Macho Wars

Macho War Chapter 394

Don’t worry too much about the battle situation in the north. Howard is in command personally. Even if his old man is ill and has to retire from his post, there are also the former commander-in-chief of the colonial military region, General Owen and his old partner, Kane, the chief of staff.

The trouble is to the west. After all, the five princes are weak, and he has the fewest people among all the forces participating in the war. Once they can't hold it, they will be in trouble.

All the problems are caused by insufficient troops.Moreover, it was said that it was a civil war in the empire, but there were many neutral forces hiding in the theater.These fencing parties are like a flock of geese, who will follow whoever wins.

Some careerists even hope that the two warring parties will eventually be defeated, so that they can seek independence while the royal family is weak.

A civil war exposed how many problems hidden in the empire, and the 700-year heritage kept the essence and the dross.Many drawbacks actually existed all the time, but no one was really willing to change anything until the outbreak.

Although the forces represented by Firavi are reformists, their expectations are clearly wrong.Dragon knows exactly what extreme militarism will bring to the country and the people, so even if it is fighting for the corrupt old nobles, Dragon is almost instinctively unwilling to stand on the other side.

Because he chose not the old aristocracy, but the hope for the future!

Chapter 556

The two armies on the front line are still fighting in blood. On the New World colony on the other side of the ocean, people are paying close attention to the war on the front line.Because this war is not only about national peace and the orthodox struggle of the royal family, but also closely related to the personal lives of the 25 million colonial people.

At the beginning of the Civil War, the imperial colonies were indeed relying on a large number of talents, technology and funds transferred with the central government, and in just a few months, they achieved ultra-high-speed development far exceeding the past two decades.The entire colony, from top to bottom, all got a share of this unprecedented prosperity.

Many people even felt that it was the civil war that brought them good luck, and the colonial people could finally get rid of the "hillies".

But with the prosperity on the bright side, all kinds of burdens followed.

After all, the essence of war is exhaustion, and manpower and material resources are all consumables.However, the Eastern Imperial Capital is inferior to its opponents in overall strength, so if you want to fight a battle, you must double the pressure on the people under the rule.

The central government continued to call on the vast numbers of patriotic youths in the colonies to join the army. Hundreds of thousands of young people of appropriate age joined the army voluntarily or voluntarily. After only eight weeks of basic training, they were incorporated into the active army and hurriedly sent to the local battlefield.

And those colonial people who don’t have to go to the battlefield can’t stay out of it. They have to face rising taxes and seemingly alluring “war bonds”.

Similar fundraising activities are held in various places, and local celebrities often attend the activities. They will take the lead in buying a wave of Kindur, which is tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands, and throw them out without blinking their eyes.When ordinary people onlookers see this, their emotions are often easily driven. They are also impulsive, and follow the big bosses on the table to "chop their hands."

In the name of the royal family, the official promised to the people that these war bonds would be sold at half price and cashed in full after the war was won.For those patriots who are high on the purchase amount rankings, the royal family will publicly commend their patriotic deeds and award matching honorary awards after the war.

In a sense, this is also selling aristocratic titles to the outside world in disguise, but the cabinet government has learned its skills this time. From the previously unseen underground transaction, it has become a "charity sale" on the countertop, and it has also been covered with a layer. The coat of "loyal to the emperor and patriotic" prevents others from picking their faults.

As a result of frequent front-line successes, the central government quickly absorbed large sums of money from the private sector through the sale of war bonds, which then turned into military spending.As for whether anyone secretly reached out for this very attractive amount of money in this process, it is impossible for ordinary people below to know.

Under the government’s sparing efforts, many people in the colonies believe that this war will end soon. They only need to grit their teeth and tighten their belts to survive this year to usher in victory and rewards.

After all, the landing battle on Dragon's side was really smooth in the early stage.Five and a half days and a half-day crazily advancing for a thousand kilometers, the soldiers pointed directly at the capital city. No matter how you look at it, you can grit your teeth and make the rebel and thief fall to the ground, so everyone is optimistic.

Civilians and officials have even attracted many famous and unnamed so-called military commentators, and they have frantically advocated on the radio and various newspapers and magazines.Said that at the moment, professionals like them can see clearly that Dragoon and his invincible Marines have already rode on Firavi's face. How can they lose this battle?

If Dragon, who is far on the front line, knows that behind him, there is such a "professional surname Huang" who is frantically feeding himself milk, he must immediately pick up and refuse to do it!

In the temporary palace of the colony, the young emperor Andy was carrying out his "work" as the king of a country boringly. Surrounded by a group of cabinet officials, he almost mechanically stamped various documents, while his mother smiled. Sitting not far away, with a face of contentment, watching many officials respectfully treat their precious son.

A large number of documents flashed past him one after another, and those officials who seemed very humble would usually explain the last sentence or two symbolically, and then "please your majesty to approve."Although Andy is young and knows almost nothing about politics, this does not mean that he is a naive and stupid child.

These adults in front of you are just using themselves as a Zhengtai tool that can automatically seal!

However, what makes Andy feel helpless is that the few people he trusts most, his uncle and brother-in-law are all commanding the army on the front line, while the sister had a big quarrel with the queen in the palace a few days ago, and finally left in anger. Di also received a few reprimands for trying to help her sister speak nice things in front of her mother.

These days, Andy has become increasingly bored with her mother's queen. Since the uncle and the others went on the expedition, her mood has not been very stable.

The imperial physicians in the palace believed that the current state of the empress dowager was mainly due to the endocrine disorders of menopause and the discomfort with the water and soil of the New World.Although her own personality also accounts for a lot of factors, no one dares to talk nonsense about it.

Fortunately, Andy is not alone in the palace. Two cute little fiancees have been by his side, chatting and playing games with him in his spare time.This makes Andy very fortunate that he asked Dragon to teach him how to get along with girls of the same age.

Andy still remembers that once, his uncle talked to him alone, and the old man told him a lot about the future. Although Andy didn’t quite understand some of his words, he tried to keep it in mind, especially the key points of the other party. Mentioned the names of several trustworthy ministers, the first of which was his brother-in-law Dragon.

It is worth mentioning that Howard said this to Andy at the time.

"Although your brother-in-law may not insist on supporting you as the emperor, he will never allow others to hurt your life. On this point, uncle and I are the same."

Howard is in his 70s, and he has read countless people in his life. It may be too exaggerated to say that he can see through, but basically, as long as he has been in contact for a period of time, he can generally understand the behavior of the other party.

Regarding his future, Andy didn’t have a clear understanding of his uncle’s long talk. After all, his age is still too young. Regardless of knowledge and experience, there is still too much lacking, and he The situation to be faced is so complicated that it is inevitable to feel confused.

Unknowingly, Andy, who was too imaginary, had completed all the documents. Although it was not a heavy manual labor, he lifted and put down the important emperor's seal dozens of times. To him, an eleven-year-old boy As far as his arm is concerned, it is quite burdensome.

After putting down the seal, Andy said that he was tired and wanted to take a walk in the garden alone to relax.When talking about "a person", he deliberately glanced at the queen mother who was sitting not far away. The implication was that your old man could not follow?

Perhaps the secret formula of the imperial physicians has been effective, and the empress dowager's mood today seems to be relatively stable, with a long-lost smile on her face.

Andy quickly left the large study that he didn't like very much, and hurried to the back garden.When he was eating at noon, he personally promised the two little fiancees that he would accompany them to hide and seek in the garden in the afternoon.

Chapter 557

After the royal family moved to the colony with the central government, the royal family members had to live in the former colonial governor's palace temporarily because there was no royal palace here before, using it as a temporary palace.

Compared with most of the local buildings, the Governor’s Mansion, which covers an area of ​​30,000 square meters, is indeed the most magnificent mansion here, but compared with the imperial palace and even other imperial palaces in the mainland, it is too simple. .

Fortunately, Andy is not like his mother, always complaining that where he lives is not commensurate with their royal status, he wants to be able to go out more.

When Andy was just a prince, although he was noble, at least his personal actions were not restricted too much. The old emperor even encouraged him to go out more often, as long as he remembered to bring a few guards.

So maybe Andy at that time may not be eye-catching, and the nobles in the imperial capital rarely pay attention to him, the prince who seems to be the furthest away from the throne, but he was the most free then, often carrying Go out of the palace to paint with your favorite sketchbook.

But now that the time has passed, Andy became the emperor of the empire in a daze. If you want to wander around as you like in the past, a dozen people will immediately jump out to stop him, so Andy is very depressed now.

After leaving the office, Andy quickly came to the back garden. From a distance, he saw a pair of twins sitting by the pool in the middle of the garden, waving happily to him.

"Andy, here." x2

Thanks to the gradual improvement of the relationship, Andy and the two little twins are now very good friends, and they have begun to match each other by name in private.

Andy walked over quickly, seeing no one else on the left or right, but still asked the two very quietly.

"Noli, Puli, are everything ready?"

"Here, they are all here."

Noni with a single ponytail to the left showed a sly smile, and Puli with a single ponytail to the right diverged his feet to reveal the three small backpacks that had been blocked by his legs and skirt.

When a few children were chatting, they accidentally talked about the topic of going out to play, and Andy only then discovered that the twins, like him, wanted to go out for a stroll.So the three little ghosts together decided to be a disobedient "bad boy" together.

Because of his identity, Andy had attendants and government officials following most of the day, and it was not very convenient to do anything. Therefore, the twins took the initiative to undertake most of the preparation work.

Don’t look at these two little loli's looks sweet and lovely, Qiao Xiaoyanyan looks like an angel, but under the delicate waist and soft body, there are two little devil souls, neither of which is very fuel efficient. light!

The two little girls first bribed the gardener’s daughter with snacks and pocket money, and asked the other party to help get three sets of civilian children’s costumes. Then they learned from the other party that there was a secret door leading to the wall outside the back garden. .

The eleven or twelve-year-old children are at the age of curiosity and mobility, and because of lack of experience, they generally do not care about the consequences of doing things.

After the three children met, they took their backpacks to hide behind a wall of flowers, and then began to change clothes on the spot.Andy didn't think there was anything, but he inadvertently caught the twins who were undressing next to him. His face instantly flushed to the root of his ears, and he hurriedly turned his head away, but his heartbeat couldn't calm down for a long time.

Soon, the three of them changed into civilians' clothes, and several people looked at each other's appearance at the moment, and they all found it both novel and interesting.Noni even liked her somewhat baggy shirt. Although the color and style were not very beautiful, she was very comfortable to wear.

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