Macho Wars

Macho War Chapter 419

The military action team is on standby first, waiting for their own signal.

Two days later, the middleman dialed the phone number he left for him on the line under the watchful eyes of a big vote.The Military Intelligence Department has investigated in advance. This number is the front desk of a high-end hotel in District 8. There are currently 87 guests, of which 43 have checked in in the last month, and 20 are foreigners. Two.

The Military Intelligence Department quickly obtained the relevant files of these people, and several "adventurers" from Chuck Principality caught their attention.

The Chuck Principality is a medium-sized country in the southern part of the Old World. Its comprehensive national strength ranks seventh in the world and belongs to the second echelon under the four major powers.

The leader of this group of Chuck adventure group is Olga Benn, a Viscount of Chuck Public. The family has run the jewelry business for generations and is therefore very wealthy.And he himself is a very famous explorer, hunter and...playboy.

It is worth mentioning that this time Olga came to the New World, in addition to his four domestic servants, there were also several artists from the "Flower of Hope" song and dance troupe. There were three men and four women, and the women were singing and dancing. The head of the group, Daisy Yulha, is a new female star who has only risen in the southern continent in the last year. With her natural voice and incredible dance, she quickly attracted a large number of fans.

This time, the other party was invited by Olga to gather in the New World, and thanked him by the way for his great support to the song and dance troupe in the past year.And Olga took the female star to explore the New World for a long distance, obviously, the purpose is not to catch a few giant electric eels like Jamada.

Since the suspect was the most suspicious, the MI Department directly locked the target. The agent who was inserted into the hotel found an opportunity to take some pictures with a hidden camera and returned. Through the identification of the middleman, it was confirmed that one of Olga’s servants was with He met on the line.

This group of people has been in the colony for almost three weeks. Except for Olga who often takes the female star Daisy into and out of some high-end places, the others stay in the hotel and rarely go out.

Jack initially hoped that the MI Department could send agents into the target's room to install eavesdropping equipment, but the head of the MI Department stated that it is best not to do so.Limited by the technological limits of this era, the Empire’s current best eavesdropping device is the size of a beer mug.If the other party is really a spy who has undergone rigorous training, the equipment will be easily discovered by the other party, which will lead to the startling.

After getting in touch with the online, the middleman said that he had helped find a reliable guide. They are two New World natives living in the colony. The two can speak Hidani and often lead the way for explorers and hunters. Every plant and tree in the entire Eastern Wasteland is well understood.

The two indigenous guides from the Fighting Pigeon clan were naturally professional agents trained by the Military Intelligence Department. The two followed the middleman and quickly met their employer Olga and other people accompanying them.

Maybe it was because there was a beautiful woman by the side, Olga's whole person's performance wanted to explode, and he talked in front of the two native guides.Said that this time I brought Miss Daisy to the New World, I wanted to meet a fantasy creature called "Ball Kun".

This is an ancient and magical freshwater fish. It has a vocal organ similar to a human vocal cord in its mouth. It has six tentacles on its gills and can move off the water.

The reason why it is called "ball kun" is that the males of this fish will take the initiative to go ashore during the breeding season and use their flexible tentacles to pick branches and weave them into a sepak takraw for females to lay eggs.It is said that the male fish will sing and dance in the middle of the lake on the night of the full moon, singing and dancing with their hand-woven sepak takraw ball to court the female fish.

The reason why Olga wants to take Daisy to see × Kun's courtship dance is because the other party recently wanted to make a new dance, hoping to find inspiration through Qiu Kun.

After listening, the two indigenous guides looked at each other for a while, feeling that there was a sentence "Made × barrier" on their lips.

God×Why watch the ball kun dance for inspiration, it is better to watch human beings play basketball!

As expected, the rich are too full to eat, and they are already idle to the point of pain.

However, the two agents of the Fighting Pigeon clan knew that they had important tasks on their bodies, and that the other party was the gold master who paid the money, and they had to give face.So the two touted Olga symbolically, making each other feel very useful.

During the conversation, the two agents watched Olga and his entourage without a trace.The upper line connecting with the middleman is a black and thin man, not the kind of weak and thin, but a tempered lean, who is an old bird who has been in the army for a long time.

But this is not easy to make people feel strange. In fact, most wealthy people will recruit some veterans as bodyguards. Many veterans also regard this as a very good way out.

It was the "Flower of Hope" that really made them two feel strange or weird.This Miss Daisy Yulha is beautiful, with an impeccable face and a slender and enchanting figure, but the temperament of the whole person reveals a high cold that does not eat the fireworks, like An exquisite doll.

Chapter 603

Perhaps she was aware of the line of observation, and Daisy, who had been sitting on the sofa like a goddess, turned her head slightly to look at the guide. Although the rare platinum eyes were crystal clear, they were cold as if there was no trace of temperature. .

Damn it!How does this big girl feel so emotional?

Startled by the look in Daisy’s eyes, the little guide hurriedly turned his head. Although Olga on the side noticed his small movements just now, but this young native kid had never seen such a superb super The gaffe of the great beauty is excusable.

Just watch it!Anyway, the one who can kiss Xiangze in the end must be my Lord Olga!

With a kind of self-confidence unique to successful people, Olga is full of confidence in the flower of hope for this Raiders.He spent a lot of real money back and forth to support the song and dance troupe. Every time Daisy’s concerts are bound to show up, he gave flowers and gifts. This time he heard that the goddess was interested in the new world ball kun. Immediately pay for the most expensive luxury cruise tickets to take the other party out to travel.

Although Daisy's attitude toward herself was still lukewarm on the way, the two hadn't even succeeded in holding hands, not to mention kissing on home base, but Olga just took it.

With his net worth, an ordinary vulgar fan can do it, but he has long been tired of these ordinary goods.And the first time Daisy appeared, he was shocked in his eyes. The temperament like the flower of kaolin made him even more fascinated, and he believed that the other party was his destined "goddess"!

In order to realize the goddess' wish as soon as possible and reach the final conditions of the strategy, Olga hopes to set off as soon as possible. The reason is that it is the middle of the rainy season, which happens to be the breeding season of the ball kun.They are fully prepared, Olga is not the first time to explore the New World, so he can set off at any time.

Olga had rented three off-road vehicles in advance, purchased sufficient supplies and weapons and ammunition for hunting and self-defense, enough for them to stay in the wild for ten and a half days.

Seeing that Olga was so anxious, the two indigenous agents disguised as guides made a symbolic bargain, and finally agreed to leave the day after tomorrow, and then left the hotel where Olga and his party were staying, leaving their contact information.

As for the intermediary who was instigated, he was stopped by his own upper line, and seemed to have something to explain to him alone.When the two agents saw this, they could not ask to stay, instead they said goodbye to the middleman, and then threw a slightly profound sentence.

"Old York, say hello to your family for me."

"Ah! I know, I know."

Two days later, the guides came to the hotel as scheduled to meet Olga and his party, and then set off to the outskirts of the city to pick up the off-road vehicle they rented.After arriving at the place, the guides discovered that Olga had really lost his money and even rented three modified military vehicles.The two convertible jeeps were equipped with hunting modifications, and the truck was filled with materials they needed on the way. There was even a solid wood dining table, high-end tableware and candle holders.

This Olga also has enough money to pick up girls!

The group was divided into three cars, with the driver's guide in the front row of the leader, while Olga and Daisy sat side by side in the back seat.Olga, holding a "big sniper" in his hand, bragged to Daisy about his marksmanship, saying that he would hunt a bison to give her a taste.

Daisy just managed to deal with it without saltiness. She also changed into a tight-fitting hunting outfit this time she went out. The tight long-tube high-heeled leather boots made her perfect long-leg curve undoubtedly, she just came out of the hotel. At that time, all the men present at the time were asked to look straight.

But what made the little guide sitting in the lead car a little strange was that he didn't know if it was his illusion. Daisy, who didn't look fat, could vaguely feel the center of gravity of the car when he got in the car. It seems to have sunk slightly.He was too embarrassed to ask the girl's weight, so he could only hide his doubts in his heart.

Finally, the vehicles and supplies were checked, and the expedition team set off immediately.The two little guides knew that the military convoy was not far behind them, and spying planes would fly over their heads from time to time.

Olga was a little bit novel and wondered at first, how planes would fly by from time to time.The guide explained that there is a large military airport in the eighth area. The planes have to take off for training every day. The locals have long been used to it.

Olga nodded after hearing it, feeling understandable, and then said casually when the Empire started selling planes, he must buy one for fun.The careful thought of showing off wealth can be said to be obvious.

Olga in the lead car showed great diligence to the goddess all the way, like a ball cock who is only courting, talking hard to show off his talent and knowledge.In contrast, the second car is full of gents, which is particularly dull.

The other guide was sitting here, and he was curious about the truck following.Before the convoy set off, the three members of the song and dance troupe next to Daisi moved a large suitcase into the car.He was next to him. Seeing that the three of them were struggling to move, he wanted to step forward to help, but was immediately blocked by them.

After the convoy set off, the three of them stayed together in the truck, completely ignorant of what was going on.

"It seems that I can only wait for the camping at night to find opportunities."

Since this team came out in the name of expedition, even if some of them had a special purpose, they had to behave like a general expedition.They wandered in the eastern wilderness throughout the day, and occasionally stopped to watch the migrating herd for a while, Olga also took the opportunity to show his marksmanship.Using a large-caliber shotgun equipped with an eight-fold mirror, one shot overturned an adult wild boar at a distance of 50 meters.

Seeing it, Olga's marksmanship is still good, but in order to show her bravery and fearless side in front of the beautiful women, this product is simply too shameless. Destroying a wild boar is like playing a bullfight. Just shot.

Daisy, who was standing on the side of the car, just applauded in agreement, and this reaction made Olga very happy, because the goddess "seems" to smile at him.

That night, the expedition team was camping in the wilderness. Olga carefully prepared a moonlight dinner that he thought was very romantic. The others ate barbecues around the campfire a little further away.

The two guides wanted to take the opportunity to take a look on the truck, but the folks from the song and dance troupe stood by the door of the carriage, not allowing anyone to approach.The reason is that Miss Daisy’s imperial composer suddenly had creative inspiration and was composing a new song in the car, and did not want to be disturbed.

Seeing that the other party refused to give up, the guide was not trying to force the other party to have doubts, so he could only put down the barbecue he had brought, and then prepared to leave.

But at this moment, the composer in the car who was improvising suddenly jumped out of the car.Seeing the guide right in front of him, the other party asked him in a tone of excitement that couldn't help.

"Where is thirty kilometers to the north, do you know?"

"Three or thirty kilometers away?"

Faced with a sudden question from the composer, the little wizard couldn't help but froze for a moment, and his mind was full of question marks.The composer's companion hurriedly stepped forward to hold him, reminding him in a slightly awkward tone.

"Mr. Ruhr, you... calm down."

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