Macho Wars

Macho Wars Chapter 63

Chapter 74

Since the notice came very late, most of the soldiers are still on vacation, and the mission is so urgent.Forced by the helplessness of Dragoon, he could only take the troops on the road in a hurry when less than half of the battalion was recalled.

The rest of the troops were handed over to Deputy Battalion Commander Lanno, and when they were assembled, they came to the third area to join them.

In this way, Dragon set off first with 18 tanks and 150 infantrymen. Using the developed road line between Pandora Port and the third district, they arrived at Langley City smoothly before dark. Colonel Tucker, commander of the 22nd Infantry Regiment, made contact.

In the communication plane, the other party asked Dragoon’s armored battalion to directly enter the city, and deploy tanks at various intersections of the main roads in the city, giving priority to protecting the safety of the administrative area.

So Dragon ordered the troops to enter the city, but as soon as they entered the city, the soldiers were quickly stunned by the sights they saw along the way.

I saw a mess on the broad main road, and a lot of chores were piled up on the road, forming piles of obstacles, some of which were still burning.Noisy riots can be heard not far ahead, and there is an atmosphere like war.

Dragon frowned and looked at all of this, and found that the situation was much worse than he had expected.

"Get off the infantry and get ready for battle."

Under Dragon's order, one hundred and fifty infantrymen got out of the car ahead of time, and a squad followed a tank and advanced carefully in a standard tank formation.

Dragon thought that they were here to maintain law and order, but found that the atmosphere was not right after entering the city. His keen intuition made him notice a hidden murderous aura.

The troops moved slowly along the avenue, and Dragoon retracted into the car to let Sheffield contact the 22nd regiment again. He needed to confirm something with Colonel Tucker.

To what extent has the mob riot in Langley City reached?He needs to hear the truth!The situation in this city does not seem to be a simple security issue.

Colonel Ranto, who was opposite the microphone, hesitated for a moment, and finally explained the truth to Dragon.

"The situation is worse than expected!"

It turned out that the riots in Langley City started as early as a week ago. The cause was that the government's promised relief food and compensation to the people were never in place, so some people gathered in front of the city government building to protest.

At first, the situation was not serious. About two thousand people gathered only took a sit-in demonstration and elected representatives of public opinion.

But things suddenly changed three days ago. The number of demonstrators increased more than tenfold in a very short period of time, and tens of thousands of people blocked the main road in the city.

Realizing that the situation was starting to get out of control, the government urgently asked the garrison for help. A battalion of the 22nd regiment was ordered to enter the city to protect the city government building while maintaining order.

However, as soon as the army arrived on the scene, the already passionate demonstrators instantly fry the pot!There was friction between the two sides, and then accidentally went off...

So far, mob groups have occupied most of the cities.Relying on the overwhelming advantage in numbers and weapons of unknown origin, the 22nd Regiment was caught in street fighting in the city.

The two sides fought fiercely for two days and nights. The military and police paid hundreds of casualties. Although there are no detailed statistics on the deaths and injuries of the mob, it is estimated that more than two thousand people were initially estimated, and the number of innocent people implicated is countless.

The whole Langley City has almost lost control.

After listening to Colonel Tucker’s brief narrative, Dragon was silent for a long time, saying that he had another big job!

Suddenly something happened outside the tank, and the accompanying infantry found people flashing on top of the buildings on both sides of the street.Before they could see each other's looks, a few earthen Molotov cocktails flew down from the roof.

After these Molotov cocktails fell to the ground, a raging fire suddenly ignited. Unfortunately, two soldiers who could not dodge were hit by a Molotov cocktail. The flames instantly ignited all over their bodies, and the two of them fell to the ground and rolled over howling.

Fortunately, Brother Chiff, who was promoted to the infantry platoon leader, rushed up in time, took someone to cover the two with a marching blanket, and soon wiped out the burning alcohol, but the two were still burned beyond recognition, and wailed in pain.

When the other infantry saw this, they were all nervously guarding the surroundings. Some of the sharp soldiers armed with submachine guns rushed into the building and checked the rooms one by one, but the attackers had already escaped without a trace.

The two wounded soldiers were quickly carried away on a stretcher, put on a truck behind them, and handed over to the medical soldiers to take care of them.

Dragoon did not expect that the troops would be attacked by mobs in the outer neighborhoods of the city and injured two people at once.

The thought that there are more than a thousand meters ahead and four streets to reach the destination, Dragon has a headache.

Fortunately, the armored battalion is worthy of the elite name. Although the attack made everyone suffocated and nowhere to vent, it did not frighten these veterans, but instead reminded them that the riots were not simple.

As a result, everyone quickly adjusted their mentality, converging the last trace of contempt, and all the members entered a true "state of combat".

The troops continued to advance, and Dragoon let the tank equipped with forklift equipment go ahead and push the roadblock.

They were subsequently attacked twice, but as soon as the infantrymen who had prepared for it discovered the signs, they decisively suppressed and fired at the targets on the roof.The enemy failed in two attacks and hit one of the mobs.

The hapless guy who was hit fell directly from the fifth floor and fell heavily to the ground.

The soldiers hurried forward to check, and found that the mob was unexpectedly young, with a slightly immature face, and it looked like it might not be twenty years old.

Keefu searched the other party for a long time, and found nothing that could prove his identity. He could only let the body be carried to the truck and brought to the local government for identification.

After two consecutive failed attacks, the Molotov cocktail never appeared again, but when the convoy advanced to two blocks from the downtown administrative area, the officers and soldiers of the armored battalion finally saw the "main force of the mob".

On the originally spacious street, a large number of mobs armed with weapons were guarding behind the simple barricades. The arrival of the tanks obviously made them panic, but these people were not deterred, and they clenched their weapons. Ready to fight.

Dragon carefully looked at these "warriors" through the observation hole. Most of them were ordinary people, old and old, small and small, with a variety of weapons in their hands, and there were even people holding pans.God knows it's not enough to use this thing to block bullets!

Apart from the large numbers, these mobs have no other advantages.The 22nd regiment has nothing to do with them, I am afraid that the real reason is not to die!

Chapter 75

Opposite the barricade, the mob group was looking nervously at the tank. They knew that their simple weapons were simply powerless against these steel beasts, but they still stuck to their "positions" and refused to retreat.

Seeing this unusual scene, Dragon once again felt puzzled.

In most cases, so-called mob groups don’t have the courage to face a real violent organization like the military and police. As long as the gunshots fire, the mobs who were aggressive in the first second will turn into frightened sparrows in the next second. Ran away.

The stampede incidents that occur as a result tend to cause more serious casualties than ordinary combat.

But these are obviously different right now. According to Colonel Tucker, the frontal conflict between these mobs and the military and police has lasted for three full days, and thousands of people have suffered tragic casualties.But they still did not retreat, and even erected barricades in the streets in an attempt to occupy the city and fight the regular army.

Dragon felt that either these mob collective Shi Lezhi, or someone behind it was directing!

The leading tank stopped sixty to seventy meters away from the barricade. The captain hesitated, so he asked if Dragoon would continue to advance.

Dragon told him not to move. Although the opposite party was clearly determined to be a car, but as a regular soldier who maintained the greatest restraint at all times, he still let him use a loudspeaker to shout to the other side.

"Listen to the criminals on the opposite side. Your behavior has violated the laws of the empire. You must give up your weapon and surrender immediately. Striving for leniency is your only way out! At this time, your last chance is to give up your weapon and surrender immediately!"

The loudly shouting soldier yelled for a long time. Although there was a slight commotion on the other side, he still did not retreat.

At this time, Chiff, who had taken people to climb to the nearby building to find a sniper position, used a communications machine to contact Dragon, saying that he had discovered from a high place in the mob that there were some guys similar to the "Supervisor Team".

During Dragoon's call, they stabilized the military's mind in the mob team.What was specifically said, Qifu was too far away and couldn't hear clearly, but it seemed to be very encouraging to see the mob's passion.

Dragon was stunned when he heard that, the courageous mob can be so courageous, the co-author is a "political commissar"!

However, this also confirmed his previous conjecture that behind the mob, organizers indeed existed. This is no longer a simple "group incident" but a real rebellion.

So Dragon immediately ordered the infantry company to wear gas masks, take out the "secret weapons" they had prepared before, and prepare to clear the field!

Dragon knew that no special riot control equipment was born in this world. In order to minimize unnecessary casualties, Dragon could only ask the soldiers to make a batch of simple tear gas bombs temporarily.

These tear gas bombs are made by filling an empty glass bottle with a mixture of chili powder and gunpowder, and then simply and rudely inserting a signal flare into it as a fuze.

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