A paper Ge joined, pushing sideways, Three Great Legions continued to defeat, and had to deploy Legion from the borders of other circles to support, but the 8 Legions of the Snow Squadron were mobilized to 4 Legions, all of which were controlled by Ye Qinghan, the coach Bit unbreakable.

Zhige He has no intention to be the deputy commander. The two have no objection and can control them. It is estimated that only Xuetian Shen (Xue Wudi) and Ye Qinghan or Ling Yan are the only ones.

Ye Qinghan led the army, 1000 2,000,000, the main ace Legion 4 large Legion, ordinary recruits are divided into 8 large Legion, Sweeping Across the World, captured ten 4 Great Prefecture cities, and completely controlled, all areas east of the hinterland were lost, extremely Wu Jie was anxious.

Longshan Prefecture, Dalongshan City, belongs to the hilly region. The mountain range is rugged and winding, easy to defend and difficult to attack. Tianwu Legion, Dragon God Legion, and Wuji Legion cooperate with the local defenders. Once here, they will be broken. Plain areas are more difficult to resist.

Dalongshan City is located in the only one large plain on the hill, with a radius of 1000 miles. The two wings in front are mountain peaks, and the valley is a mountain road, which is the most difficult to attack.

Ye Qinghan led a large army to appear outside the valley. The military tents have been arranged, and military fortifications have been set up with the exit of the mountain range as a barrier.

Ye Qinghan didn’t know where to get an Imperial Tutor chair, sitting in the center of the valley overlooking the villages and army covering the mountains and plains, not at all rushing to attack, this mountainous area is the most dangerous, and you will be attacked if you accidentally Kill, all the way to the defeat of the army, it will lead the whole body and cause the defeat of the entire Legion!

“Break it here, the Jiwu world is equal to defeat, sir can have a good plan.” Zhige Renren brought a table and 2 chairs, and sat oppositely with no intention, on the left and Ye Qinghan Right, asked indifferently.

“What do Mr. Zhi Ge and his elder brother think?” Ye Qinghan asked faintly.

“It’s all mountains here. They are used to mountain battles. They are very difficult to fight. If they storm, they will lose a lot of money! Even if they break the Dalongshan city, the subsequent battles will be difficult to fight, and they will not be able to follow up. Staring at the mountain range ahead, said solemnly.

I have no intention of tasting the divine fruit on the table, meditating silently, as if I only knew to eat.

Divine Bird was also kicked out, ran across the table and swept, leaving only residue.

Ye Qinghan flicked his fingertips and flew Divine Bird.


Divine Bird was like a small meat ball. He fell heavily on the ground, rolled over several times, was forced by the fall, and stood up and glared at Ye Qinghan.

“Just don’t eat a little of your divine fruit, as for it?” Divine Bird growled.

“Don’t try hard to eat,” Ye Qinghan said, raising an eyebrow.

“Who said that I didn’t do anything? Ben Divine Bird is intelligent and powerful! Use me to deal with such scum? Are you stupid?” Divine Bird growled.


Paper Ge sipped all the tea, and he sprayed it with no intention at all.

Looking at Zhi Ge and Divine Bird with an innocent and innocent expression, he was very dissatisfied.

“Who the hell are you talking about?” Zhi Ge was somewhat unreasonable, avoiding the indifferent look of indifferent eyes, selectively ignored, and directly questioned Divine Bird.

“Isn’t it stupid? This big fart is worth researching for a military account! It’s a waste of resources, and this Divine Bird eats me! I’m so angry!” Divine Bird pacing back and forth, thinking Scolding can’t say anything, and can’t think of other ways to deal with Ye Qinghan.

Ye Qinghan looked at Divine Bird with interest, leaning back against the chair, uncomfortable, with his fists propped on his head, curiously asked, “Divine Bird, since you are intelligent and powerful, how do you think we should attack to minimize the loss, and Break through this big Longshan city as soon as possible. “

“Why tell you? It’s my bird! I’m furious!” Divine Bird growled and growled.

Ye Qinghan’s mouth twitched, and he could go to heaven with this face.

“Are you and me angry?” Ye Qinghan’s voice was a bit cold, and his gaze was staring at Divine Bird, making him cold.

Divine Bird’s breath was stagnant, his head shrank, and he said firmly, “How can this be? Ben Divine Bird is loyal, 10000 years loyal, 10000 things are masters first, he never considers his feelings in front of the host, how can he and you pissed off!”


Ye Qinghan’s tone was as light as water, as if he hadn’t heard Divine Bird’s loyalty, in fact, he didn’t believe this uttered word at all.

Divine Bird was a little discouraged, and felt that he was hitting the horse’s legs with this ass, and he suddenly sat on the ground weakly, as if he was aggrieved.

“Then you talk about it, how should we attack?” Ye Qinghan indifferently asked.

“Water attack, drown him, fire attack, burn their sluts! Destroy the area of ​​Dalongshan by destroying human beings, and let them all bury their bodies in the fire sea!” Divine Bird growled, as if transferring hate to Longshan State.

Ye Qinghan squinted at Divine Bird, touching his chair with his fingertips, and said hoarsely, “It seems you want to burn me to death with fire.”

“How is it possible!” Divine Bird immediately retorted, and everyone thought it would be loyal, but it followed, “You are the source of the fire, how can you burn you with fire?”

Ye Qinghan’s mouth twitched, coldly said, “If I’m not the source of fire, are you ready to burn with fire?”

“That’s …” Divine Bird lowly laughed, but looking at Ye Qinghan’s icy face, he immediately said, “That’s absolutely impossible! My loyalty and admiration to my master is like a torrent of rivers, endless, It’s too late to be in awe, where can I be disrespectful to you, right? I have followed you since I was a kid, have you not understood me?

Ye Qinghan is too lazy to discuss with Divine Bird, just shut up and keep silent, look up at the mountain range all around, there are trees and weed shrubs, thorns everywhere. If it is winter, once it is lit, you can’t extinguish it if you want to put it out But it is really a genocide plan. It is too vicious and will kill many innocent people.

However, there is no heart and paper Ge, but it ’s a bit tempting. Fellow Daoist and Poor Daoist are not dead. The plan is feasible, not to mention this is other worlds, and they do n’t care about people ’s lives here.


In the imperial realm, in the imperial city, the emperor was full of anger and sorrow. Three Great Legions were defeated one after another, and they were sent to support two major Legions. However, they still could only defend, but could not completely drive the Snow Country Divine Realm and True Martial realms. Go out, let alone counterattack.

“Are you all waste? A little left and paper Ge, have no intention, but the junior, the Corps Head of the top ten Legion is helpless, Xiao Lin only has a few 1000000 troops, still unable to stop the pace of their attack, I support What are you doing? “

The great hall was dead and no one dared to invite him to fight, because the “Left Front” army had 5 large pseudo-spheres. Even if there was another Legion to support it, the situation could not be changed.

“Reward 10000000 Divine Stone, take left, paper Ge and unintentional human head, kill any of the 3 people, you can disagree surnamed Wang, get a state territory! Kill Zuo Shuaifu forward commander, with 7 Princess Any marriage! “

An order of reward was heard from the imperial city, and it was like a thunderous explosion in the huge world of extreme martial arts, setting off a huge wave.

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