Extreme Northern Snowfield is empty and unsuitable for human survival. Even the upper level here can be frostbite. This Holy War is destined to be unknown to the world. Only saints are qualified to watch the war.

Pok Oi Sheng pushed Ye Qinghan to walk alone in the snowy field, snowflakes fluttered, the wind blew, the ice sealed millions of li, and several snowdrops swayed in the wind, not even thorns.

Snowflake fluttered and dyed two people’s hair. Pak Oi-Sheng slowed down and leaned down on Ye Qinghan’s shoulder. Said with a slight smile, “Is this a white head?”

Hua!! !

Snow dances, forming a snowman, dancing in the snowy field, and the snowflakes forming large characters, they collapse in a blink of an eye.

Pu’ai Sheng Puci smiled and pushed Ye Qinghan to move forward, smiling as flowers, more beautiful than Bai Xue, more beautiful than nature, charming all sentient beings.

“Is it painful, can’t speak, can’t move with hands?” Bo Aisheng asked softly.

The snowman smiled, representing the mood of Ye Qinghan at the moment.

Ye Qinghan felt the fraternity of fraternity, and there was a rush of joy in his heart, but he couldn’t speak and couldn’t reach out to touch the fairy.

“You won this battle. I followed you. You lost. I will go with you, but I will also take Xia 9 Dragon and bury you!” Bo Aisheng pushed Ye Qinghan forward slowly and firmly Said.

The fraternity of sacred love is clear. Today Ye Qinghan is very fragile. Although the saint does not kill the saint, Ye Qinghan is different. His soul is contaminated with silence. Once the fleshhy body is broken and the soul touches the world, it immediately disappeared. .

Ye Qinghan is not immortal, and it is easy to die!

Ye Qinghan didn’t know what to say at this time. Unlike Xia 9 Dragons, unlike the ordinary saints, Xia 9 Dragons swallowed the soul of Lin 9 Stars, stripped his origins, and had the immortal mark. No one in the world can win. Ye Qinghan didn’t know for sure!

Wow ——————

wu wu wu ————————

The cold wind whistled, and the snow dance was 9 days. The two of them were snowflakes, their hair was dyed white, and their bodies were white. At this time, between Heaven and Earth was so beautiful, ethereal, and beautiful.

Two people walked on the snowy field. The Emperor Holy One and the Light Sage hung from a distance. Looking at Ye Qinghan and the Brotherhood of Love, the 2 saints actually lost their jealousy and blessed them.

The Emperor’s Most Holy was silent all the way. He wondered if there was a fairy behind Ye Qinghan. If there is a fairy, why not heal Ye Qinghan’s injury? Can’t immortal do it?

If there is no fairy, this Holy War is inevitable!


All the saints in the world are thinking of retreating, helping the mad sect, or helping the holy kingdom. There are only two options. There is no neutrality, because once one of them wins, the neutral will be liquidated.

Xiahou Holy Land, Xiahou Paragon and Xiahouhe have arrived at the Northern Snowfield. The two of them are hidden in Snow Mountain and are meditating.

“Holy War is inevitable, do you think about it? Who do we help?” Xiahou Paragon solemnly asked.

Xia Houhe took a deep breath. This is a difficult choice. If he chooses wrong, it means that Xiahou Holy Land will be razed to the ground, the winning party will not show mercy, and bloody revenge will kill all life.

Ka ka ka !

Xia Houhe clenched his fists and said firmly, “I am on the side of Kuangzong. I am sanctified by Ye Qinghan. This is the reason to help them. This is the result. Regardless of winning or losing, I have no doubts.

Xiahou Paragon is silent. He understands the power of the Lord, stronger than the Great Heaven and the Supreme Holy One. The Lord cooperates with 3 5 small saints, and can easily suppress any Great Saint. Great Saint is the main force of Holy War. On the surface, it seems that the Holy State has won.


The two saints of Kendo Great Eternal Holy Land are also thinking about difficult choices. Choose one of them. For personal affection, the holy chess lord must choose to help Ye Qinghan, but for the survival of Kendo Holy Land, he must choose the side that wins more .

The two people justified for several days, and still had no affirmative answer.

Zhanzu, he did n’t have any room to discuss with him, neither did Wu Zhenjun. According to the current relationship, they definitely chose to help the mad sect, but for survival, no one knew who they would help.

However, many Holy Land will definitely choose to help the Holy Kingdom, Tianfo Temple, Hell, Xixiang Holy Land …

Once the Holy War begins, each saint is a backbone, and if there are multiple saints, the grasp will be greater.

Everyone is planning for their own escape route. The 3000 strong sects do not want to be cannon fodder, and they are all actively operating. Some are connected with the Holy State, and some are connected with the Crazy. Forces, and Kuangzong, who knows if they really have immortals in their shadow?

Of course, there are always innocent children who are fantasizing, and there are immortals in Kuangzong.


At this point, Ye Qinghan has been pushed by Pok Oi Sheng to the extreme Northern Snowfield, where Extreme Cold, Pok Oi Sheng sends out the Holy Force, protecting Ye Qinghan’s body.

Ye Qinghan seems to be asleep. In fact, he is practicing all the time at this moment, and he is enlightened on Star Plucking Hand. He hopes to enlighten Sixth Style. Once he is enlightened successfully, it is very easy to deal with Xia 9 Dragon. so what!

But Sixth Style, let alone understand, can’t read it! Rune in the last line on page 2, a glance at Divine Consciousness is very harmful to the soul.

Therefore, Ye Qinghan temporarily gave up Sixth Style, but focused on the top 5 styles, hoping to cultivate the Star Plucking Hand to the strongest state, and the soul was exhausted, so he mobilized his mind to devour the heterogeneous immortal peach to recover, and kept Peak at all times, dare not be a little bit lax. .

All the saints in the world are looking at Ye Qinghan and Bo Aisheng. Some people are murderous-looking and some people regret 2 points.

Xia 9 Dragon has reached the center of the battlefield at this time, sit on the spot, mobilize the divine force, adjust the state, the seal of the immortal can be used again!

As soon as the war broke out, the battle for Paragon was imperative.

The Yunlong sage and other 9 masters stood in the Xia 9 dragon body, gaze as if a torch, staring at Ye Qinghan and Bo Ai Sheng who came slowly, starting with murderous intention 4 times.

However, the saints of light, saints of power, and saints of life also quietly appeared, protecting behind Ye Qinghan.

The Kuangzong people did not come, but feared that Ye Qinghan was angry. The Kuangzong saints are ready to welcome Holy War at any time, so Jiang Jingtian and Gu Qingyu took the 12 saints and rushed in, ready to protect the body of Ye Qinghan at any time. .

The Lord knows the masters of Kuangzong well, but he doesn’t care about this group of people, but instead looks at Tongtian Great Saint standing on a Snow Mountain. The silhouette flashes indifferently, “Tongtian Brother, you and I are brothers and brothers. Ask you today, do you want to be immortal? “

Throughout the sky, Great Saint silently looked at the Lord, nodded, replied, “Brother Xia, what’s your opinion?”

The Lord looks directly at the Great Saint, said solemnly, “Your ability to calculate is stronger than mine. In the past 100 years, I know that you have calculated, and I ask you, is there any immortality in Kuangzong?”

Through Heaven Great Saint expressionless, did not respond to the Lord.

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