The monument to Lin City, Xiao Lin is very courageous, enters alone, and discusses the plan with Ye Qinghan.

Ye Qinghan rolled out a chapter map, using red brush to draw 2 lines along the pole mountain range on the map, mark the arrows, and converge at the end from the mountain range 2 side, spanning about 2 states, stretching Borderless.

“The pole mountain range starts from Beilin State, crosses Quan Divine State, and Sihai State … The end point is in Qingshui State. Crossing Qingshui State is the hinterland of Jiwu World. You start from Quan Divine State and we start from Tongtianxia The 2nd army attacked from the polar range mountain range 2 wings, and finally gathered in the hinterland of the Jiwu world. I will lead the army to force the Tianwu Legion, the dragon god Legion, and the Wuji Legion to the hinterland. We will hit their top ten Legion in the hinterland. Disabled, annihilate Tianwu Legion, and finally let them negotiate, you take your resources, I take the resources we need, how? “Ye Qinghan lightly saying.

“No problem! But you have to give us the monument Lin City, otherwise the supply of my True Martial world will waste a lot of time and will affect our attack.” Xiao Lin said firmly.

Ye Qinghan shook the head, and said more firmly, “Sorry, the city that I hit never made way out. I can allow you to borrow the monument Lin City, but Xiao Linjun will never be allowed to come in the city.”

Obviously, Ye Qinghan had no plans to let the True Martial army go back alive. The city here will be the important place for the soldiers who blocked the border of the True Martial community!

“I can trade you for other cities, or other conditions, Mr. Zuo may wish to make an offer.” Xiao Lin looked directly at Ye Qinghan. It is impossible to give Ye Qinghan such an important place to control. This is the throat of the True Martial army. If he decides to stop here, the fate of his army will not allow him to control it.

Ye Qinghan sat down slowly, looked at Xiao Lin, and looked at his firm eyes, knowing that the monument Lin City had to be let out, otherwise Xiao Lin would not dare to dispatch the whole army, which would affect his final plan.

“Xiao Senior Lin may wish to state his own bottom line. Let me see if you have this sincerity. If so, it is not impossible for the monument Lin City to give you.” Ye Qinghan indifferently said.

Xiao Lin pondered for a long time, said solemnly, “The monument Lin City controls the fate of the True Martial army. Although I want revenge, I will not let the army be so involved, and there is even danger of being overwhelmed by the entire army. The control of Lin City is in your hands. As long as you are willing to give up the control of the monument Lin City, the old man is willing to produce a boundary stone and a phosphorous crystal. This is the pseudo-Realm Master ’s favorite Supreme Treasure. “

Boundary Stone!

Ye Qinghan eyebrow raised, flashing a touch of brilliance, immediately asked, “What level is the boundary stone? Take it out and see.”


Xiao Lin took out a stone filled with World Strength. The divine glow was fluctuating. It was coercive and oppressive. It seemed to be only the size of a fist, but the internal quality was very heavy. It weighed more than ten pounds. This is a Divine Stone dedicated to Realm Master , The level is very high, the World Strength inside is comparable to 30% of the power of a Realm Master Peak period, once it explodes, it is enough to destroy a Chaos Realm! But to be able to fully control it, it must be a pseudo-Realm Master Great Perfection powerhouse. Like Xiao Lin, it is impossible to absorb the energy in it, and it cannot be used. A little power in it can blast him, so this kind of god treasure has nothing to him. effect.

As for the phosphor crystal, it is Divine Fire’s combustion-assistant material, which can melt the pseudo-boundary materials. Once Divine Fire’s level is high enough, even the boundary-boundary materials can be refining. It is the favorite of Artifact Refining Grandmaster. This kind of thing is very rare. Born and raised, it’s hard to find.

“The deal!” Ye Qinghan without the slightest hesitation said.

“Mr. Zuo is a person with Divine Vision. You are still young. A pseudo-Realm Master level is at your fingertips. The old man is a gift for you. Otherwise, a monument in Lin City cannot be exchanged for such a Supreme Treasure.” Xiao Lin said with a smile. .

Ye Qinghan laughed, a curvy line evoked the corner of his mouth, and the evil spirit was Ling Ran. Lu Zhantian died in the hands of Xiao Linjun, Xiao Lin must die! No matter what baby he sends, he can’t change the ending.

However, Ye Qinghan took the boundary stone, and then Ye Qinghan announced his withdrawal and took away the puppet army in the monument Lin City. All 100 surnames were panicked, kneeled at the city gate, and begged Ye Qinghan to take them away, because Xiao Linjun Once the city is occupied, the powerhouse will be slaughtered, and the weak will be the slave, and the fate of the woman will be even more tragic.

“If the gentleman is kind, the souls in this city can be taken away, and the old man is not interested in them.” Xiao Lin brought a part of the army into the monument Lin City, and then sent the phosphor crystal to Ye Qinghan. The transaction was officially completed In a good mood, I gave Ye Qinghan a favor.

Ye Qinghan watched the beings kneeling at the gate of the city gate, thinking about it for a moment, and then said, “You can follow the army through the mountain range, but you have to keep up with the team. When you reach the territory of the Dao Province, you can build a city on your own.”

“A lot of Mister Xie! Mr. Mercy! We will never be against you!” The 100 surnames in the monument Lin City are delighted with 10000 points.

Ye Qinghan then led the army and led everyone towards the mountain range.

The puppet army may remember the feelings of its fellow villagers and take care of the 100 surnames in the city. The 100 surnames cannot keep up with the army. They can only guard the palace.

Ye Qinghan didn’t stop either, he first took the army to shuttle the pole range mountain range, and returned to the pole city after a month.

The 100 surnames in Beilin City were taken by the puppet army and made a long journey. It took half a year to reach the vicinity of Jidao City.

Ye Qinghan has already ordered that the surname Lin City 100, a chartered monument, establishes a city on the site of Dao Sect, assisted by the puppet army, and rebuilt a new home for them.

These 100 surnames belong to Ye Qinghan very well. Many young powerhouses have voluntarily requested to join the army, hoping to establish military merits, have a good status, and better help the relatives of Bei Lin City, otherwise they are always a little upset.

The puppet army was dead to Ye Qinghan, and Dao Province was completely in control.

At this time, Ye Qinghan had led a large army to break through the Tiantian Gorge, occupied the central state, supported the war by war, established a puppet army, governed by people, and treated 100 people, which caused a resonance among the 100 names in the extreme world and a large number of young talents. Depressed, he joined the army and counterattacked his motherland, hoping to build a fair and just world.

There are 4 large false realms to help, the supply of supplies in the rear is very fast, and it is not difficult to fight at all. It has indeed been greatly improved. People do not destroy themselves for their own sake, the motherland does not treat themselves well, and betrayal is no harm.

The army went all the way, drove straight ahead, and forced Three Great Legions back and forth, and at this time Zhi Ge appeared and began a more aggressive attack.

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