have good things will find out what seems to be wrong with the situation, at most they will be forced to whisper in private.

Moreover, the two were not completely without scandals before. The Enfea family had been living in Li's manor after they moved to the New World. Some nobles began to rumors some unbearable strange words after they knew it.Especially those nobles who lack spiritual life and rely on chatting about other people to make fun, sometimes they are even more unbearable than the eight-pods.

Alicia felt that instead of allowing those guys to spread rumors behind their backs, it would be better for them to be more direct, and the two sisters would serve one husband together, so that the damn squirters would be envious of the explosion!

However, Enfia felt that it was not appropriate to do so, and it would easily attract criticism, pushing her and Dragon to the forefront of the storm, and becoming a target of criticism from the crowd.

You must know that Enfia is not like Alicia, but a nominal governor of the colony, without much real power on hand.In the eyes of most nobles, her marriage to Dragon is more like a means by the royal family to win over real power generals like Dragon.

And Enfia is different. She is actually commanding a whole new fleet. The two were in a superior relationship before. Fortunately, if they suddenly get married, they will inevitably be over-interpreted by some people and think that this is Della. Gong is strengthening his control of the army, so he has an excuse to attack him.

Therefore, Enfia thinks that the safest way is to wait for a few months when her stomach is about to hide, find a reason to hide the disease for a while, secretly give birth to the child and then slowly.

While the family was studying what to do, suddenly there was a knock on the door. The housekeeper Lyudmila did not enter the door, but made a report directly outside the door.

"Master, Admiral Barano from the military department is visiting. It is currently in the lobby on the first floor. Would you and some ladies... come out to meet you?"

Chapter 530

Not sure why Howard was visiting late at night, Dragon and Alicia hurried downstairs to the door to meet them.

Alicia learned from Dragon that the old man had been living directly in the military building recently, sleeping only five or six hours a day, and starting to deal with military affairs as soon as he opened his eyes.The doctors and subordinates all advised him to take care of his body more than once, but Howard refused to listen.

Howard told everyone that he knew very well how bad his physical condition was, and no matter how careful he was, he would stay on his feet for three to five years.The old man didn't want to waste this last life on the hospital bed, so he simply gave it up, burned himself out and charged one last time!

The spirit of the other party also infected many people in Dragon and the military, and everyone was working hard!

When the couple came to the door, Howard had just gotten into a wheelchair with the help of the adjutant.Alicia could clearly feel that her uncle had lost a lot of weight, and her deep-set eye sockets revealed exhaustion, but her eyes still shone with a wise and profound light.

"Uncle! Why are you here?"

"The military department is too boring, I want to come out and have a look, so I came to see you. Isn't it welcome?"

"how come!"

Alicia and her younger brother have been favored by Uncle Howard since they were young, and the father treated them as if they were his own, sometimes even closer than their parents.Therefore, when Howard came to visit, Alicia was naturally unwilling to welcome him, and took the initiative to push him in a wheelchair.

When a group of people came to the house, Dragon's wife and daughter and the Enfia family of three came out to see them.Seeing a few little guys, Howard's face suddenly showed a kind smile.The elderly have always liked children, mainly because of his few direct descendants.

Unlike most aristocratic men in this era, Howard was born in the top ducal family, but he was not as romantic as his close friend Sidney XIV.He had only married one woman in his life, and only loved this one woman, and the other party was of civilian origin.

When he was young, Howard fell in love at first sight with a young and beautiful female nurse in the hospital during an injured hospitalization.In order to be able to marry his love, Howard has gone through many hardships and obstacles, and finally got married with lovers with the help of many friends.For so many years, he has been in love with his wife, even after the illness took her from him, he remained loyal.

It's a pity that the couple don't have many children, only one son and one daughter.The son fully inherited Howard's ingenuity and quickly emerged in the army. He could have a promising future, but he was helplessly jealous of the talent. In a foreign war, his son was unfortunately injured by artillery fire and died in the end.

This incident dealt a great blow to Howard, and for this he kept his only grandson away from the army, changed his career to study medicine, and later became a doctor who treats and saves people.

It is worth mentioning that Howard's grandson did not leave the mainland with him, and chose to stay in the war-torn Imperial Capital to continue to rescue the wounded.After Firavi occupied the imperial capital, he learned that Howard's grandson had not left, and rejected the suggestion of his subordinates to take him hostage. Instead, he sent his own guards to protect him and promised that if he wanted to leave the imperial capital, he would Let him go at any time.

Howard came over this evening just as he said, just staying in the smoky military department is too boring, come out and relax a bit, so that he can wake up.But he didn't have much interest in banquets held by the nobles. If he went to the palace, he would see that his sister was not in good condition and might add a little more to his heart, so he ran to Dragon to sit down.

"It's better for you to have a home like it should be."

Howard has always disliked the atmosphere of the upper class of the empire. Most aristocrats like extravagance and love to host banquets. They are proud of singing and singing every night.This atmosphere of arrogance and luxury, even when the empire splits, shows no sign of abating.

And this is another reason why Howard appreciates Dragon. This young man is not anxious to join the so-called upper class because of Feihua Tengda, just like many new nobles, but still sticks to its own way and keeps simple and capable. Military style, and like him, like a quiet home life.Sometimes Howard can't help thinking that the reason why he sees Dragon so pleasing to the eye is actually largely because he sees some of his own shadow from the opponent.

And this feeling is like a father watching his son!

With this feeling, Howard sat opposite the Dragoon family, chatting about some non-military talks.The atmosphere gradually relaxed. The old general would occasionally tease a few little guys, and then gave out a happy and hearty smile.

While chatting, several children started to doze off, so the women took the children upstairs to the bedroom to sleep.Howard looked at the Enfia family, who had been fully integrated into the Li family, asked Dragoon abruptly.

"Lee, what do you think of Enfia?"


"Don't have any scruples, just tell me straight."

"...Is a good woman and a good mother."

"Then how about you marrying her?"

Without the slightest euphemism, Howard speaks straightforwardly!

The old general knows that there is not much time, and the busy things are piled up like a mountain, so he does things very simply and directly, and he doesn't bother to talk about you.

He watched Enfia grow up, and the other party was once his student. He knew very well how difficult this junior has been over the years.So if possible, Howard hopes Enfia can find a good man who can understand and cherish her and rebuild a complete family.

As someone who came by, he could see that Enfea and Dragon had already had a good relationship with each other, and Alicia and the other two wives of Dragon should also accept her as a new sister.

After all, these wives of Dragon are harmonious and friendly beyond imagination. The last time Howard saw a family with a similar atmosphere, it dates back to the harem of the first emperor Sidney XIV 30 or 40 years ago.At that time, the first queen was still alive, and the entire palace courtyard was incredibly harmonious. The concubines were known as "sisters" in front of the queen, and they were closer to seeing the emperor!

Dragon didn’t expect Howard would suddenly tell him this. The family was still studying countermeasures there just now. He didn’t expect Howard mentioned it again, and seeing what each other meant, as long as he and Enfia nodded, he The elderly will give support immediately.

However, when he was secretly happy, Dragon couldn't help but feel a little sad, because the old man is in this state, and he is really actively preparing for the things behind him!

Chapter 531

Like most elderly people, Howard, who knows his time limit is approaching, also hopes that he can arrange all the younger generations around him so that he can go with peace of mind in the future.

Especially Dragoon, who is regarded as his successor, is especially valued!

This young man is outstanding in terms of ability and character, and as for the lustful minor problems, it can only be said to be innocuous.Howard didn't expect everyone to be the same as himself, a single seed of infatuation, as long as it was not to the level of the first emperor, then everything was easy to say.

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