Macho Wars

Macho War Chapter 395

"We will go out in a while, but remember to call it wrong!"

"I know, Brother Andy."

The three quickly came to the place that the gardener's daughter said, beside the wall at the northeast corner of the back garden of the entire Governor's Mansion, and found the hidden secret door.

This secret door was originally built by the colonial governor of the previous generation. It was mainly used to pick up his mistress for a tryst, and occasionally to receive some people who were inconvenient to show up in public.

Later, the new governor who succeeded was Alicia. The old governor did not dare to tell the location of the secret door when handing over work. The gardener’s daughter happened to discover the secret door by chance, but she didn’t. I don't know why this door is used.

Through this hidden door, the three children passed through a tunnel tens of meters long, easily avoiding the eyes and ears of the guards, and came outside from the exit under the bridge at the other end. The gardener's daughter had already been waiting here. Meet them.

The gardener's daughter is Wilma. She is just eleven years old this year. She is about the same age as Andy. She is not tall and has freckles on her face.Like most of the populace, she has a sense of fear for the nobility, so even if she faces Andy and others of the same age, she is always timid.The twins coaxed and tricked them and asked the other to agree to be their guides, ready to take a stroll outside.

Wilma looked a little nervous when seeing the three people coming out of the secret tunnel.Because she wants to learn gardening skills from her father, she is regarded as a half-staff servant in the Governor's Mansion. She doesn't know the identity of Andy and the twins. Her father has always told her not to inquire about things in the Governor's Mansion. Just guess that they are the young masters of the nobles and dare not disobey each other's orders easily.

Originally, with Wilma's guts, she wouldn't be able to do such a big death, but helplessly she had the handle in the hands of the twins.One time, because she couldn't control her gluttony, she accidentally ate some snacks in the kitchen, and was caught by Puli.

Wilma, who thought she had caused a "horrible disaster", was frightened and cried to Puli to spare her her life.Puli, who was also here to steal a snack, didn't expect the freckled girl in front of her to be so courageous that she could cry if she was caught stealing a snack.Although she was not prepared to do anything to her, the little devil's temper made her unable to help but tease her.

As a result, the unlucky Wilma became the "pet" of the twins and lived a miserable life of being caught (tou) and (shi) every day... he was eight catties fatter!

"Good young master, good two young ladies."

"Wilma, we are outside now. You have to help some of us hide our true identities. Didn't you tell Miss Young Master to be exposed immediately?"

"That, then I..."

"Call us by name!" x2

Noni and Puli were talking, a successful smile flashed in their eyes.They had always wanted to get along with Wilma like friends, but the other party refused to call them by their names because of their courage. It just happened that it was hard to catch the opportunity, so naturally they wouldn't let each other off easily.

Facing the expectant gaze of the two twins, Wilma was finally defeated.

Chapter 558

From the colony to the present, Andy and the twins rarely have the opportunity to leave the palace.Occasionally, they often go out with political missions such as inspection visits, so they can’t go to where they like to play.

After the children set off, they first walked along the alleys through the neighboring wealthy area. After crossing a small stone bridge, the style of the surrounding buildings changed significantly, all kinds of messy but full of rich life. The wooden house made three rich children who had never been in contact with the lower class before feel very strange.

"Wilma, is this the fabled slum?"

The twins looked around curiously. They had only heard about "slums" at some social dance parties before, but they had not really set foot in such places, so they couldn't help but feel a little nervous when they were curious.Because most rumors have exaggerated facts, and many nobles will inevitably wear colored glasses and contempt from the upper class when they talk about the lower class.

The civilian area in their mouth is like a magic cave connected to hell, filled with all kinds of darkness and evil beyond ordinary people's imagination, and is a lair for villains and criminals.

The twins' inquiry was not malicious, but Wilma sounded harsh. After all, this is where she lives with her family, but now she is misunderstanding it as a slum.Still, Andy, who had some experience in the past, understood it a little bit, and casually explained it for the two of them.

"This is a civilian area, very different from a slum!"

The children continued to walk forward. Although the civilian area does not look as gorgeous as the wealthy area where aristocrats and wealthy merchants gather, it is obviously more vibrant here. There are small shops and open-air vendors all around, coming on the streets. There are often very many people.

Perhaps it was stimulated by Noni’s unintentional “slums”. Wilma changed the boring gourd-like appearance of the only nonno before, and took the initiative to become a tour guide while walking, introducing the shops along the street and various snacks that are popular among civilians. The success aroused the curiosity and gluttons of the twins, and they were eager to try each one.

The happiest thing for children is that they can play freely and freely where there is no adult control.

However, as he walked, careful Andy found that there seemed to be few young men on the street, many shops were run by elderly people and women, and the special house number representing the "military family" was found in almost every household.

As the emperor of the Eastern Empire, Andy is almost a "humanoid rubber stamp" on weekdays, but at least he still knows how many troops his country has. There are almost more than 1.2 million, and more than two-thirds have already gone. Frontline operations in the homeland.

When Andy heard this number at first, he didn't think it was too large, because a colony alone has a population of 25 million, and some local controlled areas also have more than 10 million. The army has a population of one million Less than one-thirtieth.

But Andy obviously has not heard the term "population structure". The total population of 36 million is not that everyone can join the army and serve as a soldier. Women, children, the elderly, the weak, sick, and disabled. The true young and middle-aged can have a hundred. Twenty to thirty percent is already very impressive, and you can't all of these men on the battlefield, because factories and farms also need them.

Andy doesn't know this knowledge, and the ministers of the cabinet government will not take the initiative to explain this to him.It wasn't until he really walked on the street that Andy really realized how much a country with a population of 25 million people would have on the whole society by pulling out more than one million men to fight.

Several people were walking, and there was a sudden commotion not far ahead. The twins suddenly thought there was something funny when they saw it, and pulled Andy forward one by one.

When they arrived at the scene, they realized that things were not what they thought, but a few police-looking men who were arresting a young man in the street, and there was an old woman who was sitting on the ground and crying. , Both hands pulled the young man's trouser legs vigorously, as if he didn't want the police to take him away.

At this time, Andy heard two old men next to him talking in a low voice, so he curiously leaned over to sound it.

"It's a sin! Old Wenli only has such a son left, so why did the dice fall to their house again."

"Why? I didn't pay filial piety! I have a cousin's nephew who is working in the bureau. I heard him talk about the market before. The upper part assigns recruits to each jurisdiction under them, and they hold the documents. They go from house to house to collect money, and those who can't afford to pay and those who don't pay have to be forced to join the army. How can old Wenli's family be rich? Her family has many sons, so the police don't always look for them."

"But no matter how many sons before, this one is left now!"

"Who said no? I heard that Wen Li's eldest son was still a Marine who signed up voluntarily. The people said that there are volunteers in the army at home, and you can stay with one of them. But now he suddenly changed his mind. ..."

The surrounding crowd talked a lot, but no one dared to stop him. They could only watch the police escort the young man into the car and take him away, leaving the old woman crying desperately.

Several children witnessed all this with their own eyes, and they were stunned for a while. It was the first time they saw such a scene when they grew up in the greenhouse.

"Brother Andy, why are they taking that person away?"

"Yes, that little brother just now doesn't look like a bad guy!"

"The police were arresting people to serve as soldiers. My neighbor's brother was forcibly taken away in this way. My parents said, fortunately I am a girl."

The children stopped and watched for a moment. They wanted to come forward to comfort the sad old woman, but the neighbors around had already come forward to help them, and they didn’t know each other at all. It might be a little embarrassing to rush over. Finally, I could only leave silently.

After this episode, although several people are still shopping and playing, their interest is obviously much weaker than at the beginning.

At this time Wilma suggested that he wanted to take the three of them to her school.The school she attended was originally a civilian elementary school. There were no good teachers, and she didn’t teach much in class. It was similar to the Sheep School. But since two years ago, an organization called the Workers’ and Peasants Alliance started funding the school. Get better.

Although Wilma loves to play, she also loves to learn, and she likes her teacher very much, and hopes that one day in the future can become as knowledgeable and talented as him.

Chapter 559 Public School

Just like Dragoon had made complaints about at the beginning, most of the public elementary schools established by the Empire are actually sheep-herding schools, basic literacy classes that can no longer be basic.

There are many students in each school, but very few teachers. On average, there is only one teacher for every two hundred students, and more than 90% of the students who come out of here will become the basic labor force of this society.In contrast, noble children can receive systematic and comprehensive elite education from an early age in a more favorable environment.

"The huge imbalance of educational resources is the main reason for the obvious difference between the civilians and the nobles, and it is by no means an illusory bloodline!"

On a whim, Dragon wrote this sentence directly into the pamphlet handed to Xia Li, hoping that the Alliance could support the basic education of the populace more, because knowledge is power, and whoever masters it can change destiny.

So this sentence was kept in mind by the senior leaders of the alliance and quickly put them into action.

Thanks to millions of members, although the alliance only charges a cheap membership fee of five copper coins per month, under the gathering of sand and various sponsorships from social donations, the total amount has suddenly become quite substantial.

Therefore, the senior management of the alliance decided to allocate a quarter of the budget every month to subsidize more than 300 public elementary schools in the colony. At the same time, it sent some intellectuals from the alliance's middle and senior management to regularly visit these schools as obligations. Teachers teach children a variety of basic knowledge.

Under the guidance of Wilma, Andy came to Oak Elementary School where she was studying.

Since it was the weekend, Andy thought the school was on holiday and there shouldn’t be many talents right, but when they came over, they found that the school was full of students in class, and almost every classroom was reading. .

"Gosh! Are they in class even on weekends?"

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