Macho Wars

Macho War Chapter 418

Therefore, Dragon’s plan is to postpone retirement, take out these surplus troops to form a construction corps, give priority to planting the second season of this year’s crops and upgrade the entire colony’s water conservancy facilities in an all-round way.

It is important to know that the central part of the New World where the colony is located, the rainy season will begin in mid-July, and precipitation will increase sharply.If you don’t seize the time to repair the water conservancy facilities in various places, when the rainy season enters the second half of early September, more than half of the ten colonies will become "seasonal countries."

As long as it can survive the rainy season and wait for the second round of crop harvest, the empire's financial situation may turn around.Or simply turn the construction corps into a pioneering corps, continue to open up territory along several major rivers inland, and distribute these newly developed fields to these soldiers.

At the same time, Jack quickly deployed the air force after taking over the search and rescue mission.The most suitable for this task at hand is a medium-sized high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft code-named "Eagle Eye". This type of special aircraft is transformed from a bomber with the ability to drop bombs removed, and detection equipment and fuel tanks are installed in the belly. The Air Force currently has a total of 12 squadrons, mainly responsible for coastal patrols.

Jack adjusted the six eagle eyes to the eighth area in one breath, and cooperated with the ground forces to conduct a carpet search of the surrounding area where the archaeological team was missing.

In addition, Jack also referred to Dragon's suggestion, and was ready to ask the survivors once again.The geology doctor named Uthas still has not recovered his memory, but he is not the only survivor of the entire archaeological team. Most people have habitually ignored the female donkey that sent him back.

It is true that ordinary people cannot communicate with animals, but the daughter of beast spirits can!

A few years ago, the intelligence department of the colony had recruited the daughters of beast spirits to form a special animal army for intelligence collection and reconnaissance operations.Because compared with traditional conditioned reflex domestication, the abilities of beast spirit daughters allow them to give more accurate instructions to animals, thereby completing relatively more complex tasks.

Jack didn't bother his sister-in-law, Fumi, and directly called the intelligence department and temporarily seconded two beast spirit daughters.

After the two daughters of beast spirits came over, they "talked" to the donkey named Ami for a long time, confirming Dragon's speculation that it did not lose memory like a doctor, and clearly remembered everything that happened before.

Don't look at words like "stupid donkey" often appear in swearing words, but to be honest, people's IQ rankings in the animal world are not low at all. After all, the brain capacity is there, and it is not a problem to crush a cat or dog.

Ami donkey "telled" the daughter of the animal spirit who was communicating with it that the day of the accident was at noon, and the humans who kept it had been there for three days and were digging an angular "big stone" ".

In the eyes of most donkeys or other animals, anything that can’t be eaten is worthless, so they don’t understand what these humans are doing, but Ami is an alien among donkeys, and he has a very strong curiosity. , So it can't understand anything, but it often ignores the owner's scolding and ran to dig the scene to watch.

So it clearly remembered that most people were preparing to eat at the time of the incident. As a result, the big rock they dug moved and opened a black hole with a "big mouth", and issued a kind of disturbing animals. Terrible noise.

This sound made Ami very uncomfortable, and its other fellows were scared to run away desperately.And those humans seemed to be controlled by something. First they stood still in a daze, and then lined up one by one into the big mouth of the stone monster.

Ami was the only animal that did not escape the scene but was not controlled by sound. It tried to prevent these humans from being sent to death, but no one ignored it.

At this time, Ami saw Dr. Usas walking at the end of the crowd. Because the other party often fed him carrots, Ami liked him very much and didn't want to see him seeking his own way.But the opponent, like other humans in the archeological team, turned a deaf ear to Ami's "reminder" and went straight to the big mouth of the stone monster.

So Ami, in order to save Dr. Uthas's anxious life, directly turned around and kicked him on the doctor's forehead, kicking him on the spot and fainting, which saved the doctor.The monster shrank to the ground after swallowing other people.

Through this inquiry, the people in the investigation team finally learned what happened to them that they had been unclear before.Although animals are limited by their IQ and memory, and have certain deviations and errors in description, they are not as good at lying as humans, so the credibility of the content is higher.

The investigation team confirmed three important messages.

First, the disappearance of the archaeological team was not an accident, but an attack.

Second, the attacker has the ability to burrow, and aerial reconnaissance may not be able to detect it.

Third, the cause of the doctor's amnesia...maybe it has something to do with Ami.

However, Jack is still unclear about the reason behind the attack on the archaeological team, whether it was a premeditated trap, or whether they just ran into it.

It is worthy of the investigation team’s attention that the colonial intelligence agency subsequently provided another intriguing piece of information. There were suspected federal spies operating in the eighth and ninth districts. The other party was also secretly investigating related information about the disappearance of the archaeological team. .

Chapter 601

In the current Eastern Empire, foreign spies can be said to be everywhere.In addition to the Western Empire and the other three major powers that have not yet lifted the war, many small and medium-sized countries have also sent their own intelligence personnel in an attempt to take advantage of the muddy waters to come in and sneak a few fish.

But most espionage missions are nothing more than intelligence gathering and the theft of important military technology, the two more common ones. Aviation technology is their key target.Therefore, when the colonial intelligence agency discovered that a small group of federal spies went to the border area to investigate a missing archaeological team, they immediately attracted their attention.

The intelligence department is still secretly observing these "godmouses" from the Federation and has not taken any action because they do not know what the other party's purpose is.So just put a long line first, and see if we can wait for a chance to "catch the big fish".

It happened that they learned that the military was organizing search and rescue, so they took the initiative to get in touch with the Air Force led by Jack, hoping to cooperate with them.Knowing the intention of the other party, Jack did not refuse the cooperation request made by the intelligence department.

Jack has just learned about the disappearance of the archaeological team through the donkey. The ability of the attackers in this process makes them very worried.The "stone monster" in the eyes of the donkey is most likely a weapon that can penetrate underground and emit a special sound wave to control humans.

And now suddenly there was a group of federal spies inquiring about the archaeological team, and Jack naturally suspected them.

The world is well known that the Federation's biological alchemy technology is unique, but because of style issues, the various gadgets they create always exude a strong evil temperament from the inside out.The thing that attacked the archaeological team might be a new weapon developed by them, and the spy’s secret investigation was to confirm the "results."

So Jack and the staff under his staff combined, it is better to simply "invite" all the federal spies over for tea, and ask them what they all know.Compared with the various tricks of the intelligence department, soldiers prefer simple and rude gameplay.

Thanks to the fact that when the Air Force was formally established, Dragon placed the paratrooper brigade under the air force with a big wave, and Jack now has the right to directly mobilize this elite ground force.He called Frank directly and asked him to draw a group of elite orders from his camp.

There are a total of four federal spies targeted by them. Three of them are currently living in Rhodes Town in the eighth district. The other is a truck driver who often travels to and from the colonial towns and should be the contact person responsible for passing the news.

It is worth mentioning that this group of spies are all immigrants of Tarans origin. Before the disappearance of the archaeological team, they should be in a "hibernation" state, and they were not launched until the last week.But because their online presence has long been exposed, they were exposed along with them.

Jack must admit that since the colonial intelligence agency was disbanded and reorganized six years ago, although there has been a "empty window period" of three years, the military intelligence department established by Colonel Saladi has indeed grown smoothly and Began to emerge.

It's a pity that Jack, who thinks this way, doesn't know. It looks like a very shrewd and powerful military intelligence department. In fact, it still inherits the "imperial tradition" inside, and it is infiltrated like a sieve.The best agents under Saladi were almost all from the Workers and Peasants Mutual Aid Alliance.

These "invisible guardians" have been secretly protecting the alliance, and at the same time secretly passing on many important information to the organization.And these pieces of information will go through several times, and finally will be sent to Dragon's hands by Xia Li.

As a result, Dragon often encounters a situation that makes him feel dumbfounded. He has just read the documents in the military department during the day, and has to read it again in his study at night when he goes home, and it is not deleted. Reduced "refined version"!

But in any case, the special agents of the Military Intelligence Department have never been sloppy on external issues.Jack confirmed that the three federal spies would meet at a "prostitution club" in Rhodetown on Wednesday the day after tomorrow, and immediately set out to prepare.

On the night of the operation, several federal spies appeared at the gate of the clubhouse on time. They only exchanged glances with each other and entered the gate of the clubhouse.

However, when they found their own rooms and ordered the orders according to the old rules, it was not the barely dressed young ladies who came in outside the door, but a group of sturdy men, and these federal spies were shocked.

Damn it!Did I just call the wrong service?

A few hapless spies were arrested on the spot by a group of elite paratroopers, stuffed with mouth-balls to prevent them from biting their tongues, and brought back to the station like zongzi.

To Jack’s expectation, these spies serving the Creek Federation are not hard bones, and the prepared big torture is not even useful. They did not hesitate to do all the tricks in order to save their lives. Disappointed.

According to their own account, they are just a few small roles bought by the federal intelligence agencies. They are not professional agents with professional training at all. Except for the liaison officer, the other three people don’t even know that they are working for the Federation. I thought they were hired by a newspaper in the colony.

The Federation maintains irregular contact with a few of them through this intermediary. They live normally on weekdays, and occasionally contact them when they have a job, in the name of asking them to help collect some simple information, and then pay a certain amount afterwards.

Realizing that what he had spent so much time caught was just a few of the lowest-level little guys, that is, the "goumouse" often called by intelligence personnel, Jack was very disappointed for a while.But at this moment, the middleman who was in charge of the liaison revealed to them a very important piece of information. His "upper home" was actually in the eighth district, and he was about to find a guide who was familiar with the local situation to enter in person. People area.

In order to save his own dog's life, the middleman sold them without hesitation!

"You said that your home is in the eighth district? Where do they live?"

"This, this...I don't know...No, no, no! It's not to lie to you, but I really don't know! Every time we meet, the other party actively contacts me, informs me of the meeting place in advance, and then goes to meet, and it is not Every time I see people, sometimes I leave a letter. I saw them asking me to find a guide this time, and then I guessed that they might be in the eighth district. Really! I didn’t say anything false. words!"

Facing Frank’s questioning, the middleman swears and swears to the heavens. Every sentence he said is true. The interrogator on the side nodded to Frank silently, saying that the other party’s attitude did not seem to be lying, unless This person's acting skills have the excellent strength of the actor level.

Chapter 602

In order to verify that these immigrant spies of Tarrans origin are telling the truth, the intelligence department’s surprise interrogation first asked them when they were awake, and then asked them again with confessionals. Don't worry, he was sentenced to another round of punishment, until the hapless tossing life was worse than death, and I completely believed their confession.

It was learned from the middleman that those "honored guests" from the Federation would leave some graffiti codes at the corner of Building 23, Perfume Street, Banta City, District 8, and the middleman went to the other party's designated spot to meet according to these codes.

The Federation’s online presence has always been very cautious and usually doesn’t take the initiative to show up, but this time the situation is obviously a bit special. In the several meetings, I was there in person and directly asked the middleman to find a guide to lead the way, and gave him a number. Asking him to call this number when he is ready, it seems that the situation is very urgent.

Therefore, the people of the Military Intelligence Department suggested adopting the classic and easy-to-use "fishing law enforcement" and arranging their agents to pretend to be guides.First, spy on what the purpose of these Federations came to the New World, and then kill them all.

In this way, the whole family became hostage intermediaries and was forced by the intelligence department to act as double agents. After waiting for two days, they would take the special agents of the Military Intelligence Department to meet these guys from the Federation.

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