Macho Wars

Macho Wars Chapter 64

It is worth mentioning that all the chili powder was purchased by Dragoon out of his own pocket and sent people to the spice shop near their station.However, due to the insufficient quantity of chili powder in the shop, the soldiers in charge of the procurement had to move some cumin back to make up the number.

Therefore, if these tear gas can not smoke people, it is also a good choice to keep them as barbecue seasoning.

Under the cover of the tank, the infantry successfully approached the barricade and ignited these tear gas canisters and threw them out. After a while, a large swath of pungent, pungent smoke filled the street.

Dragun sitting in the tank could smell this smell, and he was in a daze when he remembered some memories from his previous life, and he heard a cries of Xinjiang accent in his ear.

Mob groups lacking anti-virus equipment were immediately smoggy and burst into tears. Tanks of the armored battalion took the opportunity to push open the barricades, allowing groups of soldiers to rush in, using only sticks and butts to piss the mob's ass.

Although the mob was beaten by ghosts and howling, each of them was worse than killing pigs, but in fact, most of them were skin wounds, and they quickly collapsed.

In this way, the troops pushed all the way down, and quickly passed through this block, with an appetizing exotic fragrance, and joined the 22nd regiment guarding around the administrative area.The arrival of the tank gave the soldiers who had been confronting the mob for three days finally relieved.

Under the guidance of a small military officer, Dragon came to the city hall and met Colonel Tucker, the commander of the 22nd regiment, and some government officials.

The two parties met and exchanged simple greetings.

Seeing the thick gauze wrapped around Colonel Tucker's head, and a thick "sage spirit" leaking out of his darkened eye sockets, Dragun was a bit embarrassed, and he couldn't help but wonder. The 22nd regiment At any rate, it is also a group of people, so why is it surrounded by a group of mobs?

Seeming to see Dragon's doubts, Colonel Tucker said to him with a wry smile.

"Major Li, thank you very much for your troops to come in for reinforcements in time, but you may not know that the situation in Langley is far more complicated than you think!"

The causes of the Langley rebellion are many, but the 22nd regiment is indeed helpless because the situation will get out of control in a short time.

The 22nd Regiment, which belonged to the 89th Division, participated in the first wave of resistance during the Kingdom Army’s invasion. By the time the Kingdom Army retreated, their regiment had less than 500 people left.

So after the war, the 22nd regiment returned to the third district station. In addition to receiving some weapons and ammunition, it also obtained permission from the superiors to recruit local youths to join the army as supplementary members of the regiment.

It is a pity that the recruitment work was only about one-third completed until the riots. Therefore, the 22nd Infantry Regiment was severely underpowered, and the recruits were mostly locals. Naturally, Colonel Tucker did not dare to let these rookies go to battle, lest they see the village folks. On the other side, he suddenly lost control of his emotions and did something to surrender to the enemy.

But in this way, the forces that Colonel Tucker can use are only less than five hundred veterans.In the face of mob groups with organizers behind them, the military can only give priority to protecting administrative areas and then seek help from higher authorities.

After listening to Colonel Tucker’s narrative or complaining, Dragon finally understood the reason for the 22nd regiment’s dilemma, and then he asked the other party whether he knew about the secretive manipulation of the mob group. Colonel Tucker slightly After hesitating for a moment, he finally said with a wry smile.

"Although I don't have sufficient evidence yet, it should be done by Volter's revolutionary army in nine out of ten, so they can have this ability."

Chapter 76 The Mayor

"Revolution, Revolutionary Army!?"

As if he heard some unbelievable term, Dragon suddenly showed an incredible expression on his face.

In his memory, twenty-two years have passed since the fight from the soul to the present. Although there were rebellions in the empire from time to time, this was the first time a team under the banner of "revolution" appeared.

Dragun glanced at the calendar subconsciously. Today is September 27th, local time, and it is really not too short of a certain "sensitive" month.

Dragoon was about to inquire about this group of revolutionary forces. At this time, a panicked government worker ran in and reported that Mayor Dakcom was trapped in the second magic spar mine in the south of the city. The field has been besieged by a large number of mobs, and the situation is already precarious.

Colonel Tucker couldn't help being shocked.

"Damn it! Has he not come back yet?"

"Colonel, the mining town was already occupied by mobs last night, the mayor can't make it through!"

The young staff looked helpless, and Colonel Tucker slapped the table angrily, and had to turn his head to ask Dragon for help.

"Major Li, there is a person who has to trouble you with a hundred thousand urgent matters. You heard it just now. The mayor of Langley is currently trapped in a mining area, which is about 13 kilometers away from the city, and there will definitely be many along the way. Mob, only your tanks can rush to save people, please!"

"No problem, this is our duty, but I need someone who knows the mayor to lead the way."

"That's okay. This kid is called Li Wei. He is Duck's secretary. He will take you to the mining area."

Reaching out for the civilian brother next to him, Colonel Tucker could not help but shove him to Dragon.

The two left the government building, and Dragun called four tanks and two trucks of infantry and hurried south.

Along the way, Li Wei, who was riding in a tank for the first time, seemed very cautious. Coupled with the high temperature inside the tank, he was sweating profusely in a formal suit.

Seeing his nervousness, Dragon handed him a water bottle and couldn't help joking.

"If it's hot, take off your jacket. There is not so much attention in the tank. You wear so much, we look uncomfortable."

"No, it doesn't matter, I can bear it."

As the little brother said, he poured cold water into his mouth.

At this time, a large group of mobs appeared again in front of the convoy, but the opposing party did not build a barricade. Even most people turned a blind eye to the passing convoy in a hurry, and just lost a few stones as greeting.

Li Wei told Dragun that the area north of the city was originally the commercial street of Langley City, with many luxury shops and high-end consumer places.And those mobs are busy looting right now, so naturally they don't bother to smash with the army.

Speaking of the commercial street in the north of the city, Li Wei's face showed a trace of regret. Dragon thought that this little brother was born either rich or expensive, maybe because the family had an estate here, so he felt distressed.

But Li Wei immediately said that this commercial street was built by the Mayor Daccombe to drive the economic prosperity of Langley City and provide a large number of jobs for locals.

As a result, the commercial street has just stepped onto the right track. First, the war was followed by man-made disasters, and the fact that many years of struggle of the incumbent were put to nothing overnight!Li Wei, who has been following the mayor for many years, couldn't help but drip with blood.

"Those mobs don't even know, and they don't want to believe that the government is thinking about their future."

Perhaps it was because the Dragoons were more easy-going and they were similar in age. Li Wei gradually let go and started talking with Dragon.Li Wei introduced him to the third district, especially Langley.

This is the most important mine in the colony. Several magic spar veins and the largest open-pit iron ore known in the New World have been discovered there.

However, limited by the local containment policy, the limited industrial production capacity of the first area is not enough to consume the huge reserves of resources here, so most of the output of the mining area is transported back to the country by the entire ship.

More than half of the local male labor force are miners.Although there are treasures everywhere, the standard of living of the people is not rich. It was not until Dakcom became the mayor of Langley that he finally improved.

The nominally highest person in charge of the third district is the current district mayor, Earl Fisher Lynch.In the eyes of most government officials in the third district, this tycoon can be called the "perfect boss."Because this man just flicked his hand at the shopkeeper, he spent a lot of time every day taking care of that thick orange-red curly hair. What the local officials below were doing, his old man didn't bother to bother at all.

This naturally gave many people an opportunity to take advantage of, but Dakcom, the mayor of Langley, was an exception.

He did not use his power to make a big profit like other officials, but according to his own vision, he carried out drastic reforms in Langley City, and everything was centered on economic development.

Langley has serious water and soil pollution due to the presence of mining factories, affecting the growth of crops.Therefore, the local food production is simply not enough to feed the local people, and they have to import food from other areas every year.

So Dak first carried out agricultural reforms, persuading local farmers to completely abandon traditional agricultural crops and plant some pollution-resistant cash crops. Grain was imported from other developed agricultural areas, and then to vigorously develop light industry and service industries.

Under his careful management, the city of Langley developed rapidly, but there must be shadows under the light.

Although Duck is conscientious and conscientious, not all his subordinates are like water. Coupled with the side effects brought about by the economic transformation, and the interests of some people have been touched, there are many people who are unhappy with Duck in Langley City.

The "water" in this place in Langley is deeper than most people imagine.

The two were chatting, when the old Huck who was driving reminded Dragon that they seemed to be there.At this moment, the sky outside was dark, but a large area of ​​fire could be seen about 400 meters away.

So Dragon ordered the convoy to stop, drilled out of the hatch and looked through the binoculars. It was vaguely visible that many mobs were besieging the gate of the mine. There were estimated to be hundreds of people, and gunfire and explosions could be heard clearly.

Fortunately, the mine was built according to fortress specifications. Although it could not stop the invading Virants, it was more than enough to stop a group of mobs without heavy weapons.

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