Macho Wars

Macho War Chapter 417

Your "right A", I really can't afford it!

However, the concerns of the old couple do have their reasons. Based on the principle of "I will push others down without going to hell", Dragon thought of a very suitable candidate, and looking at the time, the other party should be almost there now. .

The three were chatting. At this time, a maid came in to inform him that the new air force commander had just arrived at the door of the mansion, and Dragoon suddenly became energetic.

"Oh! Are you here so soon? Ask him to come."

"General Li, is there a business to talk about? Or let's say goodbye first, we can't delay your handling of military affairs..."

"Haha, it doesn't matter, and two acquaintances are here. Since we are going to organize a large-scale aerial search and rescue, we are talking with him."

"Our acquaintance?"

The old couple looked at each other for a while, and Dragon deliberately sold it.

After a while, footsteps came from the door, and a young brigadier general appeared at the door of the living room.

"Little Jack!?"

"Aunt Serena?"

The moment when the people on both sides met was taken aback, and compared to Jack, Serena and her husband Chuck were obviously more surprised.

Because in their memory, Jack was a weak boy who was bullied by their family Dallosi since childhood, and he was very cute, and was often misunderstood as a girl.Even if I later heard that he had served the country and joined the army, this old impression has not changed much with it.As a result, I did not expect to meet again now. Not only did the young man become a lot more mature and stable, but he also became a general.

It seems that only the tender baby face has not changed much, even if he tries to grow a beard, it is easy to give people a sense of violation.

When Dragoon saw Mrs. Serena and her husband both looked surprised, he couldn't help but bloom, but he said with a smile on his face.

"Everyone is acquaintance. I don’t think it’s necessary to introduce each other. Brigadier General Perney is currently the commander of the air force, and I will give him full responsibility for the search and rescue work. This kid and Miss Dallosi are childhood sweethearts. He is watching. The boss can rest assured."

Hearing what Dragon said, Jack looked dazed at first because he came here to talk to Dragon about work. As for the search and rescue of Dallosi, he didn't know.

However, when he saw Dragoon’s seemingly kind but profound smile, some of the segments that had been hidden deep in his memory were instantly awakened, making him an honest person involuntarily hit a heart-felt smile. Chills.

When Dragoon flicked him into women's clothing, he also smiled like that!

Chapter 599: Reliable Jack

To be honest, if it weren’t for Dragoon’s brilliance, strong enough to almost completely surpass everyone around him, Jack, who was promoted to the rank of general before the age of 30, was definitely a high-profile spot in the Imperial military. New star.

As one of the first old men to follow Dragon, Jack seems to be invisible, but his ability is absolutely beyond doubt.Years of battle on the battlefield allowed him to accumulate a wealth of command experience. At the same time, he was also influenced by Dragoon. In recent years, he has been developing into the emerging field of the Air Force.

Therefore, when the Imperial Army officially confirmed the establishment of the "Air Force" as a new service, Dragon, who had already taken the position of Minister of the Army, immediately elected Jack at the meeting.

Since the failure of the Eastern Empire's hegemony action, Dragon has completely abandoned the counterattack against the mainland in accordance with Howard's will and began to change its military strategy from offensive to defensive.And his first major move after he took office was to reorganize the military.

The new Central Military Headquarters was appointed by Dragon as Minister of the Military, commanding all the armed forces of the Eastern Empire, and under the two sub-chillers of the Army and the Navy, respectively Irving Flagg and Harlan Crusoe.Although these two veteran generals are older than Dragon and have much older qualifications, their relationship with Dragon has always been very harmonious.The two old guys also knew that Dragoon was the heir appointed by Howard, so they were willing to assist him in managing the army and navy.

In addition to these two traditional major services, the Eastern Empire Army has two other independent minor services, the Marine Corps and Air Force established by Dragoon.

The size and status of the two armies are ranked below the army and navy elder brothers, so there are no corresponding secondary ministers, only two "general chief" positions, directly under the Central Military Department, under the direct command of Military Minister Dragoon.

Two minor services, the commander of the Marine Corps was assumed by the former Marine First Division Commander Lieutenant General Oren Shatz, and the Air Force handed over to the newly promoted Brigadier General Jack.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the two major, two and four branches of the military are in charge of either a direct line brought out by Dragon or close allies, and they are all reformists. Almost all conservative generals have been eliminated. The core leadership was placed in some idle jobs for the elderly.

Although these guys who were squeezed out had a grudge against Dragon, they were frightened by the power of each other, and they all dared not speak.

Originally, Jack came to visit this time. He hoped to meet with Dragon about some work matters, but when he arrived in the living room, he found that Mrs. Serena and her husband were both present, and Dragoon smiled maliciously. , Jack suddenly became alert.

Looking at his expression, he definitely wants to persecute me again!

In the presence of the two old couples, Dragon told Jack about the situation of the Dallosi archaeological team. Hundreds of people disappeared out of thin air in the inland no man’s land. This is indeed very strange, and the military has been involved in the investigation. necessary.

After listening, Jack frowned and realized that the situation was not ordinary. Don't look at Dallosi's frequent "disappearance", but no one was as weird as this time.

But what made him more uneasy was that Dragon was talking about work while obviously bragging for him. It was a good meal to praise him from head to toe, and more than once emphasized that he was not married, let Serine Madam Na's eyes changed when she saw him.

Especially at the end of the explanation, when Dragon got up and patted Jack on the shoulder, he smiled and said, "You can be more concerned about this matter. After all, your relationship with Miss Dallosi has been unusual since you were young." Jack instantly felt The chills deep into the bone marrow.

Without giving Jack any opportunity to try to explain, Dragon sent away the Martinis who seemed very satisfied (with Jack), and then, like Lianju, gave Jack a lot of tasks, taking advantage of his bewildered look. He threw it out before reacting.

Looking at the quiet home again, Dragon leaned back on the sofa and stretched his waist, muttering to himself contentedly.

"Huh~! It's comfortable now!"

"You are comfortable, but Jack got hit!"

Dragon turned his head and looked towards the door. Enfia was walking in from outside holding their daughter Shireen, and behind him was Alicia with a big belly.Dragon hurriedly stepped forward one hand, and helped his two wives to sit down on the sofa.

Enfia is still on maternity leave. Although she herself strongly hopes to return to the job she loves as soon as possible, Dragoon, who is worried about her physical condition, is forced to confine her at home for confinement, so as not to shed any disease in the future.Enfia protested for a while, but was immediately subdued by Dragoon's powerful speech and posture.

As the most powerful man in the Eastern Empire, Dragon embraced the two wives in his arms.Alicia leaned back on his shoulders, clutching her chubby belly with a happy face, while Enfea was still a little bit awkward about what happened the other day, but it was just a few words from her mouth.

The two hadn't participated in the discussion in the living room before, but they also roughly guessed what "conspiracy" their bad man was doing.They have heard Dallosi's complaints from Dragon more than once, saying that this hungry woman is either dying, or on the way to dying. If anyone marries her, she is afraid that she will have no peace in her life.

Then he turned his head and pushed Jack down into the fire pit!

In this regard, Dragon said that he did so out of "good intentions."

"You can't say that! Jack and Dallosi are childhood sweethearts who have played together since childhood. It is impossible for them to have no feelings at all. Besides, Dallosi's conditions are not bad. In fact, they are not bad, and they are colonies. The first rich marquise, if Jack marries her, that would be a beautiful woman!"

"You! Be a man!"

"Just kidding."

More than a hundred people disappeared strangely and such a big thing happened in the colony. Naturally, Dragoon would not be indifferent, so it was a joke, and everything that should be done was not left behind. After personally understanding the situation, he called for the first time. Old subordinates of the spectrum.

With Jack in charge of this matter, Dragun is basically assured that the Air Force can use this search and rescue operation as a rare training opportunity and organize more people to participate.

The only thing Dragon cares about is the location of the incident, the name "Evil Dragon Gate". He seemed to have heard it vaguely from somewhere before, and it was related to the myths and legends circulating among the local aborigines, but What was the specific content, he couldn't remember it after a sudden abruptness.

It's a pity that Fumi went back to her natal home to visit her relatives yesterday, and she won't be able to return until the day after tomorrow, otherwise Dragon really wants to ask her.

He vaguely remembered that it was a legend related to aboriginal origin.

Chapter 600

The New World is still a mess. There are serious problems in almost all aspects of politics, economy, military, and people's livelihood.Compared with these top priorities, the disappearance of an archaeological team of hundreds of people is not a trivial matter, but it is irrelevant to the fate of the entire country.

After Dragoon handed over the search and rescue operations to Jack, he once again focused his attention on the formation of the "Construction Corps".

Due to the blind conscription before the empire, the Eastern Empire army still retains up to 800,000 active troops even after the tragic loss of the hegemony operation. If you add in the reserve soldiers in the training camps, the total may be 122. Around 100,000, accounting for more than one-third of the total number of young men in the colony.

There is not much external pressure on the colony right now. The native Firawi is opening a bow there, and at the same time opening a film with the two great powers of the Kingdom of Wieland and the Crick Federation. With such a large army, the standing force can be reduced to about 250,000.

But so many soldiers can't be disbanded casually. The current financial situation of the Edomian government makes it impossible for them to pay hundreds of thousands of retirement pensions, but if they don't, they can easily cause serious social problems.

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